This Procedural Manual is a public document and is adopted by the Historic Preservation Board of Medina, Ohio to describe its organization and the procedures which govern its activities. The Manual, together with the Design Guidelines and Rules and Procedures for use in reviewing applications found in Chapter 145 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Medina, its Charter and the laws of the State of Ohio, shall be the official policies of the Board.
The organization, terms of office and vacancies of the Board are established in accordance with Chapter 145 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Medina.
The Board shall hold an organizational meeting annually during the month of January and elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson by majority vote of the members present. The term of office of each shall be for the current calendar year and consistent with Chapter 145. The Chairperson shall preside at the meetings and decide all points of order and procedures. The Vice-Chairperson shall preside as Acting Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson. In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary shall call the meeting to order and a Chair Pro Tempore shall be elected by the Board to preside at the meeting.
A staff member or designee of the Planning Department shall act as the Board Secretary. The Secretary, subject to the direction of the Chair of the Board, shall keep all records, conduct all correspondence of the Board and generally supervise the clerical work of the Board. The Secretary shall not be eligible to vote upon any matter. The Secretary shall also arrange the agenda of each meeting, prepare and keep minutes of each meeting and shall prepare for public inspection an annual report of the Board's activities, cases, decisions, special projects, attendance of the Board members and qualifications of members.
Prior to the beginning of the discussion of any application, any Board member whose participation would constitute a conflict of interest shall disclose the nature of the conflict, shall remove himself/herself from any discussion concerning the application and shall not vote on said application. Board Members shall be subject to the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 102, Section 2921.42 and all opinions issued by the Ohio Ethics Commission.
Unless otherwise provided, and subject to approval by the Board, the Chairperson of the Board may appoint special committees. The Board shall determine the size, the duties, and the duration of service of such committees at the time of their establishment.
Any vacancy caused by resignation, death or other means shall be filled for the unexpired term within sixty (60) days by Mayoral appointment and approval of City Council.
The Historic Preservation Board shall have the following responsibilities:
    A.    Board will promote interest in, and aid and educate Medina citizens in historic preservation by conducting or supporting educational sessions on an annual basis and preparing informational material as appropriate.
    B.    Board shall issue Certificates of Appropriateness for construction, preservation, restoration, reconstruction and/or rehabilitation, and/or demolition of any building, structure, or object within the City’s Historic Districts and other areas as established by City Council, according to the procedures set forth for such matters in Section 145.06 and 145.07 of the Codified Ordinances.
    C.    Board shall advise other officials and departments in Medina City government regarding the protection of local historic resources.
    D.    Board shall act as a liaison on behalf of the local government to individuals and organizations concerned with historic preservation.
    E.    Board shall encourage its members to attend workshops, seminars and other educational programs on historic preservation to stay abreast of design, enforcement, funding, and other issues relevant to the proper performance of their duties.
    F.    Board shall review proposed National Register nominations for properties within the jurisdiction.
   G.   When the Board considers a National Register nomination, or other action, which is normally evaluated by a professional in a specific discipline, and that discipline is not represented on the Board, the Board may, upon authorization of City Council, seek expertise in this area before rendering its decision. It may be advised by technical consultants, under contract executed by the City as City finances permit, to assist it in performing its functions.
   H.   Board shall be responsible for maintaining a system (Ohio Historic Inventory Form) for the survey and inventory of historic properties and cultural resources within the City of Medina. All inventory material shall be recorded according to Ohio Historic Preservation Office guidelines, maintained securely, and made accessible to the public. The inventory shall be updated periodically to reflect alterations and demolitions.
8.   AGENDA.
The Board shal1 consider no application or report unless it has been received by the Secretary and placed on the agenda. Copies of the agenda shall be mailed or otherwise sent by the Secretary to each Board member, the local newspaper, and other parties as may be determined by the Secretary or Board. Applicants shall be sent a notice of hearing. Any item placed on the agenda shall be heard and action taken, unless the applicant requests that the issue be removed from the Agenda.
9.    QUORUM.
A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum, and such quorum shall be capable of conducting any business before the Board. The affirmative vote of three (3) members of the Board shall be required to act on an application.
10.    MEETING.
The Board shall hold a regular public meeting once each month in the Medina Municipal Building or other public place if so directed by the Chairperson and the Secretary. The regular monthly meeting will be held on the dates established by the Board at its annual organizational meeting.
Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chairperson, provided a notice of and the agenda for such meetings are mailed to or otherwise sent and received by the Members and the local newspaper not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to time and place of the special meeting.
Whenever there is no business for the Board, the Chairperson may dispense with a regular meeting by giving notice to all Members not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time set for the meeting.
The business of the Board shall be considered in the following order:
A.    Call to order
B.    Approval of minutes of last meeting
C.    Announcements
D.    Committee reports
E.   Old business
F.    New business
G.    Adjournment
The Board shall prepare and submit an annual report of Board activities, cases, decisions and special projects to the Planning Commission, the Mayor, and City Council. The Annual Report shall be kept on file for public inspection.
Amendments to Chapter 145 of the Codified Ordinance of the City of Medina shall be recommended to City Council by a majority vote of the entire Board at any regular or special meeting, providing notice and contents of the proposed change are mailed, or otherwise disseminated to, and received by each Member of the Board by the Secretary at least five (5) days prior to the meeting. The proposed amendments shall not be included in the Ordinance until approved by City Council.
Amendments to The City of Medina Guidelines for Historic Properties and Districts (supplemental document) may be made by majority vote of the Board after open discussion in a minimum of two meetings of the Historic Preservation Board. Amendments to the Guidelines shall be presented to the City Council for information, review and acceptance.
14.    REPEALER.
This Manual shall supersede all rules and statements of the Board or Secretary heretofore adopted, or in effect by practice, which are in conflict with the Manual.
This Manual is hereby adopted by the Board and shall take effect thirty (30) days following passage by City Council. (Ord. 179-21. Passed 12-13-21; Ord. 142-22. Passed 7-11-22.)