(Renumbered by Ord. No. 162,637, Eff. 8/23/87.)
The Board shall annually review the sewer service charge and recommend to the City Council relative to any necessary rate adjustments so as to ensure that each user will pay the user’s proportionate share of the costs of waste treatment services. (Added by Ord. No. 151,211, Eff. 8/7/78.)
(Added by Ord. No. 166,103, Eff. 8/8/90.)
64.51.01 Definitions.
64.51.03 Charges.
64.51.05 Land Use Categories and Run-off Factors.
64.51.07 Collection and Enforcement.
64.51.09 Adjustments, Exemptions and Appeals.
64.51.11 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund.
64.51.13 Disposition of Funds.
64.51.15 Annual Review.
64.51.17 Severability.
For purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) “Storm Drainage” – The excess water of the community received by the storm drain system. From the standpoint of source, it may be a combination of the runoff from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions, together with any groundwater and surface water that may be present.
(b) “Storm Drain System” – All of the property involved in the operation of the storm drainage collection and disposal system for the City of Los Angeles, including conduits, natural or artificial drains, channels and watercourses, together with appurtenances, pumping stations and equipment.
(c) “Average Storm Drainage” – The average amount of storm drainage which enters the storm drain system from a premises, based on run-off factors established by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District as defined in Section 64.51.05 of this article.
(d) “Adjustment” – A determination that the volumetric amount of storm drainage which enters the storm drain system from a premises is deemed to be a defined amount substantially different from the average storm drainage.
(e) “User” – An owner whether private, governmental, or otherwise of a unit, building, premises or lot in the City of Los Angeles.
(f) “Governmental” – A municipal corporation, city and county, county, state, federal, governmental, political or quasi-public unit, body, agency or entity.
(g) “Parcel” – Means a parcel of real property in the City of Los Angeles as shown on the local secured tax rolls of the County of Los Angeles.
(h) “Board” – The Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles.
(i) “Owner” – The legal owner of the parcel of real property, except when the legal owner of said real property is such due to the holding of a mortgage, note or other such security, in which case the “owner” shall be deemed to be the beneficial owner of said parcel of real property.
(j) “Run-Off Factor” – A number that represents the amount of average storm drainage from a parcel for a particular land use. Section 64.51.05 of this article contains a table of run-off factors for each land use type as established by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and used in the calculation of Equivalent Dwelling Units for a parcel.
(k) “Basic Assessment Unit (BAU)” – The proportionate run-off from the average single-family residential parcel. The average single-family residential parcel has an area of 0.1526 acres (6,650 square feet) and a run-off factor of 0.4176. The product of these (0.0637) is defined as the Basic Assessment Unit.
(l) “Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU)” – The number of Basic Assessment Units a particular parcel represents and is determined using the following formula:
EDU | = | (parcel area in acres) × (parcel run-off factor) |
Basic Assessment Unit |
(m) “Base Charge” – The fee/charge paid by the average single-family residential parcel owner. The average single-family residential parcel consists of one (1.0) Equivalent Dwelling Unit.
(a) There is hereby imposed a Base Charge of $23.00 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit on each parcel for the receiving, transporting, pumping, treatment and/or disposal of storm drainage through the storm drain system, said Base Charge being effective beginning July 1, 1993. (Amended by Ord. No. 168,980, Eff. 9/12/93.)
(b) The Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge (SPAC) for each parcel shall be calculated by applying the following formula:
SPAC = Base Charge × EDU
The parcel run-off factor shall be determined according to Section 64.51.05 of this article.
(Amended by Ord. No. 175,397, Eff. 9/21/03.)
0100 | Single | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.4176 0.0190 |
010C | Condominium | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.8194 0.0190 |
010D | Planned residential development | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.4176 0.0190 |
010E | Condominium conversion | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.8194 0.0190 |
010F | Cooperative | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.8194 0.0190 |
010H | Own-your-own | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.8194 0.0190 |
010M | Modular homes | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.4176 0.0190 |
0200 | Double, duplex or two-unit | Up to 0.6514 acre Area in excess of 0.6514 acre | 0.4176 0.0190 |
0300 | Three-unit (any combination) | Up to 0.9771 acre Area in excess of 0.9771 acre | 0.6815 0.0190 |
0400 | Four-unit (any combination) | Up to 1.3028 acre Area in excess of 1.3028 acre | 0.8194 0.0190 |
0500 | Five or more units or apartments | All lot areas | 0.8553 |
0700 | Mobilehomes | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.4176 0.0190 |
0800 | Rooming houses | All lot areas | 0.6815 |
0900 | Mobilehome parks | All lot areas | 0.8194 |
1000 | Open | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
1100 | Stores | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
1200 | Store combinations | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
1300 | Department stores | All lot areas | 0.9850 |
1400 | Supermarkets | All lot areas | 0.9762 |
1500 | Shopping centers (neighborhood) | All lot areas | 0.9578 |
1600 | Shopping centers (regional) | All lot areas | 0.9461 |
1700 | Office buildings | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
1800 | Hotels and motels | All lot areas | 0.9578 |
1900 | Professional buildings | All lot areas | 0.9578 |
2000 | Open | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
2100 | Restaurants and cocktail lounges | All lot areas | 0.9461 |
2200 | Wholesale and manufacturing outlets | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
2300 | Banks and savings & loans | All lot areas | 0.9578 |
2400 | Service shops | All lot areas | 0.9461 |
2500 | Service stations | All lot areas | 0.9578 |
2600 | Auto, recreation & construction equipment sales & service | All lot areas | 0.9461 |
2700 | Parking lots | All lot areas | 0.9461 |
2800 | Animal kennels | All lot areas | 0.9578 |
2900 | Nurseries or greenhouses | Up to 0.4136 acre Area in excess of 0.4136 acre | 0.4733 0.0190 |
3000 | Open | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
3100 | Light manufacturing | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
3200 | Heavy manufacturing | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
3300 | Warehousing distribution & storage | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
3400 | Food processing plants | All lot areas | 0.9578 |
3500 | Motion picture & radio/television industries | All lot areas | 0.8194 |
3600 | Lumber yards | All lot areas | 0.9578 |
3700 | Mineral processing | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
3800 | Parking lots | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
3900 | Open storage | All lot areas | 0.6551 |
FARM | |||
4000 | Irrigated – open | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
4100 | Irrigated – fruits & nuts | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
4200 | Irrigated – vineyards | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
4300 | Irrigated – vines & bush crops | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
4400 | Irrigated – truck crops | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
4500 | Irrigated – field crops | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
4600 | Irrigated – pasture | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
4700 | Irrigated – dairies | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
4800 | Irrigated – poultry | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
4900 | Irrigated – feed lots | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5000 | Dry – open | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5100 | Dry – fruits & nuts | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5200 | Dry – vineyards | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5300 | Dry – field crops | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5400 | Dry – pasture | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5500 | Dry – timber (pine) | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5600 | Dry – timber (fur) | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5700 | Dry – timber (redwood) | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5800 | Dry – desert land | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
5900 | Dry – waste land | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
6000 | Open | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
6100 | Theatres | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
6200 | Open | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
6300 | Bowling alleys | All lot areas | 0.9850 |
6400 | Clubs, lodge, halls, fraternal organizations | All lot areas | 0.9086 |
6500 | Athletic and amusement facilities | All lot areas | 0.6551 |
6600 | Golf courses | All lot areas | 0.0289 |
6700 | Race tracks | All lot areas | 0.6551 |
6800 | Camps | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
6900 | Skating rinks | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
7000 | Open | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
7100 | Churches | All lot areas | 0.8194 |
7200 | Schools | All lot areas | 0.8194 |
7300 | Colleges and universities | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
7400 | Hospitals | All lot areas | 0.7435 |
7500 | Homes for aged and others | All lot areas | 0.6815 |
7600 | Open | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
7700 | Cemeteries, mausoleums, and mortuaries | All lot areas | 0.0000 |
7800 | Open | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
7900 | Open | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
8000 | Open | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
8100 | Utilities | All lot areas | 0.4733 |
8200 | Mining | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
8300 | Petroleum & gas | All lot areas | 0.1279 |
8400 | Pipelines & canals | All lot areas | 0.0000 |
8500 | Rights-of-way | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
8600 | Water rights | All lot areas | 0.0000 |
8700 | River, lakes & quarries | All lot areas | 0.0000 |
8800 | Government owned properties | All lot areas | 0.0000 |
8900 | Dump sites | All lot areas | 0.0190 |
9200 | Horse stables | All lot areas | 0.0315 |
9300 | Unclassified | All lot areas | 0.0000 |
9800 | Non-numeric use codes | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.4176 0.0190 |
9900 | Zero – zero use codes | Up to 0.3257 acre Area in excess of 0.3257 acre | 0.4176 0.0190 |
VACANT | |||
None | All | See notes for area breakdown | 0.0190 |
1. Parcel identification numbers and corresponding use codes are taken from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works records for Flood Control Benefit Assessment.
2. A vacant designation (V) with a corresponding run-off factor of 0.0190 is assigned to the total area of those parcels whose improvement value is $4,000 or less (except parcels with use codes 2700 and 3800 and for 800 series parcel numbers).
3. A vacant designation (V) with a corresponding run-off factor of 0.0190 is assigned to the vacant portion of parcels whose improvement value is more than $4,000 if it is determined that the vacant portion is significant.
4. Parcels with superseded use codes 010A and 010B that are still remaining on the Los Angeles County Assessors records are assigned use codes of 010F and 010H, respectively.
5. Parcels with unrecognizable use codes are assigned a use code of 9800 or 9900 and are assessed in the same manner as use code 0100 parcels.
6. Parcels with unknown areas are assigned an area of 0.1526 acre (the median single-family residential parcel size).
7. Government owned parcels, denoted with 270 through 300 and 900 series parcel numbers by the Assessor, are not assessed.
8. The areas of common area parcels of cluster-type developments are divided equally among the development owners.
(a) The Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge for each parcel shall be collected by and be payable to the Los Angeles County Tax Collector along with the general taxes levied for City and County purposes and shall be subject to the same penalties and enforcement provisions relating to general taxes. (Amended by Ord. No. 168,980, Eff. 9/12/93.)
(b) If any portion of the levy, collection or expenditure of the Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge provided for herein is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining levy, collection or expenditure of the Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge shall not be affected but remain in full force and effect.