Chapter 8.30
Article I. In General
   8.30.010   Definitions.
   8.30.020   Penalties.
Article II. Permits
   8.30.050   Required.
   8.30.060   Application and fee.
   8.30.070   Issuance or refusal to issue.
   8.30.080   Termination.
   8.30.090   Hearing required in all permit refusals—Suspensions or revocations.
   8.30.100   Modification of drilling program.
   8.30.110   Supplemental permit for deep drilling.
   8.30.120   Bond and issuance.
Article III. Regulations and Standards
   8.30.150   Streets and alleys—Use.
   8.30.160   Same—Obstructions— Permits.
   8.30.170   Proximity of well, tanks or pipelines to buildings.
   8.30.180   Operation and equipment.
   8.30.190   Derrick and rig types.
   8.30.200   Tests, inspections and fees.
   8.30.210   Practices and standards.
   8.30.220   Cleanliness and sanitation.
   8.30.230   Surface equipment, storage tanks and separators.
   8.30.240   Fences with locking gates required.
   8.30.250   Requirements for flaring fire prevention.
   8.30.260   Attorney's fee.
   8.30.270   Changing agents for service of process.
   8.30.280   Directional drilling.
   8.30.290   Proximity of pipelines to water well and requirements for construction.
Article IV. Operations Concerning Water Facilities Fields
   8.30.300   Permit required.
   8.30.310   Maintenance of facilities.
   8.30.320   Reporting of spills and leaks.
   8.30.330   Reporting requirements.
   8.30.340   Leakage surveys.
   8.30.350   Definitions.
   8.30.360   Material Safety Data Sheets.
   8.30.370   Disposal wells.
   8.30.380   Preventing waste.
   8.30.390   Drilling mud pits.
   8.30.400   Well records, service company records.
   8.30.410   Oil, brine, or associated oil or gas field waste; storage.
   8.30.420   Well sites and surface facilities.
   8.30.430      Prevention of pollution, contamination, or danger.
   8.30.440   Monitoring of injection and disposal wells.
   8.30.450   Well sites and surface facilities; flammable and combustible material.
   8.30.460   Secondary containment requirements and construction standards.
   8.30.470   Restoration of well site; filling and leveling of cellars, pits, and excavations.
   8.30.480   Safety measures.
   8.30.490   Use of pits to collect waste oil and tank bottoms prohibited; conveying, storing, or disposing of waste oil and tank bottoms.
   8.30.500   Cleanup and disposal of losses.
   8.30.510   Enforcement.