Certificates of Appropriateness shall be issued by the Historic Preservation Board, in accordance with the standards and regulations of Chapter 145 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Medina.
To accomplish the Board's review of an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, copies of all data specified in Chapter 145 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Medina and the application shall be required. Number of copies and samples required shall be listed on the procedural information provided by the City.
   A.    Alterations and change of color.
       1.    Photographs of existing conditions.
       2.    Drawings indicating any changes to the physical appearance.
       3.    An outline describing work and the procedures to be performed.
      4.    Material samples and manufacturer's literature for major materials and
         products to be incorporated in the building.
    B.    New buildings.
       1.    Photographs (8"x 10") of the proposed site and context including
         adjacent structures.
       2.    Site plan and elevation drawings showing the design, indicating
         drives, road, parking, walks, walls, fences, landscaping, doors,
         windows, decoration, materials, finishes and other features
         accurately representing the proposed design.
       3.    Material samples and manufacturer's literature for major
         materials and products to be incorporated in the proposed design.
   C.    Additions to existing buildings.
       1.    Photographs (8"x 10") of the existing building and adjacent
         buildings or structures.
       2.    Site plan and elevation drawings showing the design, indicating
         drives, road, parking, walks, walls, fences, landscaping, doors,
         windows, decoration, materials, finishes and other features
         accurately representing the proposed design.
       3.    Material samples and manufacturer's literature for major
         materials and products to be incorporated in the proposed design.
   D.    Demolition, partial demolition, or moving.
       1.    Photographs (8"x 10"), of the existing building in detail including context and site.
      2.   A Site Plan depicting the site of the subject building and its context.
      3.   A written request from the Owner indicating reasons for the demolition, partial demolition, or moving.
      4.   Include the following information:
         •   Status - National Historic Landmark, National Landmark Historic District;
         •   Status - Listing on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places or determination of eligibility for the National Register;
         •   Status - Historic Landmark (Medina), Historic District (Medina);
         •   Form of Ownership of the property, amount paid for property, date of purchase, party from whom it was purchased, and description of relationship between owner and applicant;
         •   Cost of proposed Demolition;
         •   The fair market value for the property and the anticipated market value after rehabilitation;
         •   An analysis of the feasibility of rehabilitation, including the costs of rehabilitation, and the income and expense likely to be produced by the property after rehabilitation;
         •   A list of alternatives that were considered and reasons why alternatives were dismissed;
         •   Board may request other information specific to the project.
      5.   The applicant may provide additional financial information supporting the case for demolition. This information may include:
         •   In the case of income-producing properties, provide the annual gross income from the previous two years and itemized expenses for the same time period;
         •   Price asked and offers received within the previous two years.
      6.   If applicant claims lack of structural or architectural integrity as the reason for demolition, he/she must offer evidence prepared by a licensed engineer or architect as to the structural soundness of the building or structure.
The applicant shall complete the application and submit all required data to the Secretary. The official date of the application shall be the date of the next regular Board meeting after all required data and fees have been submitted to the Secretary and at which the applicant is scheduled to appear.
Upon completion of the application, the Secretary shall place the application on the agenda of the next regular Board meeting and notify the applicant in writing. The Board shall review the application as it appears on the agenda.
The Board shall act on the application by resolution and shall vote to approve, approve with amendment, approve with conditions or disapprove the application. The applicant shall be advised in writing of the Board's decision. Such action shall be taken immediately following the review of the application, unless the applicant requests a time extension to modify or elaborate upon his/her proposal. When the applicant indicates to the Secretary that the modifications are complete, the extended proposal shall be deliberated at the next regular Board meeting or a special meeting called for this purpose. If more than one year has passed, applicant must file a new application. If the Board denies the application wholly or in part, the applicant shall be notified of the reason.
Upon approval of the application by the Board, the Secretary shall issue a Certificate of Appropriateness. This Certificate of Appropriateness, however, does not exempt the applicant from provisions of the Building Code, Sign Code or other applicable laws of the City, County or State. The Certificate of Appropriateness shall become void if construction has not commenced within one (1) year after the date of approval. (Chapter 145 of the Codified Ordinances).
Historic Preservation Board
Certificate of Appropriateness
meeting notice
Staff reviews
meeting notice
and staff report
Board Reviews
Application denied
Boards Action
Appeal to BZA
Certificate Issued
(Ord. 179-21. Passed 12-13-21.)