   (A)   Alcohol and controlled substance; off duty. When a firefighter has consumed alcoholic beverages in an off-duty situation, and the need arises for fire services or rescue services, he or she shall so advise his or her supervisor upon response to an alarm. A firefighter who has consumed alcoholic beverages shall not be a driver of 1 of the city vehicles.
   (B)   Alcohol and controlled substance; on duty. Members shall not store, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances while on duty, except when authorized by a supervisor in the performance of duty or when prescribed for personal use by a licensed physician or dentist.
      (1)   Any member who is taking a controlled substance prescribed by a doctor shall inform his or her supervisor of the substance and frequency of ingestion.
      (2)   Members shall not appear for duty or be on duty while under the influence of intoxicants as established by State of Minnesota regulations.
   (C)   Firefighters reporting for duty. Members shall report for duty at the time and place required by assignment or orders and shall be physically and mentally fit to perform their duties. They shall be properly equipped and cognizant of information required for the proper performance of duty so that they may immediately assume the duties. Page call shall constitute an order to report for duty.
   (D)   Attention to duty. A firefighter carries responsibility for the safety of the community and fellow firefighters. He or she discharges that responsibility by the faithful and diligent performance of his or her assigned duty. Anything less violates the trust placed in him or her by the public and will not be tolerated by the Fire Department.
(1970 Code, § 115:25)
   (A)   The Planning Commission shall consist of the number of members as determined and appointed by the Madison Lake City Council from among residents of Madison Lake.
   (B)   Terms of office for members shall be for 3 years. The City Council may appoint an ex officio member to serve as liaison with the Planning Commission to the City Council. If this appointment is made from members of the City Council, the term of office shall terminate with the office from which ex officio is derived.
   (C)   Members other than ex officio shall be appointed from among persons in a position to represent the general public interest, and no person shall be appointed with private or personal interest likely to conflict with the general public interest. If any person appointed shall find that private or personal interests are involved in any matter coming before the Commission, that person shall disqualify himself or herself from taking part in any action on this matter, or be disqualified by the Chairperson of the Commission.
(Ord. 124, passed 3-8-1982; Am. Ord. 2016-05, passed 4-18-2016)
   Any member of the Commission may be removed from office for just cause and on written charges by a 4/5 vote of the City Council, but the member shall be entitled to a public hearing before the vote is taken. In addition, any member may be removed for non-attendance at Planning Commission meetings without action by the City Council according to the rules adopted by the Planning Commission. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson of the Commission to notify the City Council promptly of any vacancies occurring in membership, and the City Council shall fill the vacancies within 60 days for the unexpired term of the original appointment.
(Ord. 124, passed 3-8-1982; Am. Ord. 2016-05, passed 4-18-2016)
   (A)   The Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from among those of its members who are not appointed ex officio, and may create the other offices as it may determine. All members, including ex officio members, shall be entitled to vote. Terms of all elected offices shall be for 1 year, with eligibility for re-election.
   (B)   The Commission shall adopt rules for its governance and for the transaction of its business, and shall keep a record of attendance at its meetings and of resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations showing the vote of each member of each question requiring a vote, or if absent or abstaining from voting indicating the fact. The records of the Commission shall be public record.
   (C)   Subject to approval of the City Council and within limits set by appropriations or other funds made available, the Commission may employ the staff, technicians, and experts as may be deemed proper, and may incur the other expenses as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of its affairs.
   (D)   Members of the Commission shall receive the sum of $25 for each duly called meeting of the Planning Commission they attend.
(Ord. 124, passed 3-8-1982; Am. Ord. 2015-06, passed 6-1-2015; Am. Ord. 2016-05, passed 4-18-2016)