The owner of any dog which exhibits symptoms of rabies, whether or not such dog has been vaccinated, shall immediately notify the Health Inspector and shall promptly confine such dog, or have it confined, under suitable observation, for a period of at least 14 days, unless officially authorized by the Health Inspector, in writing, to release it sooner.
(Prior Code, § 92.27) Penalty, see § 92.99
Whenever the Health Inspector receives information that any person has been bitten by a dog, the Rabies Inspector shall confine the dog for a period of 14 days. No person having knowledge that any person has been bitten by a dog shall refuse to notify the Health Inspector promptly. The owner of a dog shall not refuse or fail to comply with the written orders of the Health Inspector, and any expense incurred in the handling of any dog under this and other sections of this chapter shall be borne by the owner.
(Prior Code, § 92.28) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any owner to train a dog for or to permit a dog to engage in an organized dog fight.
(B) For the purposes of this section, an ORGANIZED DOG FIGHT shall mean an event held demonstrating the dogs’ strength or skill in combat against another dog or animal.
(Prior Code, § 92.30) (Ord. 90-O-1373, passed 8-1-1990) Penalty, see § 92.99
It is unlawful to permit any dangerous or vicious animal of any kind to run at-large in the city; exhibitions or parades of animals which are ferae naturae in the eyes of the law may be conducted only upon securing a permit from the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 92.40) (Ord. 594, passed - -1965) Penalty, see § 92.99