(Amended by Ord. No. 170,880, Eff. 3/1/96.)
Upon notice of City authorization to temporarily close, in whole or in part, a public street or to withdraw that public street from public use for a period of time, or upon a determination by the Department of Transportation that traffic control is required on a temporary basis due to anticipated congestion caused by a particular event (such as a commercial or ceremonial parade, street closure, athletic event, concert or festival) or upon a request to the Department of Transportation with respect to matters involving the use of streets, the Department may install, maintain, relocate, and/or remove parking and/or traffic control devices or provide traffic control, in a manner and at a level sufficient to protect the public safety, as determined by the Department. In providing such service the City shall be reimbursed for the costs of provision as follows:
(a) In each such instance except as otherwise provided in Subsections (e) and (f), the Department of Transportation shall charge and collect the total costs of Departmental work, services, and materials provided in the case of:
1. Installation, maintenance, and removal, plus replacement for loss, or for repair of damage to any parking and/or traffic control devices, including, but not limited to, temporary signs; and
2. Placing, temporarily relocating, or removing permanent parking and/or traffic control devices.
(b) Prior to the Department proceeding pursuant to any such request, the applicant requesting the installation, use, retirement from use, maintaining, relocation, removal or replacement of a parking and/or traffic control device or devices shall deposit with the City that sum estimated by the Department to be sufficient to reimburse the City for all City costs with respect thereto. The deposit may vary in amount depending upon the scope of the costs and expenses reasonably anticipated as necessary to provide the work, services, and materials to be used as a part of or for the regulation of parking and/or traffic in the area involved. The estimated sum required to be deposited shall be based upon and not be inconsistent with the actual costs of similar work done by, and materials used by, the Department in the regular course of its duties. The Department shall estimate the amount of the deposit in conformity with a schedule adopted by the General Manager on a semi-annual or less frequent basis which sets forth and applies then current salary schedules and verifiable time and materials costs of the City with respect to those types of Departmental activities. The schedule shall be kept on file by the Department and be available to any applicant depositor at the time an application is made or as otherwise requested.
(c) Money received as a deposit from an applicant shall be deposited into the Department of Transportation Trust Fund and shall be expended therefrom for the purpose of first reimbursing the Departmental account for costs incurred by the Department in providing services and materials referred to in Subsection (a) above for the applicant- depositor.
(d) As a condition to the Department proceedings above set forth, any deposit accepted pursuant to this section shall be adjusted at the completion of the project to conform to actual costs as follows:
1. In the event actual costs incurred by the City are less than the deposit received by the City, the applicant shall be entitled to reimbursement of the excess from the deposit; and
2. In the event the costs exceed the sum on deposit, all such additional costs shall be paid by the applicant-depositor to the City upon demand.
(e) (Amended by Ord. No. 180,881, Eff. 10/26/09.) Department charges shall not apply upon a determination by the General Manager, Department of Transportation, that charges are less than $1,000 and that the action involved is required as a result of an emergency situation, to alleviate a dangerous condition, to provide police security, to alleviate traffic congestion, or to effect a street closure initiated by the City. Such determination shall be in writing and affirmed by the responsible official as follows:
1. Emergency - General Manager or Assistant General Manager, Department of Transportation.
2. Dangerous Condition - District Transportation Engineer.
3. Traffic Congestion - District Transportation Engineer.
4. Police Security - Division Captain, Los Angeles Police Department.
(f) The provisions of this section shall not apply to non-commercial events whose primary purpose is the expression of public issue speech.
No provision of this chapter for which signs or markings are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator if, at the time and place of the alleged violation, an official sign or marking is not in place and sufficiently legible and visible to be seen by an ordinary observant person.
The Department shall install signs prohibiting the making of a right turn by the driver of a vehicle against a red signal at any intersection where it determines that the making of such turns would interfere with the safe or orderly movement of traffic. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,523, Eff. 7/17/67.)
Whenever the Department determines upon the basis of traffic engineering principles and investigation that the volume of traffic or the vertical curvature or other curvature of a roadway renders it hazardous to drive on the left side of the roadway, or to drive in the center portion of the roadway, the Department shall install distinctive roadway markings on such roadway or portions thereof, where no driving or crossing over such markings or to the left thereof is permitted. Such roadway markings shall be of a type consistent with the requirements of the Vehicle Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,523. Eff. 7/17/67.)
(For Other Speed Zone Schedule, See Sec. 80.81)
Pursuant to Section 22357 and 22358 of the Vehicle Code, the City Council hereby determines, upon the basis of engineering and traffic investigation, that a speed greater than 25 miles per hour would be reasonable and safe upon the streets designated in Section 80.81 of this chapter which are otherwise subject to a prima facie speed limit of 25 miles per hour under the said Vehicle Code, and that the maximum limit of 65 miles per hour is more than is reasonable and safe upon the streets designated in Section 80.81, which are otherwise subject to a maximum speed limit of 65 miles per hour under the said Vehicle Code. The Department is hereby authorized and directed to establish appropriate signs giving notice of the prima facie speed limits established by Section 80.81
. When signs are erected giving notice thereof, the prima facie speed limits set forth in Section 80.81 shall be in effect. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,523, Eff. 7/17/67.)
(Added by Ord. No. 170,010, Eff. 10/1/94.)
Pursuant to Section 22357.1 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California, the City Council hereby authorizes the Department of Transportation to set a prima facie speed limit of 25 mph on any street, other than a State highway, adjacent to any children’s playground in a public park, but only during particular hours or days when children are expected to use the facilities. Upon investigation and determination that a prima facia speed limit of 25 mph is appropriate, the Department is hereby authorized and directed to post playground, speed limit and hours of operation signs adjacent to such playgrounds. When said signs are erected giving notice thereof, the prima facie speed limit of 25 mph shall be in effect.