General Provisions
91.01 Purpose
91.02 Scope
91.03 Application
91.04 Adoptions by reference
91.05 Public health protection
91.06 Definitions
91.20 General permit requirements
91.21 Permit categories
91.22 Permit posting and issuance
91.23 Fees
91.24 Pre-operational inspections
91.25 Permit suspension
91.26 Permit revocation
91.40 Frequency
91.41 Right of entry
91.42 Refusal of entry
91.43 Examination of records
91.44 Inspection report
91.45 Determining the status of the food service establishment
91.46 Correction of violations
91.47 Refusal to sign
91.48 Examination and condemnation of food and equipment
91.49 Imminent health hazard
91.50 When disease transmission is suspected
91.51 Food handler and certified food manager classes
91.52 Variances
91.53 Hazard analysis critical control point plan (HACCP)
91.54 Menu limitation
91.55 Additional requirements
Temporary Food Establishments
91.65 General
91.66 Permit
91.67 Fees
91.68 Inspections and corrections
91.80 Plan reviews
91.81 Food establishments outside the jurisdiction of the health authority
91.82 Service of notice
91.83 Enforcement
91.99 Penalty
This chapter provides requirements for the issuance; suspension and revocation of permits; inspections; review of plans; prohibiting the sale of unsound or mislabeled food; employee restrictions; and enforcement of this chapter by the Macon County Health Department. Definitions and standards for management, personnel, food operations, equipment, and facilities are also included in this chapter.
(Ord. O-132-11-18, passed 11-8-2018)