A. As used in this section, "Grade A pasteurized milk" and "Grade A pasteurized milk products" mean milk or milk products made from milk having a bacteria plate count not in excess of twenty thousand per milliliter or a coliform count not exceeding ten per milliliter and which milk or milk products are processed in compliance with the requirements for Grade A pasteurized milk and milk products as promulgated by the New Mexico Department of Health and Social Services' Regulations Governing the Grading and Grade Labeling of Milk and Milk Products, adopted by the state Board of Public Health on February 12, 1956, and subsequent amendments thereto.
B. No person shall sell or offer for sale within the city any milk or milk products except those qualifying as Grade A pasteurized milk or milk products. (Ord. 355 (part), 1988: prior code § 4-5-301)