Title 15
      15.04   Uniform Building Code
      15.08   Electrical Code
      15.12   Fire Zones
      15.16   Dangerous Buildings
      15.20   Flood Damage Prevention
      15.24   Wind Erosion Control
Chapter 15.04
   15.04.010   Adopted.
   15.04.020   Violation—Penalty.
15.04.010   Adopted.
   A.   The city commission adopts by reference the state building code also known as the International Conference of Building Officials Uniform Building Code, 2009 or any adopted edition adopted by the State of New Mexico hence forth.
   B.   All the conditions, provisions, limitations and terms of the current New Mexico State building code are adopted as the conditions, provisions, limitations and terms of the building rules and regulations of the city by reference as if specifically set out in full in this section.
   C.   A printed copy of the state building code and index is incorporated as a part of this code as Chapter 15.04 and is to be read and construed as part of such code as though fully set out in this section.
   D.   A copy of the building code shall be kept in the office of the city manager at the city hall and will be available at all reasonable times and subject to inspection.
(Ord. 546, 2016; amended during 1992 codification: prior code § 14-1-1)
15.04.020   Violation—Penalty.
   Any person who fails to comply with such rules and regulations as set forth in the building code adopted by this chapter or who violates any of the provisions of such building code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Prior code § 14-1-2)