(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 157,144, Eff. 11/22/82; “Department of Animal Regulation” renamed “Department of Animal Services” by Ord. No. 174,735, Eff. 9/13/02.)
A. Purpose. It is the purpose and object of this section to establish reasonable and uniform limitations, safeguards and controls for the keeping and maintenance of equines within the City of Los Angeles.
B. Establishment of Districts.
1. The City Council may establish new Equinekeeping Districts and enlarge the boundaries of such districts now or hereafter established.
2. No Equinekeeping District shall contain less than 5 acres of land including the area of all dedicated streets and highways contained therein. All lots or parcels of property contained within the district’s boundaries shall be contiguous. The boundaries of the district shall be drawn so as to coincide as nearly as practicable with street alignments or other clearly discernible boundaries. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,352 Eff. 7/20/86.)
C. Conditions. All property within a district shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. If the equine enclosure is less than 75 feet from the habitable rooms of a neighbor’s dwelling unit, the enclosure shall not be closer to the habitable rooms of a neighbor’s dwelling unit than to the habitable rooms of a dwelling unit on the equine keeping lot.
2. In no event shall the equine enclosure be located closer than 35 feet to the habitable rooms of any dwelling unit.
3. Any additional conditions which may be deemed necessary to be imposed shall be established by ordinance.
4. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code relating to the number of equines permitted in any zone, any lot included in a “K” Equinekeeping District which was formed after January 12,1975 may be used to keep no more than one equine for each 4,000 square feet of lot area. (Amended by Ord. No. 159,341, Eff. 10/11/84.)
5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, in a “K” Equinekeeping District, an animal keeping structure may be located on any portion of a parcel except the required front yard and shall not be closer than 10 feet from the required side lot lines so long as the distance requirements of this Section are complied with. This subdivision shall not, however, authorize the location of an animal keeping structure in any side or rear yard areas as defined in Section 12.21 C.5.(a) (25 foot required yards) which immediately abut a lot which is not itself in a “K” Equinekeeping District.
6. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code to the contrary, in the “A” and “R” Zones, located within a “K” Equinekeeping District, a maximum of two equines not owned by the resident of the involved property may be boarded or kept on that property as an accessory use without such boarding or keeping being regarded as a commercial equinekeeping operation; provided, however, that the total number of equines being boarded or kept on the property does not exceed one for each 4,000 square feet of lot area. Said equines shall be issued current Equine Licenses by the City Department of Animal Services. (Amended by Ord. No. 159,341, Eff. 10/11/84.)
7. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code to the contrary, equine uses of the land on “K” Equinekeeping District lots shall be allowed to be continued if, after the legal establishment of the equine use, the City issued a building permit to construct a residential building on an adjacent lot within the legal required distance between an equine use and the residential building on an adjacent lot. If, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.24 X.5. the Zoning Administrator grants permission for a residential building on an adjacent lot to be constructed closer than 35 feet from a legally existing equine enclosure, the equine enclosure may be considered to be nonconforming if it is relocated not closer than 35 feet from the habitable rooms attached to any residential building. The nonconforming equine use shall be subject to the following limitations: (Amended by Ord. No. 173,492, Eff. 10/10/00.)
a. The equine enclosure shall not be closer than 35 feet from the habitable rooms of any residential building.
b. The subject lot has been designated by an Equine License to stable at least one licensed equine during the 12 months prior to the issuance of the building permit for the residential building on an adjacent lot.
c. The equine enclosure shall not be expanded, extended, or relocated so as to reduce the nonconforming distance between the enclosure and the habitable rooms of the residential building on an adjacent lot.
d. The nonconforming equine use shall be discontinued if, during a successive 3-year period, no equine is licensed by the Department of Animal Services to be stabled on the subject lot.
8. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code to the contrary, if an equine use in a “K” District was legally established before November 22, 1982, that use shall be allowed to continue even though the City issued a building permit between November 22, 1982 and July 1, 1986, to construct a residential building on an adjacent lot within the 35-foot required distance between an equine use and the habitable rooms of a residential building on the adjacent lot. This provision shall not apply to building permits authorized by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to Section 12.24 X.5. This nonconforming equine use shall be subject to the following limitations: (Amended by Ord. No. 173,492, Eff. 10/10/00.)
1. The subject lot has been designated by an Equine License to stable at least one licensed equine during the 12 months prior to the issuance of the building permit for the residential building on an adjacent lot.
2. The equine enclosure shall not be expanded, extended, or relocated so as to reduce the nonconforming distance between the enclosure and the habitable rooms of the residential building on an adjacent lot.
3. The nonconforming equine use shall be discontinued if, during a successive 3-year period, no equine is licensed by the Department of Animal Services to be stabled on the subject lot.
Nothing in this subdivision relieves any person from the obligation to comply with the requirements of any County or State law.
(Amended by Ord. No. 146,775, Eff. 1/6/75.)
A. Purpose – The provisions set forth in this section shall create enclaves whereby the artisan segments of the population may live, create and market their artifacts. Artcraft activities, combined with commercial and residential uses will be permitted in those areas appropriate for the establishment of a Commercial and Artcraft District.
B. Application – The provisions of this section shall apply to the areas wherein CA Districts are permitted.
C. Establishment of District.
(1) Requirements – Each application for the establishment of a Commercial and Artcraft District shall include the signatures of seventy-five percent (75%) of the owners or lessees of property of an area not less than three acres (3 acs.) in total size, or by resolution of the Commission or Council. The area shall be computed by contiguous parcels of land which may be separated only by public streets, ways or alleys.
(2) Boundaries – Public right-of-ways can be included in the computation of the total acreage in the district area described in said application and the boundaries thereof shall follow public streets, ways or alleys so far as practical.
(3) Alternate Procedures – The procedures set forth in Section 12.24 of this Chapter shall be used for those applicants desirous of a CA District but cannot comply with the aforementioned procedures.
D. Standard Conditions – Applicants desirous of a “CA” District, are subject to the limitations and restrictions contained herein. Said regulations are imposed in order to promote and achieve optimal conditions for artcraft functions, while maintaining adequate protection from obnoxious pollutants, for the adjacent properties.
(1) Production Techniques – The creating, assembling, compounding or treating of articles shall be accomplished by hand, or to the extent practical for a particular artifact.
Only those art products which are made by the artisan or the artisan’s employees from raw materials can be sold. Mass produced parts may be used only if incidental to the basic artifact. In those production techniques which necessitate the use of a kiln, the total volume of kiln space shall not exceed twenty-four (24) cubic feet and no individual kiln shall exceed eight (8) cubic feet.
Power tools shall be limited to electrically operated motors of not more than one horse power.
(2) Location of Equipment – The machinery and equipment shall be so installed and maintained, and the activity shall be so conducted, that noise, smoke, dust, odor and all other objectionable factors, shall be confined or reduced to the extent that no annoyance or injury will result to persons residing in the vicinity
(3) Area of Production – Certain artcraft activities as listed in Section E.2. shall be restricted to either indoor or outdoor manufacturing.
(4) Commercial Activities – The display of all completed artifacts shall be permitted outdoors and all commercial activities shall be limited to retail business only. The sale of all items, except antiques, shall be limited to those lawfully produced on the premises.
(5) Employees – Paid helpers shall be limited to no more than three (3) persons other than members of the immediate family occupying the dwelling on such premises.
E. Permitted Uses. It is the intent of this section to distinguish between those uses which are considered more appropriate for indoor and outdoor use. Those uses which are likely to create pollutants or other activities that would disturb the neighborhood are restricted to indoor use. Outdoor uses are those which will not create a disturbance.
Premises in “CA” District may be used for the following manufacturing and retail uses, provided artcrafts activities are limited to those decorative or illustrative elements requiring manual dexterity or artistic talent. The following list is intended to provide a guide for the nature of uses permitted in the district.
(1) Outdoor Uses – The creating, assembling, compounding or treating of articles contained in the following list shall be permitted outdoors:
(a) Antiques – restoration and sale of antiques and collectibles.
(b) Art needlework.
(c) Art studio, including painting and sculpturing.
(d) Basket weaving.
(e) Boutiques
(f) Candle making.
(g) Cartoon and animation.
(h) Ceramics – The total volume of kiln space shall not exceed twenty–four (24) cubic feet and no individual kiln shall exceed eight cubic feet.
(i) Costume designing.
(j) Dance and drama studio, not including any dance activities requiring a license.
(k) Fine Arts Gallery.
(l) Glass – The hand production of glass crystal, art novelties and the assembly of stained art glass provided that the total volume of kiln space shall not exceed twenty-four (24) cubic feet and no individual kiln shall exceed eight (8) cubic feet.
(m) Musical Instruments
(n) Photography studio
(o) Picture mounting and framing.
(p) Pottery manufacturing provided the total volume of kiln space shall not exceed twenty-four (24) cubic feet and no individual kiln shall exceed (8) cubic feet.
(q) Shoe and footwear provided all manufacturing is done by hand.
(r) Silk screen processing.
(s) Textile weaving, provided hand looms only.
(t) Toys, manufacturing of by hand
(u) Woodcarving
(v) Writing, professional studio
(2) Indoor Uses – The manufacturing, assembling, compounding or treating of articles contained in the following list shall be permitted indoors only. Such uses shall not be permitted above the first floor of any structure.
(a) Block printing.
(b) Jewelry manufacturing.
(c) Metal engraving.
(d) Ornamental Iron.
(e) Printing and publishing.
(f) Taxidermy.
(g) Watchmaking.
(3) A Zoning Administrator shall have authority to determine other uses in addition to those specifically listed in the article, which may be permitted in the CA District, when in the Zoning Administrator’s judgement such other uses or similar to and no more objectionable to the public welfare than those listed above.
(4) Artcraft Instructions – Artcraft classes shall be permitted on premises in the CA District and no additional off-street parking shall be required in conjunction therewith, provided that:
(a) Classes are held not more than two days a week for a period not to exceed three hours per day
(b) Classes are purely incidental to the artcraft uses of the property and not more than 15 persons are permitted to attend each class.
(c) Classes involve only the use of those tools and equipment applicable to production of said artifacts.
(d) All classes are held on the first floor of the building.
(e) No certificate of occupancy shall be required in connection with the use authorized by this ordinance.
(5) Residential Uses – In the R Zones, the residential regulations as required in the underlying zone to which the “CA” District overlays. shall apply. In the C and M zones, residential uses shall be permitted in connection with the main commercial, industrial or artcraft use. Said residential use shall observe the requirements set forth in Section 12.10 of the Planning and Zoning Code.
(6) Parking Requirements. (Amended by Ord. No. 169,670, Eff. 5/13/94.) Parking requirements for new buildings shall be as required in Section 12.21 A. For an existing building, for which a building permit was issued prior to April 1, 1994, the number of parking spaces required shall be the same as the number of parking spaces existing on the site.
Any structure providing a mixture of residential and art craft uses shall meet the requirements for automobile parking spaces as if each portion of the facility were an independent entity.
(7) Yard Requirements. (Added by Ord. No. 169,670, Eff. 5/13/94.) For new buildings, the yard requirements shall be the same as required by the underlying zone. For existing buildings, for which a building permit was issued prior to April 1, 1994, the yards required shall be the same as the yards observed by the existing buildings on the site.
(Added by Ord. No. 168,153, Eff. 9/13/92.)
A. Purpose. This section sets forth procedures, guidelines and standards for establishment of Pedestrian Oriented Districts within commercially zoned areas throughout the City. The purpose of the Pedestrian Oriented District is to preserve and enhance existing areas or create new areas where pedestrian activities are common, to encourage people to walk and shop in areas near their workplaces and/or residences thereby reducing multiple automobile trips, to reinforce and stimulate high quality future development compatible with pedestrian uses, to reflect the characteristics of a particular area and to encourage pedestrian use during evenings and weekends, as well as weekdays.
B. Establishment of District.
1. Requirements. The procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A
of this Code shall be followed except that each Pedestrian Oriented District (POD) shall include only lots which are zoned either CR, C1, C1.5, C2, C4 or C5. No District shall contain less than one block or three acres in area, whichever is the smaller. The total acreage in the district shall include contiguous parcels of land which may only be separated by public streets, ways or alleys, or other physical features, or as set forth in the rules approved by the Director of Planning. Precise boundaries are required at the time of application for or initiation of an individual POD. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
2. Pedestrian Oriented Streets. Pedestrian Oriented Streets shall be identified as part of the adoption process of a specific POD. The following shall be utilized to identify such streets: A Pedestrian Oriented Street is a public street where the Director of Planning finds that the street has, or will have in the case of an undeveloped area, at least two of the following characteristics at sidewalk level:
(a) The street has, or in the case of an undeveloped area will have, a variety of commercial uses and activities;
(b) A majority of the structures on the street are, or in the case of an undeveloped area will be, of a similar size and incorporate architectural details such as the location of windows, courts, building interiors and pedestrian entrances which enhance a pedestrian atmosphere;
(c) The street has, or in the case of an undeveloped area will have, amenities, such as street furniture. outdoor restaurants, open air sales, arcades and the like, which are integrated with the public sidewalk in such a way as to be conducive to pedestrian activity.
C. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following words and phrases are defined:
Blank Wall. A blank wall is any exterior building wall, including a garage opening or door which fronts on the street and which is not enhanced by architectural detailing, artwork, landscaping, windows, doors or similar features.
Building Frontage. Building Frontage is the maximum length of a line or lines formed by connecting the points representing projections of the exterior building walls onto a public street or onto a courtyard that is directly accessible by pedestrians from a public street, whichever distance is greater.
Cultural Resource. Cultural resource is a structure officially recognized to have local, state, or national significance or deemed eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places with respect to its architectural and/or historical characteristics and which is designated as such in the establishment of an individual Pedestrian Oriented District.
Financially-Oriented Services. Financially- Oriented Services are the provision to the public of financial or real estate services including, but not limited, to those offered by banks, savings and loan associations, thrift associations, real estate offices, insurance companies, brokerage firms and escrow offices.
Ground Floor. Ground floor is the lowest story within a building which is accessible to the street, the floor level of which is within three feet above or below curb level, which has frontage on or is primarily facing any Pedestrian Oriented Street, and which is at least 20 feet in depth or the total depth of the building, whichever is less.
Neighborhood Retail. Neighborhood retail uses shall be limited to retail sale of goods needed by residents and patrons of a Pedestrian Oriented District, including:
Art galleries;
Art supplies;
Athletic/sporting goods;
Books or cards;
Bicycle sales and repairs;
Clock or watch sales and/or repair;
Computer sales and repair;
Drug stores;
Fabrics or dry goods;
Food / grocery stores, including supermarkets, produce, cheese and meat markets and delicatessens;
Household goods and small appliances;
Photographic equipment and repair;
Sit Down Restaurants, excluding drive- through service;
Toys; and
Other similar retail goods as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
Neighborhood Services. Neighborhood services are those services used by residents and patrons on a regular basis, including:
Barber shop or beauty parlor;
Child care facility;
Club or lodge, bridge club, fraternal or religious associations;
Copying services;
Custom dressmaking;
Dry cleaner;
Financial services;
Laundry or self-service laundromat;
Shoe repair;
Tailor; and
Other similar services as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
Project. A Project is the erection or construction of any building or structure, on a lot in the CR, Cl, Cl.5, C5, C4, and CS Zones, or addition of floor area to the Ground Floor of any building on a CR, Cl, Cl.5, C2, C4 or C5 Zoned lot(s), unless the building is used solely for residential dwelling units.
D. Application. The district shall apply only to CR, Cl, Cl.5, C2, C4 and C5 Zoned lot(s) within a POD. In establishing any individual Pedestrian Oriented District, the City Council may adopt all of the regulations contained in Subsection E. below, however, one or more of the standards set forth in these regulations may be superseded by development standards established in the individual Pedestrian Oriented District ordinance. An individual Pedestrian Oriented District ordinance shall apply to a particular geographical area. In the event that ordinance does not include new standards pertaining to development, all of the standards set forth in Subsection E., hereof shall apply. The regulations contained in this section are in addition to the use and area regulations applicable to the underlying commercial zone. If the provisions of this section conflict with any other city-wide regulations, then the requirements of this section shall prevail.
E. Development Regulations. The Department of Building and Safety shall not issue a building permit for a Project within a Pedestrian Oriented District unless the Project conforms to all of the following development regulations, or to the regulations in a specific Pedestrian Oriented District ordinance, if applicable. The Department of Building and Safety shall not issue a change of use permit for any use not permitted in Paragraph 2. of this subsection. (Added by Ord. No. 168,153, Eff. 9/13/92.)
1. Building Frontages shall conform to the following regulations:
(a) Blank Walls. Blank walls in excess of 10 feet in width shall not be permitted. Blank walls shall be relieved by transparent windows, doors, recessed entryways, recessed courtyards, planters, murals, mosaic tile, public art and/or other means of creating visual interest.
(b) Openings in Exterior Walls of Buildings or Between Buildings for Vehicles. Any opening in an exterior wall of a building or between buildings for purposes of vehicular entry shall not be permitted, except where it is determined by the Department of Transportation that the location of these driveways cannot be practicably placed elsewhere. Garage or parking lot entrances shall not be permitted on Pedestrian Oriented Streets unless the Department of Transportation determines that there is no other alternative to the location of the garage or parking lot entrances.
(c) Openings in Exterior Building Walls Not for Vehicles. On Pedestrian Oriented Streets, openings in exterior building walls or building setbacks which are used for plazas or courtyards with outdoor dining, seating, water features, kiosks, paseos, open air vending or craft display areas shall be permitted. Building setbacks not used for the above listed permitted purposes shall be fully landscaped.
(d) Pedestrian Access. All new developments fronting on Pedestrian Oriented Streets shall provide at least one entrance for pedestrians to each Ground Floor.
(e) Pedestrian Views Into Buildings. At least 75 percent of the building frontage at the ground floor of a building adjoining a Pedestrian Oriented Street shall be devoted to entrances for pedestrians, display windows or windows affording views into retail, office or lobby space. Non reflective glass shall be used to allow maximum visibility from sidewalk areas into the interior of buildings.
(f) Second Floors. Building frontage on the floor immediately above the ground floor shall be differentiated from the ground floor by recessed windows, balconies, offset planes, awnings or other architectural details, as determined by the Department of City Planning.
(g) Building Continuity With Openings. In the event a building opening of 15 feet in width or greater is permitted pursuant to 1.(b) and 1.(c) of this subdivision, continuation of an architectural feature of the ground floor building facade shall be required to retain continuity of a building wall at the ground floor, as determined by the Department of City Planning.
(h) Requirement for Ground Floor. Each building on a lot fronting on a Pedestrian Oriented Street shall have a ground floor.
2. Uses Permitted Along The Ground Floor Building Frontage. Any use permitted by the underlying zone shall also be permitted on the Ground Floor, except that uses on the Ground Floor along the Building Frontage shall conform to the following:
The floor area on the ground floor of a commercial building along at least 75 percent of the Building Frontage, excluding the frontage used for vehicular access to on-site parking, shall be devoted to neighborhood retail and/or neighborhood services, except that any Financially-Oriented Service may occupy only up to 50 percent of the Ground Floor along the Building Frontage on each street frontage.
3. Uses Permitted Above The Ground Floor. Any use permitted in the underlying zone shall be permitted above the ground floor.
4. Yards. Yard requirements shall be as required by the underlying zone, unless otherwise specified in an individual Pedestrian Oriented District ordinance.
5. Height.
(a) The height of a building shall not exceed 40 feet. If the underlying zone otherwise permits a height in excess of 40 feet, then any portion of the building above 40 feet in height, including the roof and roof structure, shall be set back from the front lot line at a 45 degree angle, for a horizontal distance of not less than 20 feet.
(b) The height of a building adjacent to one or more cultural resources shall not exceed a height that is within five feet of the weighted average height of the adjacent cultural resource(s) or 30 feet, whichever is greater. If the underlying zone otherwise permits a height above 30 feet, then any portion of the building above 30 feet in height shall be set back from the lot line at a 45 degree angle, for a horizontal distance of not more than 20 feet.
6. Parking.
(a) No surface parking shall be permitted within 50 feet from any Pedestrian Oriented Street right-of-way. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply if the Department of Transportation determines that there is no other feasible alternative to the location of the parking.
(b) Any surface parking adjoining a Pedestrian Oriented Street shall be screened by a solid wall having a continuous height of three and one-half feet. In addition, the wall shall be separated from any adjacent public right-of-way by a minimum continuous width of five feet of landscaped area. If an architectural theme has been established for an individual POD, then the wall shall be compatible with that theme. Surface parking lots shall be landscaped with shade trees at the ratio of one tree for each four parking spaces.
(c) All above-grade parking spaces visible from a public right-of-way shall be screened architecturally or with landscaping.
7. Landscaping Standards.
(a) Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Department of Planning shall approve a landscape plan for new projects and parking areas. In approving this plan, the Department shall find that trees, compatible in size and variety with (b) below, are planted in all landscaped areas at the highest practical density and that planted windows boxes, and hanging plant baskets and flower beds in parking lots are provided, where possible. An overall landscape plan may be developed for each individual POD to enhance a chosen theme or style.
(b) Shade producing street trees shall be planted, where feasible, at a ratio of at least one for each 25 feet of frontage at a distance no greater than 10 feet from the curb. Elevated planters, tree grates and tree guards shall be provided, where needed. Notwithstanding the above, (i) the size, location and variety of trees shall be determined by the Department of Public Works: (ii) where street lights are existing or proposed to be installed, trees shall not be planted within 20 feet of the location of the existing or proposed street light.
(c) An automatic irrigation system shall be provided for all landscaped areas including shade trees and shall be indicated on landscape plans. Property owners shall maintain all landscaping in good healthy condition and shall keep planted areas free of weeds and trash.
8. Special Theme or Other Provisions. A special theme or architectural style may be defined for an individual POD. Special requirements or guidelines directed at preserving such theme may be adopted with the establishment of an individual POD. Such requirements may include, but not be limited to, standards pertaining to uniform theme lighting, art works, sculpture, landscaping, street furniture, sidewalk design, and setbacks.
9. Signs.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to the contrary, no person shall erect the following signs as defined in Section 91.6203 of the Los Angeles municipal Code:
(i) off-site commercial signs, except that existing legally erected off-site commercial signs may be replaced on the same or a new site provided that the location and sign otherwise meet all current ordinance requirements of Division 62 (Signs), Section 91.6220 (Off-site signs);
(ii) pole signs,
(iii) projecting signs; or
(iv) roof signs advertising individual businesses.
Signs advertising the entire POD are permitted if approved by the Director of Planning.
(b) Monument signs and information signs for individual businesses may be approved as part of an overall POD plan or design.
11. Utilities. Where possible, all new utility lines for any individual building or proposed within a POD shall be installed underground.
F. Director’s Determination. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.) If a proposed Project fails to meet the development standards in Subsection E. above, or the standards in a specific pedestrian oriented district ordinance, whichever are applicable, the applicant may apply to the Director of Planning for a Director Determination pursuant to Sec. 13B.2.5. (Director Determination) of Chapter 1A
of this Code. Such application shall be filed in the public office of the Department of City Planning upon a form prescribed for that purpose. The filing fee shall be equivalent to that established for “Approval of plan required for Supplemental Use District”, set forth in Section 19.01 A. of this Chapter. The application shall be accompanied by architectural, landscape and structural plans for the Project, or other information, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. All ground floor uses for the Project shall be clearly identified.
1. Supplemental Findings. In addition to the findings set forth in Sec. 13B.2.5. (Director Determination) of Chapter 1A
of this Code, in order to approve a proposed construction project pursuant to this subsection, the Director must find that:
(a) If adjacent to a cultural resource that the project will be compatible in scale (i.e., bulk, height, setbacks) to that resource.
(b) The project conforms with the intent of the development regulations contained in Subsection E. of this section.
(c) The project is compatible with the architectural character of the Pedestrian Oriented District where the character is defined pursuant to the ordinance establishing that district.
(d) The project complies with theme requirements or other special provisions when required in the individual Pedestrian Oriented District.
(e) The project is consistent with the General Plan.
2. Notification to Department of Building and Safety. When a determination of the Director becomes final, the Director or Director’s designee shall send a written notice of the determination to the Department of Building and Safety. If the Director approves the Project, this approval shall be so indicated on the building permit application and building plans.
(New Sec. 13.08 Added by Ord. No. 172,032, Eff. 6/29/98.)
A. Purpose. This section sets forth procedures and standards for the establishment of Community Design Overlay Districts throughout the City. The purpose of the Community Design Overlay district is to:
1. Assure that development within communities is in accordance with community design policies adopted in the Community Plans, and with the Community Design Guidelines and Standards;
2. Promote the distinctive character, stability and visual quality of existing neighborhoods and communities by ensuring that development visually provides a sense of place in terms of design within the Community Design Overlay District by considering the unique architectural character and environmental setting of the district;
3. Assist in improving the visual attractiveness of multi-family housing available to meet the needs of all social and economic groups within the community;
4. Protect areas of natural scenic beauty, cultural or environmental interest;
5. Prevent the development of structures or uses which are not of acceptable exterior design or appearance; and
6. Protect the integrity of previously attained entitlements.
7. Provide for on-going community involvement in project design and evolution of guidelines.
B. Establishment of District. The City Council may establish new districts, or change boundaries of districts, by following the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A
of this Code. A district may encompass all or portions of the area of a community plan, as recommended by the policies of that plan. Precise boundaries are required at the time of application or initiation of an individual Community Design Overlay District. A Community Design Overlay District shall not encompass an area designated as an Historic Preservation Overlay Zone pursuant to Sec. 13B.8.2. (Historic Preservation Overlay Zone Designation) of Chapter 1A
of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
C. Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
1. Design Overlay Plans. A document or documents which pictorially describe, by professionally accepted architectural graphic techniques, the location, appearance, configuration and dimensions of any proposed buildings, structures and site improvements including but not limited to landscaping, walls and fences, roof equipment, pole signs, monument signs, and parking areas.
2. Project. The erection, construction, addition to, or exterior structural alteration of any building or structure, including, but not limited to, pole signs and/or monument signs located in a Community Design Overlay District. A Project does not include construction that consists solely of (1) interior remodeling, interior rehabilitation or repair work; (2) alterations of, including structural repairs, or additions to any existing building or structure in which the aggregate value of the work, in any one 24- month period, is less than 50 percent of the building or structure’s replacement value before the alterations or additions, as determined by the Department of Building and Safety, unless the alterations or additions are to any building facade facing a public street; or (3) a residential building on a parcel or lot which is developed entirely as a residential use and consists of four or fewer dwelling units, unless expressly provided for in a Community Design Overlay District established pursuant to this section.
3. Citizen Advisory Committee. A committee appointed by the Councilmember(s) pursuant to Subsection D.2. of this section in whose District a Community Design Overlay District is established, who shall assist the Planning Department in the development of Design Guidelines and Standards.
D. Approval of Guidelines and Standards. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.) In establishing any individual Community Design Overlay District, the Director of Planning shall prepare, and the City Planning Commission shall approve by resolution pursuant to Sec. 13B.1.5. (Policy Action) of Chapter 1A
of this Code, Community Design Guidelines and Standards applicable to design overlay areas. These Guidelines and Standards shall be adopted or amended according to the following procedures and criteria:
1. Initiation. Preparation or amendment of the Guidelines and Standards may be initiated by the Director of Planning, the City Planning Commission or City Council.
2. Preparation and Content. Upon initiation, the Director shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, proposed Guidelines and Standards based on the design policies contained in the Community Plan. At the option of the Council District, the Director shall utilize Advisory Boards in the development of design standards for individual communities and neighborhoods. The Guidelines and Standards shall be organized into those which are anticipated to be superseded by future citywide standards, and those that are necessary to protect the unique architectural and environmental features of the Community Design Overlay District.
The Guidelines and Standards are in addition to those set forth in the planning and zoning provisions of Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Chapter 1, as amended, and any other relevant ordinances and do not convey any rights not otherwise granted under the provisions and procedures contained in that chapter and other relevant ordinances, except as specifically provided herein.
Furthermore, nothing in the Guidelines and Standards shall interfere with any previously granted entitlements, nor shall they restrict any right authorized in the underlying zone or height district.
At the option of the Councilmember(s), a Citizen Advisory Committee shall be appointed to assist in development of Guidelines and Standards. The Citizen Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Councilmember in whose district the Community Design Overlay District is established, and the committee shall consist of a minimum of five and a maximum of seven voting members, each serving a term of office of four years, the terms being staggered so that at least one term becomes vacated on each successive year. The chairperson and vice chairperson shall be elected annually by a majority of the committee. The suggested composition of membership is as follows: two architects and two professionals from the following or related fields: planning, urban design and landscape architecture, or construction. The remaining member or members need not be design professionals. All members shall reside, operate a business, or be employed within the community plan area(s) in which the Community Design Overlay District is located.
E. Director Determination. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.) Within a Community Design Overlay District, no building permit shall be issued for any project, and no person shall perform any construction work on a Project, unless a Director Determination has been submitted and approved pursuant to Sec. 13B.2.5. (Director Determination) of Chapter 1A
of this Code. No building permit shall be issued for any project, and no person shall do any construction work on a project except in conformance with the approved Director Determination.
EXCEPTION: No Director Determination approval shall be required for any project until the Guidelines and Standards have been approved.
1. Supplemental Findings. In addition to the findings set forth in Sec. 13B.2.5. (Director Determination) of Chapter 1A
of this Code, the Director of Planning, or the Area Planning Commission on appeal, shall approve a Director Determination as requested or in modified form if, based on the application and the evidence submitted, if the Director or Area Commission determines that it satisfies all of the following requirements:
(a) The project substantially complies with the adopted Community Design Overlay Guidelines and Standards.
(b) The structures, site plan and landscaping are harmonious in scale and design with existing development and any cultural, scenic or environmental resources adjacent to the site and in the vicinity.
2. Notice of Director Determination. In addition to the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.2.5. (Director Determination) of Chapter 1A
of this Code, within five working days following the decision, a Notice of the Director’s Determination, and copies of the approved plans, shall be mailed to the applicant, the Councilmember in whose district the Project is located, the Citizen Advisory Committee, and any persons or organizations commenting on the application or requesting a Notice.
The Director of Planning shall also notify the Department of Building and Safety of the final approval action of the Director Determination.
(New Sec. 13.09 Added by Ord. No. 172,171, Eff. 9/27/98.)
A. Purpose. The purpose of the Mixed Use District is to implement the General Plan by encouraging land uses that combine Commercial Uses and dwelling units in order to reduce vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled by locating residents, jobs, and services near each other; to improve air quality through a reduction of vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled; to support the transit system; to promote economic vitality and the revitalization of areas of special need; to provide for a variety of housing opportunities, including senior housing; to improve the efficiency of public services, systems, and utilities; to promote design quality and flexibility; and to promote pleasing and interesting urban form and architecture. Areas proximate to mass transit stations and major bus routes are appropriate locations for Mixed Use Districts.
B. Establishment of District.
1. Requirements. A Mixed Use District may only include lots in the R5, CR, C1, C1.5, C2, C4, or C5 zones. Lots in the R3 or R4 zones may also be included in a Mixed Use District if they (1) abut a designated major or secondary highway; and (2) are also located in a Community Plan designated regional or community center.
A Mixed Use District shall contain no less than one Block Face. The total acreage in a Mixed Use District shall include contiguous parcels of land which may only be separated by public streets, alleys, or other physical features, or as determined by the Director of Planning, or the Director's designee. Precise boundaries are required to be delineated at the time of application or initiation of an individual rezoning application to Mixed Use District.
A Mixed Use District shall be consistent with the intent and purposes of the applicable Community Plan. If, as determined by the Director of Planning or the Director's designee, the provisions of this section conflict with those of an adopted specific plan, then the provisions of the specific plan shall prevail. If the provisions of this section conflict with any other citywide regulations except an adopted specific plan, then the provisions of this section shall prevail. If “Q” or “D” limitations have been imposed on a lot, then the most restrictive requirement shall prevail.
2. Standard Provisions and Permitted Modifications. In establishing an individual Mixed Use District, all of the standard provisions set forth in Subsection C., Uses; Subsection D., Yards; Subsection E., Development Incentives; Subsection F., Development Standards; and Subsection G., Pedestrian Orientation, shall apply.
However, based on an appropriate consideration of the proposed district’s character, needs, and development potential, and the goals, objectives, and policies set forth in the applicable Community Plan, some of the standard provisions set forth in Subsections C. or E. may be eliminated or modified, as further described below.
3. Definitions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, the following definitions shall apply to this section:
Automotive Uses means automobile and trailer sales areas, automobile dismantling yards, automotive fueling and service stations, and automotive repair uses as defined in Section 12.03.
Block Face is a lot or a group of lots that abuts on at least three sides a public street or other physical feature, or as determined by the Director of Planning, or the Director of Planning’s designee.
Building Frontage means the maximum length of a line or lines formed by connecting the points representing projections of the exterior building walls onto a public street or onto a courtyard that is directly accessible by pedestrians from a public street, whichever distance is greater.
Central Parking Structure is a parking structure or surface lot accessible to and available for use by the public and identified as a Central Parking Structure in the individual ordinance establishing the Mixed Use District.
Commercial Uses means those uses as first permitted in the CR, C1, C1.5, C2, C4, or C5 zones, including guest rooms and hotels as defined in Section 12.03 and Community Facilities as defined by this section.
Community Facilities means the following uses as first permitted by the CR zone and designed to serve the community-at-large: non- profit museums or libraries; child or adult day care facilities or nursery schools; churches or houses of worship (except rescue missions or temporary revivals); community centers or meeting rooms owned and operated by a governmental agency or non-profit organization; cultural centers owned and operated by a governmental agency or non-profit organization; schools, elementary or high; educational institutions; police substations; and telecommuting centers.
Corner Lot means a lot located at the intersection of at least two streets designated on the Transportation Element of the General Plan as either a major, secondary, or other highway classification, or a collector street. At least one of the streets at the intersection must be a designated highway.
Facade Treatment is a rooftop architectural embellishment such as a Mansard roof that is constructed on the street-facing side of a Mixed Use Project.
Ground Floor is the lowest story within a building which is accessible from the street, the floor level of which is within three feet above or below curb level.
Major Bus Center means the intersection of two bus routes, one of which is a major bus route.
Major Bus Route means a bus route that is served by bus lines with evening peak hour headways of fifteen minutes or less and shown on a map approved by and reviewed annually by the City Planning Commission. A bus route is one that is currently in operation within the route network of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, its successor agencies or other municipal transit operators but not including the City of Los Angeles’ DASH system or its successor agencies.
Mass Transit Station is a portal or platform at a transit stop for a fixed rail transit system. Portal means the street-level entrance, exit, or escalator. A Mass Transit Station is a facility that is currently in use, that a full funding contract for a proposed station’s location and portals has been signed by all funding partners, or one that a resolution to fund a preferred alignment has been adopted by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority or its successor agency which resolution details specific station and portal locations.
Mixed Use Project means a Project which combines one or more Commercial Uses and multiple dwelling units in a single building or in a Unified Development and which provides the following:
(1) a separate, Ground Floor entrance to the residential component, or a lobby that serves both the residential and Commercial Uses components; and
(2) a pedestrian entrance to the Commercial Uses component that is directly accessible from a public street, and that is open during the normal business hours posted by the business.
A minimum of 35 percent of the Ground Floor Building Frontage abutting a public commercially zoned street, excluding driveways or pedestrian entrances, must be designed to accommodate Commercial Uses to a minimum depth of 25 feet.
Pedestrian Amenities means outdoor sidewalk cafes, public plazas, retail courtyards, water features, kiosks, paseos, arcades, patios, covered walkways, or spaces for outdoor dining or seating that are located on the Ground Floor, and that are accessible to and available for use by the public.
Project means the construction of a commercial, residential, or Mixed Use Project in a single building or in a Unified Development.
Unified Development means a development of two or more buildings which have functional linkages such as pedestrian or vehicular connections, with common architectural and landscape features which constitute distinctive design elements of the development, and that appears to be a consolidated whole when viewed from adjoining streets. Unified Developments may include two or more contiguous parcels or lots of record separated only by a street or alley.
4. Supplemental Findings. In order to establish a Mixed Use District, the City Council must also find that adequate infrastructure exists (including, but not limited to, schools, streets, and sewers) to support any added development permitted by the district. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
C. Uses. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, the following provisions shall apply:
1. Community Facilities that are part of a Mixed Use Project are permitted in the R3 or R4 zones if the lot or lots abut a Major Bus Route.
2. Commercial Uses that are part of a Mixed Use Project are permitted on lots in the R5 zone, except Automotive Uses as defined in Section 13.09 B.3. and open storage, including incidental open storage.
3. Projects comprised exclusively of dwelling units are not permitted on lots in the CR, C1, C1.5, C2, C4, or C5 zone, except with the approval of the Zoning Administrator pursuant to Section 12.27 I.23. However, the individual ordinance establishing a Mixed use District may amend this provision and permit Projects comprised exclusively of dwelling units in all or parts of the District.
4. If the City Council finds that further restricting the uses in a Mixed Use District is appropriate in light of the proposed district’s character, needs, and development potential, and the goals, policies, and objectives set forth in the applicable Community Plan, then the Council may do so in the ordinance establishing the district.
D. Yards. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article to the contrary, the following yards shall apply to Mixed Use Projects:
1. The yards of the CR zone shall apply to the non-residential component on lots in the R3 or R4 zones.
2. The following yards shall apply to lots in the R5 zone:
(a) The yards of the C2 zone shall apply to the non-residential component.
(b) No yards shall apply to the residential component if it abuts a street, private street, or alley.
E. Development Incentives. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the contrary, the following development incentives shall apply in Mixed Use Districts:
1. Housing. The individual ordinance establishing a Mixed Use District shall establish an incentive for dwelling units in Mixed Use Projects. The amount of the incentive shall be based on an appropriate consideration of the proposed district’s character, needs, and development potential, and the goals, policies, and objectives set forth in the applicable Community Plan.
The incentive shall be shown on the “Zoning Map” by use of the capital letters “MU” for Mixed Use Projects and “C” for Commercial Uses, preceded by the applicable numerical limits. The first two-digit number before the diagonal line shall indicate the maximum height permitted. The first number after the diagonal line, which may include a decimal fraction, shall indicate the maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR). For example, a Mixed Use District zoned C2 45/2.0-MU 35/1.5-C means that a Mixed Use Project may not exceed a maximum height of 45 feet for the entire Project or an FAR of 2.0. The Commercial Uses in a Mixed Use Project would be restricted to a maximum FAR of 1.5. Projects comprised exclusively of Commercial Uses would be restricted to a maximum height of 35 feet and a maximum FAR of 1.5. If the letter “U” appears before the diagonal line instead of a number, then an unlimited height is permitted.
(a) If a height or FAR housing incentive would result in a maximum height or FAR which exceeds that of the underlying base zone, then the Project may not proceed until the height district of the base zone is changed.
(b) The minimum dwelling unit FAR for Mixed Use Projects with a total FAR of 6.0 or greater is 1.5
(c) The lot area requirements of the R5 zone shall apply to Mixed Use Projects with a total FAR of 6.0 or greater.
2. Pedestrian Amenities. Pedestrian Amenities shall not be included in the calculation of permitted FAR.
3. Parking. If a proposed Mixed Use District includes lots within 1,500 feet of a Mass Transit Station or Major Bus Center, or lots within 750 feet of a Central Parking Structure, then the individual ordinance establishing the Mixed Use District shall include a parking incentive which specifies a reduction in the number of parking spaces required by Section 12.21 A.4. Provided, however, a minimum of two spaces for every 1,000 square feet of non-residential floor area shall be required. In determining the appropriate level of parking reduction, the City Council shall consider such factors as local transit dependency and automobile usage, traffic, available parking, and level of transit service, and the goals, policies, and objectives set forth in the applicable Community Plan.
(a) Transit Facilities. The transit facility incentive shall be restricted to dwelling units and Commercial Uses in Mixed Use Projects within 1,500 feet of a Mass Transit Station or Major Bus Center.
(b) Central Parking Structures. The Central Parking Structure incentive shall be restricted to Commercial Uses within 750 feet of a Central Parking Structure. To make use of this incentive, the owner(s) of the Central Parking Structure must execute and record in the Los Angeles County Recorder’s Office, a covenant and agreement for the benefit of the City of Los Angeles which provides that the required parking shall be maintained in perpetuity or until the Director of Planning determines that it is no longer necessary. This incentive may not be combined with the transit facility incentive set forth in (a) above.
(c) Measurement of Distance. Distance from a transit facility or Central Parking Structure shall be measured as specified in Section 12.21 A.4.(g).
(d) Downtown Exceptions. The parking incentive for dwelling units as set forth in Section 13.09 E.3.(a) above shall not be authorized in the Parking Exception Area for the Central City as described in Section 12.21 A.4.(p). The parking incentive for Commercial Uses as set forth in Section 13.09 E.3.(a) and (b) above shall not be authorized in the Downtown Business District Exception Area as described in Section 12.21 A.4.(I).
(e) Affordable Housing. The transit facility and Central Parking Structure incentives set forth above shall not be combined with the parking reduction provided for affordable housing as set forth in Section 12.22 A.25.(d)(2).
4. Facade Treatments, Corner Lots, and Community Facilities. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,492, Eff. 10/10/00.) Each Mixed Use Project shall be entitled to one of the following incentives by right. To obtain an entitlement for two or more of these incentives, the approval of the Zoning Administrator pursuant to Section 12.24 W.28. is required.
(a) Facade Treatments. Unless eliminated or modified by the individual ordinance establishing a Mixed Use District, if the maximum height otherwise permitted by the underlying zone or established pursuant to Section 13.09 E.1. above is less than 100 feet, then a Mixed Use Project is entitled to an increase in height of no more than ten feet, provided that the additional height is used for a Facade Treatment.
The individual ordinance establishing the Mixed Use District may not modify the following restrictions:
(2) The Facade Treatment incentive may not be combined with the Corner Lot incentive described in Paragraph (b) below; and
(3) The Facade Treatment incentive may not be used for signs or to increase the floor area of a structure.
(b) Corner Lots. Unless eliminated or modified by the individual ordinance establishing a Mixed Use District, a Mixed Use Project on a Corner Lot is entitled to an increase in height, FAR, and residential density for dwelling units that is 20 percent greater than what is otherwise permitted by the underlying zone or what is established pursuant to Section 13.09 E.1. above.
The individual ordinance establishing the Mixed Use District may not modify the following restrictions:
(1) Unless a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12.24 W.28. is also obtained, a Mixed Use Project which secures an affordable housing density bonus pursuant to California Government Code Section 65915 shall not also be entitled to the Corner Lot incentive; and
(c) Community Facilities. Unless modified by the individual ordinance establishing the Mixed Use District, no more than 75 percent of the total floor area of a child or adult day care facility, community meeting room, cultural center, museum or telecommuting center shall be included in the calculation of permitted FAR.
5. Mini-Shopping Centers and Commercial Corner Developments. (Amended by Ord. No. 172,350, Eff. 1/30/99.) Mixed Use Projects are exempt from the regulations governing Mini-Shopping Centers and Commercial Corner Developments as set forth in Section 12.22 A.23.
F. Development Standards. Notwithstanding the requirements of any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, all Projects shall comply with the following development standards.
1. Landscaping and Surface Parking Lots. (Amended by Ord. No. 175,223, Eff. 6/30/03.) Landscaping of Projects and surface parking lots shall be provided in accordance with the requirements set forth in Sections 12.41, 12.42, 12.43 and 12.22 A.23.(10)(ii) (mini-shopping centers and commercial corner developments) of the Code. Projects must also comply with the following additional requirements:
(a) Open Areas. All open areas not used for buildings, driveways, parking, recreational facilities, or Pedestrian Amenities shall be landscaped by shrubs, trees, ground cover, lawns, planter boxes, flowers, or fountains.
(b) Pavement. Paved areas, excluding parking and driveway areas, shall consist of enhanced paving materials such as stamped concrete, permeable paved surfaces, tile, and/or brick pavers.
(c) Street Trees. At least one 24-inch box street tree shall be planted in the public right-of-way on center, or in a pattern satisfactory to the Bureau of Street Maintenance, for every 25 feet of street frontage.
2. Open Space. All Projects shall comply with the open space requirements for six or more residential units pursuant to Section 12.21 G.
3. Facade Relief. Building Frontage shall be designed to comply with the following requirements. These standards do not apply to accessory buildings, additions, remodels, or any change of use in an existing building.
(a) Horizontal architectural treatments and/or facade articulations such as cornices, friezes, balconies, awnings, Pedestrian Amenities, or other features shall be provided for every 30 feet of building height visible from a street.
(b) If a Project includes 40 or more feet of Building Frontage visible from a street, then vertical architectural treatments and/or facade articulations such as columns, pilasters, indentations, or other features shall be provided for every 25 feet. The minimum width of each vertical break shall be eight feet and the minimum depth shall be two feet.
4. Signage. Signage shall comply with the requirements of Section 12.22 A.23.(a)(6) (mini- shopping centers and commercial corner developments). (Amended by Ord. No. 175,223, Eff. 6/30/03.)
5. Noise Control. Any dwelling unit exterior wall including windows and doors having a line of sight to a major highway, secondary highway, or other designated highway shall be constructed so as to provide a Sound Transmission Class of 50 or greater, as defined in the Uniform Building Code Standard No. 35-1, 1979 Edition. The developer, as an alternative, may retain an acoustical engineer to submit evidence, along with the application for a building permit, specifying any alternative means of sound insulation sufficient to reduce interior noise levels below 45 dBA in any habitable room.
6. Rooftop Appurtenances. All ventilation, heating, or air conditioning ducts, tubes, equipment, or other related rooftop appurtenances shall be screened when viewed from adjacent streets.
G. Pedestrian Orientation. The individual ordinance establishing a Mixed Use District, may designate some or all of the lots in the district as “pedestrian oriented.” The decision as to which lots shall be designated as “pedestrian oriented” shall be based on an appropriate consideration of the proposed district’s character, needs, and development potential, and the goals, policies, and objectives set forth in the applicable Community Plan.
The following development standards, in addition to the development standards set forth in Subsection F. above, shall apply to all Projects constructed on lots designated as pedestrian oriented. These standards shall not apply to accessory buildings, additions, remodels, or any change of use in an existing building.
1. Ground Floor Commercial Uses. One hundred percent of the Ground Floor Building Frontage abutting a public commercially zoned street, excluding driveways or pedestrian entrances, shall be designed to accommodate Commercial Uses to a minimum depth of 25 feet.
2. Building Frontage. Building Frontage shall, for its first 15 feet of height, be located within five feet of the front lot line and within five feet of a side yard lot line adjacent to a public street and shall extend at least 65 percent of the length of the lot line.
3. Pedestrian Amenities. Notwithstanding the Building Frontage requirements in 2 above, if a Pedestrian Amenity is provided, the required Building Frontage may be set back up to 15 feet along the portion of that amenity.
4. Location of Pedestrian Entrances. Each individual tenant or business space located on the Ground Floor shall have an entrance directly accessible from the street at the same grade as the sidewalk, and the entrance shall remain open during the normal business hours posted by the business.
5. Openings in Building Frontages for Vehicular Access. Vehicular access shall be provided from side streets or alleys if available. Where side street or alley access is not available, not more than one 20-foot wide driveway shall be provided per 100 feet of Building Frontage, and not more than two driveways shall be permitted per building.
6. Parking. Surface parking lots or parking structures shall be located behind the required Building Frontage, in the rear, interior portion of the lot that does not front on the street.
7. Transparency of Building Frontage. Building Frontage shall comply with the requirements of Section 12.22 A.23.(a)(3) (mini-shopping centers and commercial corner developments). (Amended by Ord. No. 175,223, Eff. 6/30/03.)
(New Sec. 13.10 Added by Ord. No. 172,460, Eff. 3/22/99.)
A. Purpose. This section sets forth procedures, guidelines and standards for the establishment of Fence Height Districts (FH) in residential areas of the City. The purpose of the Fence Height District (FH) is to permit open wrought iron fences in the front yards of properties in residential zones to be higher than normally permitted by this Code in areas where special circumstances such as a high rate of residential burglary or other crimes, or the character of the neighborhood necessitates the erection of those fences.
B. Establishment of Districts. The procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A
of this Code shall be followed except that each Fence Height District (FH) shall include only lots which are in residential zones, and shall not include lots which are in Hillside Areas, in the Coastal Zone, in Historic Preservation Overlay Zones, or in Specific Plan Areas. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
C. Development Regulations. Fences not exceeding six feet in height above the adjacent natural ground level are permitted in the required front yards of lots in a Fence Height District (FH), provided that:
1. The fences are of open wrought iron, with any solid portion of the fence, including vegetation or similar obstruction, not exceeding three and one-half feet in height.
2. The fences may be supported by solid six- foot high pilasters with a maximum dimension of 24 inches and spaced not less than eight feet apart on center.
3. No vertical wrought iron member shall be greater than 5/8 inches in diameter nor spaced less than four inches apart on center.
4. No horizontal wrought iron member shall be greater than one inch in diameter nor spaced less than 18 inches apart on center.
5. No vegetation of any type which produces a hedge-like effect shall be allowed to grow upon or adjacent to the fence to a height above three foot six inches.
6. The wrought iron fence and pilasters shall be setback from the front property line a minimum of 18 inches and shall be maintained with landscaping and serviced by an automatic irrigation system.
7. A minimum five-foot by five-foot cut corner shall be provided wherever the wrought iron fence meets the driveway.
8. All lighting fixtures supported by the fence, if provided, shall be in full compliance with the Los Angeles Municipal Code with regard to illumination and an after-hours inspection shall be requested by the owner to assure levels of illumination are acceptable. This inspection shall be conducted by the Lighting Enforcement Division of the Department of Building and Safety and a fee paid for the inspection by the applicant.
9. Any driveway gate(s) shall be of open wrought iron, and if provided, shall be no more than six feet in height and shall either be sliding or be designed to open inward to the property. If an electric driveway gate of open wrought iron is provided, it shall have a gate operator approved by an approved testing laboratory and shall incorporate a safety device to interrupt gate operation in case the gate becomes blocked.
10. A 10-foot by 10-foot visibility triangle pursuant to Section 12.21 C.7.(a) shall be provided on corner lots and the fence shall be clear of any obstruction above three feet six inches.
11. If any pilaster is within five feet of a driveway, a convex mirror at least 12 inches in diameter shall be placed so as to provide visibility in the direction blocked by the pilaster for the drivers of vehicles exiting the driveway.
(Added by Ord. No. 174,552, Eff. 6/16/02.)
A. Purpose. This section sets forth procedures, guidelines and standards for the establishment of “SN” Sign Districts in areas of the City, the unique characteristics of which can be enhanced by the imposition of special sign regulations designed to enhance the theme or unique qualities of that district, or which eliminate blight through a sign reduction program.
B. Establishment of Districts. The procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A
of this Code shall be followed, however each “SN” Sign District shall include only properties in the C or M Zones, except that R5 Zone properties may be included in a “SN” Sign District provided that the R5 zoned lot is located within an area designated on an adopted community plan as a “Regional Center”, “Regional Commercial”, or “High Intensity Commercial”, or within any redevelopment project area. No “SN” Sign District shall contain less than one block or three acres in area, whichever is the smaller. The total acreage in the district shall include contiguous parcels of land which may only be separated by public streets, ways or alleys, or other physical features, or as set forth in the rules approved by the Director of Planning. Precise boundaries are required at the time of application for or initiation of an individual district. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
C. Development Regulations. The Department of Building and Safety shall not issue a building permit for a sign within a “SN” Sign District unless the sign conforms to the regulations set forth in a specific “SN” Sign District ordinance. The development regulations for each “SN” Sign District shall be determined at the time the district is established, except that definitions shall conform with those found in Section 91.6203 of this Code, if defined in that section. The sign regulations shall enhance the character of the district by addressing the location, number, square footage, height, light illumination, hours of illumination, sign reduction program, duration of signs, design and types of signs permitted, as well as other characteristics, and can include murals, supergraphics, and other on-site and off-site signs. However, the regulations for a “SN” Sign District cannot supersede the regulations of an Historic Preservation Overlay District, a legally-adopted specific plan, supplemental use district or zoning regulation needed to implement the provisions of an approved development agreement.