(Amended by Ord. No. 182,986, Eff. 5/28/14.)
No person removing or conveying any solid waste shall fail, refuse or neglect to replace immediately in any container any solid waste that shall have fallen therefrom, in or upon any street or in or upon any premises.
(Amended by Ord. No. 186,366, Eff. 10/31/19.)
(a) No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited any solid waste of any kind whatsoever upon or in any street, or upon any premises in this City, or in the Los Angeles River.
(b) Any person whose identifying information is found in or who is otherwise responsible for the deposit of solid waste of any kind whatsoever, upon or in any street, shall be responsible for depositing it on the public right-of-way.
(c) Any violation of this article may be punishable as a criminal offense under Section 11.00 of this Code or by the issuance of an Administrative Citation. Administrative Citations shall be assessed the following fines:
1. An administrative fine of $500 for a first violation;
2. An administrative fine of $750 for a second violation; and
3. An administrative fine of $1,000 for a third violation and $1,000 for each subsequent violation.
(d) In addition to any fine or penalty imposed, whenever any person deposits or causes to be deposited any solid waste in violation of this article and the deposit results in a violation of any state or federal laws or regulations or damages public property, the deposit shall be deemed a public nuisance, and the person having deposited or caused to be deposited the solid waste shall be liable to the City for reasonable costs necessary to correct that nuisance, detriment, or adverse effect, including, but not limited to, labor, material, inspection, transportation, overhead, and incidental expenses associated with the corrective action and the clean-up of the solid waste and its effects.
In addition to the City’s right to recover all costs associated with the corrective action and the clean-up of the pollutant and its effects, the City also shall recover the City’s costs for administering any contract and supervising the work required if the City does not perform the cleanup directly. These administration costs shall equal 40 percent of the cost to perform the actual work, but not less than the sum of $100.
All costs incurred pursuant to this section shall be a personal obligation against the discharger and any owner of any property that is the source of any discharge, and are recoverable by the City in an action before any court of competent jurisdiction. In addition to this personal obligation and all other remedies provided by law, the City may collect any judgment, fee, cost, or charge, including any permit fees, fines, late charges, or interest, incurred in relation to the provisions of this section as provided in Los Angeles Administrative Code Sections 7.35.1 through 7.35.8.
(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 182,986, Eff. 5/28/14.)
No person, other than the owner thereof, the owner’s agents or employees, or an officer or employee of this City or any person holding a contract with this City for the collection, management and/or disposal of solid waste, shall tamper with or remove any solid waste, solid waste container or the contents thereof from any location where the same had been placed by the owner thereof or the owner’s agent, whether or not such container conforms to requirements or description set forth in the rules and regulations of the Board.
(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 182,986, Eff. 5/28/14.)
No employee of this City shall remove or dispose of, for said employee’s individual use or benefit, any of the contents of any container used for the collection, removal or disposal of solid waste.
(Amended by Ord. No. 182,986, Eff. 5/28/14.)
Nothing contained in this Article shall be deemed to conflict with any section of this Code regulating the collection, removal or disposal of solid waste, but any such sections of this Code and any law shall each be so construed as to give effect to every provision thereof and each shall be deemed to be independent of the other.
(Added by Ord. No. 127,508 Eff. 6/29/64.)
(a) All areas of container salvage yards used for the purpose of cleaning used containers shall be paved with concrete or other similarly impervious, easily cleaned paving material. Areas where liquid cleaning processes are employed shall be sloped to drains. Drainage facilities shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the Indus- trial Waste Permit regulations as set forth in this chapter.
(b) Used containers in which there is food residue or other such material which may attract rodents or insects shall not be stored in any used container salvage yard for longer than twenty-four (24) hours unless such container has been thoroughly cleaned and drained so as to remove all such used containers and stored in a fully enclosed rodent and fly-proof structure or storage facility.
(c) “Used Container” shall mean used tin cans, boxes, crates, barrels, drums, cartons, bottles or any other container which contains or may contain rodent or insect attracting material.
(d) “Used Container Salvage Yard” shall mean any establishment, lot, yard, place or area where used containers are repaired, processed, cleaned, bought, sold or stored or otherwise salvaged for further use, including the sale of usable containers to a container salvage yard resulting from salvage operations conducted at refuse dumps. Provided, however, that salvage container yard shall not include any disposal business or premises where containers are permanently disposed of, such as refuse dumps, or businesses or premises where containers are converted into scrap and not salvaged for use.