(Amended by Ord. No. 183,135, Eff. 7/8/14.)
(a) Upon those streets or at those locations where the Department determines that an unusual hazard exists to life or property, or that unusual congestion or impedance to traffic movement exists or is likely to occur, the Department shall install such traffic control devices as are required by its findings to control such hazard, congestion or impedance to traffic movement. Such devices shall be effective for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days and shall be marked “temporary”. Temporary traffic signs (No Parking) shall be further marked “Commercial Vehicles with Use Permit Exempt” when the Department determines the need for such control in conjunction with a use permit for filming in accordance with Los Angeles Administrative Code Chapter 13, Article 8, Division 22.
(b) The Department may install traffic control devices as are necessary to provide the public with the most efficient use of the available curb space upon those streets or at those locations wherever authorized signs are in place giving notice that stopping or standing is prohibited, and where “Tow Away” restrictions are not included on the “No Stopping” or “No Parking” signs, or where the Council Office representing such street determines that a temporary condition will exist where the need for on-street parking will not detrimentally affect the public welfare, and where the Department determines that unrestricted parking will not result in an unusual hazard to life or property, or unusual congestion or impedance to traffic movement. Traffic control devices shall be effective for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days and shall be marked “temporary”. These temporary “Parking Permitted” signs shall specify the days and times when the “Parking Permitted” signs are in effect, and these signs shall override any other “No Parking” or “No Stopping” restrictions at the same location, except where “Tow Away” restrictions are also posted, or where there are colored curb zones.