Volunteer Fire Department
31.01 Creation
31.02 Membership; generally
31.03 Charter members
31.04 New members
31.05 Officers
31.06 Meetings
31.07 Chief
31.08 Additional officers
31.09 Cooperation with city
31.10 Bylaws
31.11 Fire calls outside city
31.12 Firefighters Relief Association
31.13 Standard of conduct; use of alcohol and controlled substance
Planning Commission
31.25 Qualifications of Planning Commission members
31.26 Removal from office; vacancies
31.27 Officers, rules, employees, salaries, and expenses
31.28 Appropriations, fees, and other income
31.29 Functions, powers, and duties
31.30 Plat approval by Commission
31.31 Rules and procedures
Economic Development Authority
31.35 Functions, powers, and duties
31.36 Qualifications of Economic Development Authority members
31.37 Removal from office; vacancies
31.38 Officers, rules, employees, salaries, and expenses
31.39 Appropriations, fees, and other income
31.40 Rules and procedures
Police Department
31.45 Establishment
31.46 Rules and regulations
Police Reserve
31.60 Establishment
31.61 Rules and regulations
There having been for some time, and now is a Fire Department in existence, and functioning in this city, this subchapter is adopted for the purpose of perpetuating the present Department, and all officers and members thereof, shall be considered as charter members thereof, and all present officers of the same shall hold their respective offices until the next regular annual meeting of the Department.
(Ord. 53, passed 9-20-1956)
Aside from the regular members now in the Department, as vacancies occur, or as it may be deemed for the good of the service, new or additional members may be accepted into the Department. The election of members, qualifications required, and other regulations as to new members shall be prescribed in the bylaws of the Department.
(Ord. 53, passed 9-20-1956)