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Chapter 1A City of Los Angeles Zoning Code
Table of Amending Legislation for Chapter 1A
(Added by Ord. No. 179,883, Eff. 6/29/08.)
   A.   Purpose. This section sets forth procedures and guidelines for the establishment of “RFA” Residential Floor Area Districts in residential areas of the City. The purpose of the “RFA” Residential Floor Area District is to permit residential floor area maximums in residential zones to be higher or lower than normally permitted by this Code in areas where the proposed district will further enhance the existing scale of homes and help to preserve the existing character of the neighborhood as effectively as the residential floor area limitations established in this Code; and where the increased or decreased residential floor area maximums will be consistent with the policies and objectives set forth in the applicable Community Plan.
   B.   Establishment of the District. The procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A of this Code shall be followed, however each “RFA” Residential Floor Area District shall include only properties in the RA, RE, RS, or R1 zones. The district shall not generally be less than 100 acres in area. The precise boundary of a district may be adjusted for urban features such as topography, freeways or streets / highways. Boundaries shall be along street frontages and shall not split parcels. An “RFA” Residential Floor Area District may encompass an area, which is designated, in whole or in part, as a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone and/or Specific Plan. The “RFA” Residential Floor Area District shall include contiguous parcels, which may only be separated by public streets, ways or alleys or other physical features, or as set forth in the rules approved by the Director of Planning. Precise boundaries are required at the time of application for or initiation of an individual district. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   C.   Development Regulations. The Department of Building and Safety shall not issue a building permit for a residential structure within an “RFA” Residential Floor Area District unless the residential structure conforms to the regulations set forth in a specific “RFA” Residential Floor Area District. The development regulations for each “RFA” Residential Floor Area District shall be determined at the time the district is established. The development regulations shall enhance the character of the district.
   (Added by Ord. No. 181,412, Eff. 1/2/11.)
   A.   Purpose. This section sets forth procedures, guidelines, and standards for establishment of the “CPIO” Community Plan Implementation Overlay Districts within any zone in the City. The purpose of the CPIO District is to provide for supplemental development regulations tailored to each Community Plan area to:
   1.   Ensure that development enhances the unique architectural, environmental, and cultural qualities of each Community Plan area, integrates improvements and enhancements to the public right-of- way, and maintains compatible land uses, scale, intensity, and density;
   2.   Create an approval process to enable infill development that will positively impact communities.
   B.   Relationship to Other Zoning Regulations. Where the provisions of a CPIO District conflict with those of a Specific Plan or Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ), then the provisions of the Specific Plan or HPOZ shall prevail. Regulations contained in the CPIO District dealing with uses, height, floor area ratio, and/or signage shall be more restrictive than applicable regulations in the underlying zone(s) and other supplemental use districts. If the provisions of the CPIO conflict with any other City-wide regulations in the Los Angeles Municipal Code or supplemental use districts other than a Specific Plan or HPOZ, then the requirements of the CPIO District shall prevail.
   C.   Establishment of the District. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   1.   Initiation. The initiation of the establishment of a CPIO District or a change in boundaries of a district shall follow the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A of this Code. In addition, each CPIO District shall have a minimum of one mapped CPIO District Subarea, as defined in Subsection D. of this section, to enable the initiation and activation of a CPIO District for an entire Community Plan Area.
   2.   Zoning Classification. At the time of establishment, the City Council may, pursuant to Sec. 13B.1.3. (Zoning Code Amendment) of Chapter 1A of this Code, adopt an ordinance to amend Section 12.04 of this Code to establish a zoning classification to indicate the Community Plan Area in which the CPIO is located and the corresponding Subarea as defined in Subsection E. of this section.
   3.   Boundaries. A CPIO District shall share the boundaries of a Community Plan and contain at least one Subarea. Precise boundaries of the Subarea are required at the time of application for or initiation of an individual District.
   4.   Amendments to a CPIO. The procedures for amending a CPIO District or its Subareas, or adopting additional Subareas within an established CPIO District, are set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   5   Supplemental Findings. In adopting a CPIO District, the City Council shall also find that the supplemental development regulations of the CPIO District are consistent with, and necessary to implement, the programs, policies, or urban design guidelines of the Community Plan for that area.
   D.   Definitions.
   Community Plan Implementation Overlay (CPIO) Subarea. A further defined area within the CPIO District in which Community Plan programs and/or policies are implemented through supplemental development regulations. Subareas may be contiguous or non-contiguous parcels characterized by common Community Plan goals, themes and policies and grouped by a common boundary.
   E.   Content of a CPIO District. Each CPIO District shall contain the following:
   1.   Subarea Boundaries. A map showing all sites within the District's Subarea(s).
   2.   Project. A definition of the term “Project”, which shall set forth the type of developments or uses subject to the supplemental development regulations and/or processes. The District may define the term “Project” differently for each Subarea.
   3.   Supplemental Development Regulations. Supplemental development regulations and definitions that may apply to any zone and/or public right-of-way within a CPIO District's Subarea(s).
   F.   Issuance of Permits. For all Projects within a CPIO Subarea, the Department of Building and Safety shall not issue a grading, building or change of use permit unless an Administrative Review, CPIO Adjustment, or CPIO Exception has been obtained pursuant to the applicable procedures in Subsection G. of this Section. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   G.   Review Procedures for Projects within a CPIO District. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.) For all Projects within a CPIO District’s Subarea(s), an applicant shall follow the applicable procedures set forth below:
   1.   Administrative Review – Authority of the Director. An applicant for a Project that complies with the provisions of an adopted CPIO District shall submit plans to the Director for an Administrative Review pursuant to Sec. 13B.3.1. (Administrative Review) of Chapter 1A of this Code. Projects which do not comply with the applicable CPIO District regulations may request relief through the procedures set forth in Subsections 2. and 3. of this section.
   2.   Community Plan Implementation Overlay Adjustment – Director Authority with Appeals to the Area Planning Commission. The Director or the Director’s designee shall have initial decision-making authority to grant a CPIO Adjustment with an appeal to the Area Planning Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.4.4. (Project Adjustment) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   (a)   Applicability. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in Sec. 13B.4.4. (Project Adjustment) of Chapter 1A of this Code, unless otherwise limited by a CPIO District or CPIO District Subarea, a CPIO Adjustment shall be limited to deviations of up to 20 percent from the quantitative supplemental development regulations or minor adjustments from the qualitative supplemental development regulations in an adopted CPIO Subarea.
   Each adopted CPIO ordinance shall indicate those development regulations which are not eligible for an adjustment through this Section. If an application requests more than one CPIO Adjustment, the Director may advise the applicant, prior to the application being deemed complete, that the request be filed and processed as a Project Exception, pursuant to Subsection 3. of this section. To the extent that a CPIO contains sign regulations, signs shall not qualify for relief through a CPIO Adjustment. All other Projects seeking relief from any development regulation which contains prohibition language, or development regulations otherwise designated in the CPIO as not eligible for adjustments, shall be processed through the Project Exception procedures listed under Subsection 3. of this section.
   (b)   Findings. The Director’s determination shall include written findings in support of the determination. Instead of the findings set forth in Sec. 13B.4.4. (Project Adjustment) of Chapter 1A of this Code, in order to approve a proposed project pursuant to this subsection, the Director must find that:
   (i)   There are special circumstances applicable to the project or project site which make the strict application of the CPIO regulation(s) impractical;
   (ii)   The project, as approved, is consistent with the purpose and intent of the CPIO and substantially complies with the applicable CPIO regulations;
   (iii)   In granting the adjustment, the Director has considered and found no detrimental effects of the adjustment on surrounding properties or public rights-of-way;
   (iv)   The project incorporates mitigation measures, monitoring of measures when necessary, or alternatives identified in the environmental review which would mitigate the negative environmental effects of the project, to the extent physically feasible; and
   (v)   The project is compatible with the neighborhood character of the CPIO District Subarea.
   3.   Exceptions from a “CPIO” – Area Planning Commission Authority with Appeals to the City Council.
   (a)   Area Planning Commission Authority. The Area Planning Commission shall have initial decision-making authority for granting exceptions from CPIO regulations with an appeal to the City Council in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.4.5. (Project Exception) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   In granting an exception from CPIO regulations, the Area Planning Commission shall impose conditions to remedy any resulting disparity of privilege, to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and to assure compliance with the objectives of the General Plan and the purpose and intent of the CPIO District. An exception from a CPIO regulation shall not be used to grant a special privilege, nor to grant relief from self-imposed hardships.
   (b)   Findings. Instead of the findings set forth in Sec. 13B.4.5. (Project Exception) of Chapter 1A of this Code, the Area Planning Commission may permit an exception from a CPIO regulation not involving signage if it makes all the following findings:
   (i)   The strict application of the CPIO regulations to the subject property would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsistent with the general purpose and intent of the CPIO District and its regulations;
   (ii)   There are exceptional circumstances or conditions applicable to the subject property involved or to the intended use or development of the subject property that do not apply generally to other properties in the CPIO District and/or Subarea;
   (iii)   An exception from the CPIO regulation is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right or use generally possessed by other property within the CPIO District and/or Subarea in the same zone and vicinity but which, because of special circumstances and practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships, is denied to the property in question;
   (iv)   The granting of an exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements adjacent to or in the vicinity of the subject property; and
   (v)   The granting of an exception will be consistent with the principles, intent and goals of the CPIO District and/or Subarea and any applicable element of the General Plan.
   Instead of the findings set forth in Sec. 13B.4.5. (Project Exception) of Chapter 1A of this Code, the Area Planning Commission may permit an exception from a CPIO regulation concerning signage if it makes all the following findings:
   (i)   Strict compliance would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship inconsistent with the purposes of the zoning restrictions due to unique existing physical circumstances on the subject property;
   (ii)   An exception from the CPIO regulation is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right or use generally possessed by other property within the CPIO District and/or Subarea in the same zone and vicinity but which, because of special circumstances and practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships, is denied to the property in question;
   (iii)   The exception would not constitute a special grant of privilege.
   (Title Amended by Ord. No. 184,246, Eff. 6/4/16.)
   A.   Establishment of Districts. The procedures to establish a Modified Parking Requirement (MPR) District shall be as set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A of this Code. With the exception of the Adaptive Reuse Incentives Areas Specific Plan and the South Central Alcohol Sales Specific Plan, no MPR District shall be established in an area governed by a specific plan established before or after the effective date of this ordinance. Each ordinance creating an MPR District shall establish one or more of the strategies listed in Subsection D. for the District area. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   B.   Size and Boundaries. An MPR District shall encompass a minimum of two entire block faces (as defined in Section 13.09 B.3. of this Code) or a minimum of five acres in area. The boundaries of the MPR District shall be set by ordinance.
   C.   Findings. In making the report required by Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A of this Code, the City Planning Commission shall also report to the Council on whether the District, and the strategies included in the District, are appropriate considering such factors as local transit service and dependency, automobile usage, traffic, available parking, and the goals, policies, and objectives set forth in the applicable community plan. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   D.   Modified Parking Requirement (MPR) District Strategies. Any ordinance creating an MPR District shall adopt one or more of the seven strategies listed in this subsection for the MPR District area.
   1.   Change of Use Parking Standards. The required number of parking spaces for any permitted use in the District shall be the same as the number of spaces that exist on the lot on the date the ordinance creating the District becomes effective.
   2.   Off-site Parking. The parking spaces required by Section 12.21 A.4. of this Code shall be provided either on the same lot as the use for which they are intended to serve or 1,500 feet therefrom. If parking spaces are provided off-site, they must be guaranteed through a recorded covenant agreement that reserves the spaces exclusively for the use in question. Distance is to be measured along any street, alley, public walk, or private easement that allows public pedestrian travel from the parking area to the use it is to serve.
   3.   Parking Reduction Approval. A Zoning Administrator may approve reduced parking requirements for individual projects pursuant to Section 12.24 X.30. of this Code.
   4.   Decreased Parking Requirements. An MPR District may establish parking requirements that are less restrictive than those set forth in Section 12.21 A.4. of this Code. The ordinance creating the District shall identify each use that is granted modified parking requirements, along with each use’s new parking requirement. Otherwise, the number of required parking spaces shall be governed by Section 12.21 A.4. Before adopting any ordinance creating an MPR District that includes Decreased Parking Requirements, the City Council must find that:
   a.   The parking reduction, taking into account impacts such as parking overflow and increased traffic congestion and potential benefits such as enhanced mobility and neighborhood vitality, will not adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood; and
   b.   There exists a combination of parking management programs, transportation alternatives, or other infrastructure improvements, and commercial building access programs that negate the need for increased parking requirements; and
   c.   Flexible transportation approaches and parking management programs are more consistent with the area’s air quality goals, community character and general plan than an increased number of required parking spaces.
   5.   Increased Parking Requirements. An MPR District may establish parking requirements that are more restrictive than those required in Paragraph 12.21 A.4. of this Code. The ordinance creating the District shall identify each use that is assigned increased parking requirements, along with each use’s new parking requirement. Otherwise, the number of required spaces shall be governed by Section 12.21 A.4. Before adopting any ordinance creating an MPR District that includes Increased Parking Requirements, the City Council must find that:
   a.   There is a lack of transit service in the area; or
   b.   There is a high potential for spillover parking impacts on adjacent residential areas; or
   c.   There is a low probability that parking management programs, transportation demand management programs, or public parking facilities will be available or effective in the area.
   6.   Commercial Parking Credits. An MPR District may authorize parking requirements to be satisfied through the creation of a parking credit program. The number of available parking credits shall be established by a survey that identifies the number of underutilized public parking spaces available within the District at various times of the day. The ordinance creating the District shall list the number of credits available in the area, and the number of credits required to support a specific use for various times of the day.
   7.   Maximum Parking Requirements. An MPR District may establish maximum parking requirements. The ordinance creating the District shall set forth each use for which maximum parking requirements apply, as well as the specific parking limits for that use. Otherwise, the parking requirements set forth in Section 12.21 A.4. shall apply.
   E.   Applicability of Modified Parking Strategies to Residential Uses. This Section shall apply to lots where the zoning regulations permit multi-residential uses as follows:
   1.   An MPR District shall not authorize any of the strategies listed above, except for the strategies described in subsections D.5. and D.6., for any lot that contained a residential use subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, or that contained any Restricted Affordable units, as defined in Section 12.22 A.25.(b) of the Code, within the five years preceding the adoption of the MPR District. Required parking on such properties, however, may be reduced pursuant to Section 12.22 A.25. of the Code, or pursuant to any other applicable affordable housing incentive program.
   2.   Minimum parking requirements for multi- residential uses in an MPR district shall be less restrictive for projects that qualify for a density bonus under Section 12.22 A.25. of the Code.
   (Added by Ord. No. 181,624, Eff. 5/9/11.)
   A.   Purpose. This Section sets forth procedures and guidelines for the establishment of “HS” Hillside Standards Overlay Districts in single-family residential neighborhoods in designated Hillside Areas, as defined in Section 12.03 of this Chapter, throughout the City. The purpose of the “HS” Hillside Standards Overlay District is to permit Residential Floor Area, height, and Grading limits in the R1, RS, RE, and RA zones to be higher or lower than normally permitted by this Code in areas where the proposed overlay will further enhance the existing scale of homes and/or help to preserve the existing character of the neighborhood as effectively as the limitations or requirements otherwise established in this Code; and where these changes will be consistent with the policies and objectives set forth in the applicable Community Plan.
   B.   Establishment of the District. The procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A of this Code shall be followed, however, each “HS” Hillside Standards Overlay District shall include only properties in the RA, RE, RS, or R1 zones. The overlay shall not generally be less than 100 acres in area; however, the 100 acres do not need to be within one contiguous boundary as long as no one subarea is less than 25 acres in area, and the entire 100 acres is located within an overall area of 200 contiguous acres. The precise boundary of a district may be adjusted for urban features such as topography, freeways or Streets / Highways. Boundaries shall be along Street Frontages and shall not split parcels. An “HS” Hillside Standards Overlay District may encompass an area, which is designated, in whole or in part, as a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone and/or Specific Plan. The “HS” Hillside Standards Overlay District shall include contiguous parcels, which may only be separated by public Streets, ways or alleys or other physical features, or as set forth in the rules approved by the Director of Planning. Precise boundaries are required at the time of application for, or initiation of, an individual overlay. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   C.   Development Regulations. The Department of Building and Safety shall not issue a Building permit for a residential Structure within an “HS” Hillside Standards Overlay District unless the residential Structure conforms to the regulations set forth in a specific “HS” Hillside Standards Overlay District. The development regulations for each “HS” Hillside Standards Overlay District shall be limited to changes in the numerical values of the Residential Floor Area, height, and Grading limits in the R1, RS, RE, and RA zones stated in this Chapter (Subdivision 10. of Subsection C. of Section 12.21 - Paragraphs (a) Residential Floor Area, (d) Height Limits, and (f) Grading) and shall not result in a substantial deviation in approach, method of calculation, or measurement from the corresponding language already in place in this Chapter 1. The development regulations shall be determined at the time the overlay is established. The development regulations shall serve to enhance the existing or envisioned character of the overlay.
   (Added by Ord. No. 183,145, Eff. 8/20/14.)
   A.   Purpose. This section sets forth procedures and standards for the establishment of River Improvement Overlay (RIO) districts within river or tributary (river) adjacent areas throughout the City. The purpose of a RIO district is to:
   1.   Support the goals of the Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan;
   2.   Contribute to the environmental and ecological health of the City’s watersheds;
   3.   Establish a positive interface between river adjacent property and river parks and/or greenways;
   4.   Promote pedestrian, bicycle and other multi- modal connection between the river and its surrounding neighborhoods;
   5.   Provide native habitat and support local species;
   6.   Provide an aesthetically pleasing environment for pedestrians and bicyclists accessing the river area;
   7.   Provide safe, convenient access to and circulation along the river;
   8.   Promote the river identity of river adjacent communities; and
   9.   Support the Low Impact Development Ordinance, the City’s Irrigation Guidelines, and the Standard Urban Stormwater Maintenance Program.
   B.   Establishment of Districts. The City Council may establish new districts, or change boundaries of districts, by following the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A of this Code. Precise boundaries are required at the time of application to expand or create a RIO district. The RIO District shall include all public and private land uses within its boundaries. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   C.   Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
   Adjacent. Properties whose property lines abut a river or a river frontage road.
   Inner Core. Projects located adjacent to the river.
   Los Angeles County's River Master Plan's Landscaping Guidelines and Plant Palettes. A plant palette comprised primarily of native plants suitable for a riparian habitat. The Guidelines can be found at: guidelineswebversion.pdf
   Native Plant. A native plant is one that occurs naturally in a given geographic area. These can be trees, flowers, grasses or any other plants included in the California Native Plant Library at: ?title+Main_Page
   Outer Core. Projects not located adjacent to the river.
   Project. The erection, construction, addition to, or exterior structural alteration of any building or structure located within a River Improvement District. A Project does not include construction work that consists solely of (1) interior remodeling, interior rehabilitation work or repair work; or (2) alterations of, including structural repairs, or additions to, any existing building in which the aggregate value of the work, in any one 24-month period, is less than 50 percent of the building’s replacement cost before the alterations or additions as determined by the Department of Building and Safety (DBS). Construction costs are based on a valuation table available on the DBS website. The table lists the cost of construction per square foot.
   Public Right-of-Way (ROW). A parcel of land over which the public can legally traverse. Usually a street, road, sidewalk or footpath.
   River. A general term for a body of flowing water. A river may be classified in relation to time as follows: perennial (flows continuously) or intermittent (flows seasonally).
   River Design Guidelines. The design guidelines used in RIO districts, which may be modified for use in particular districts.
   River Frontage Road. A roadway that runs roughly parallel to, and directly adjacent to, the river corridor as defined in each RIO ordinance.
   Riverfront Door. An exterior door of a Project that faces and is directly accessible from the adjacent river corridor or river frontage road.
   WatershedWise Plants. Plants included in the WatershedWise Plant List published by the Council for Watershed Health and available at:
   D.   Application. Each individual RIO district shall incorporate all of the regulations contained in Subsection F., below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an individual RIO district ordinance may include development standards tailored to that district, in which case those specially tailored development standards shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of the regulations contained in Subsection F., below. An individual RIO district ordinance shall apply to a particular geographical area. The regulations contained in this section are in addition to the use and area regulations applicable to the underlying zone. If the provisions of this section conflict with any other city-wide regulations, then the most restrictive requirements shall prevail.
   E.   Issuance of Building Permits. The Department of Building and Safety shall not issue a building permit for a Project within either the Inner or Outer Core area of a RIO district, unless an Administrative Review, RIO Adjustment or RIO Exception, whichever is applicable, has been obtained pursuant to the applicable procedures in Subsection G., below. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   F.   Development Regulations. A Project shall conform to all of the following development regulations, except as modified by an individual RIO district.
   1.   Landscaping shall conform to the following regulations: 75 percent of any Project’s newly landscaped area shall be planted with any combination of the following: native trees, plants and shrubs, or species defined as WatershedWise, or species listed in the Los Angeles County River Master Plan Landscaping Guidelines and Plant Palettes. This requirement is for new landscaping only and does not apply to existing landscaping.
   2.   Screening/Fencing.
   (a)   Loading areas and off-street parking facilities of three spaces or more, either on a surface lot or in a structure, shall be screened from the abutting public right-of-way and the River. However, such screening shall not obstruct the view of a driver entering or leaving the loading area or parking facility, or the view from the street of entrances and exits to a loading area or parking facility, and shall consist of one or a combination of the following:
   (i)   A strip at least 5 feet in width of densely planted shrubs or trees which are at least 2 feet high at the time of planting and are of a type that may be expected to form, within three years after time of planting, a continuous, unbroken, year round visual screen; or
   (ii)   A wall, barrier or fence of uniform appearance. Such wall, barrier or fence may be opaque or perforated, provided that not more than 50 percent of the face is open. The wall, barrier or fence shall, when located in either the rear or side yards, be at least 4 feet and not more than 6 feet in height.
   (b)   Electrical transformers, mechanical equipment, water meters and other equipment shall be screened from public view. The screening may be opaque or perforated, provided that not more than 50 percent of the face is open. The screen shall be at least 6 inches taller than the equipment and not more than 2 feet taller than the equipment.
   (c)   Exterior trash enclosures shall:
   (i)   be designed to complement the primary building with a wall height that exceeds the disposal unit it is designed to contain by at least 18 inches;
   (ii)   have a solid roof to deter birds and block views from adjacent properties;
   (iii)   have solid metal doors that accommodate a lock and remain closed when not in use; and
   (iv)   not be constructed of chain link or wood.
   (d)   With the exception of single-family homes, all projects facing a street that crosses the river or terminates at the river or a river frontage road shall have all fences within the front or side yards visible from said street consistent with the fence designs identified in the Los Angeles County River Master Plan Landscape Guidelines.
   3.   Exterior Site Lighting.
   (a)   All site and building mounted lighting shall be designed such that it produces a maximum initial luminance value no greater than 0.20 horizontal and vertical foot candles at the site boundary, and no greater than 0.01 horizontal foot candles 15 feet beyond the site. No more than 5.0 percent of the total initial designed lumens shall be emitted at an angle of 90 degrees or higher from nadir (straight down).
   (b)   All low pressure sodium, high pressure sodium, metal halide, fluorescent, quartz, incandescent greater than 60 watts, mercury vapor, and halogen fixtures shall be fully shielded in such a manner as to not exceed the limitations in Subdivision 3.(a), above.
   4.   Projects located partially or wholly within the Inner Core shall also conform to the following regulations:
   (a)   Landscape Buffer. All Projects shall provide a 10-foot landscape buffer as measured from the Project’s property line adjacent to the river except where a roadway is located within that 10 feet. New building structures or parking shall not be permitted within the 10-foot landscape buffer.
   (b)   Fence. All fences located within 10 feet of the river corridor or a river frontage road street or any adjacent street shall be consistent with the fence designs identified in the Los Angeles County River Master Plan Landscape Guidelines. With the exception of single-family homes, all Projects shall be required to maintain a visual connection between the river corridor and/or frontage road and the abutting property.
   (c)   Fence Height. All fences located less than 10 feet from the river shall be no higher than 6 feet in height. All fences located at the 10 foot landscape buffer setback line shall not exceed 10 feet in height. A fence located within a landscape buffer that is also a project’s front yard shall be limited in height to 3 feet 6 inches.
   (d)   Gates. All gates or fences located within 10 feet of the river or a river frontage road shall be consistent with the gate designs identified in the Los Angeles County River Master Plan Landscape Guidelines. The gate height shall be consistent with the adjacent fence height and the gate shall be designed so as not to encroach into either the river, street or public right-of-way when opened.
   (e)   Noise. All projects subject to a conditional use permit for the sale or dispensing of alcoholic beverages, including beer and wine, shall incorporate noise-attenuating features (physical as well as operational) designed by a licensed acoustical sound engineer to assure that operational sounds shall not exceed 5 decibels above the existing measured or presumed ambient levels of the property line(s) of properties on the opposite bank.
   (f)   River Access.
   (i)   With the exception of single- family homes, all river adjacent projects that partially or wholly abut the river shall have Americans with Disabilities Act compliant access gates from their property to the river. The gates shall also be accessible for bicycle entry. Access may be controlled and limited to residents, employees and/or visitors of the project.
   (ii)   All single-family home projects that partially or wholly abut the river shall have access gates from their property to the river. Access may be controlled and limited, as desired by the owner.
   (g)   Riverfront Door. All projects located either adjacent to the river corridor or frontage road shall include a riverfront door visible to, and accessible from, the river corridor or frontage road.
   EXCEPTION: In a landscaped area, horticulture such as herbs, fruit or vegetables can be used to replace up to 100 percent of the plantings that satisfy the, WatershedWise, Native or Los Angeles County River Master Plan Landscape Guidelines planting requirements.
   G.   Administrative Review Procedures for any Project within a RIO District. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.) A Project within a RIO District shall require an Administrative Review, as set forth below:
   1.   Administrative Review – Authority of the Director. A RIO approval shall be processed as an Administrative Review pursuant to Sec. 13B.3.1. (Administrative Review) of Chapter 1A of this Code. Projects which do not comply with the applicable RIO District regulations may request relief through the procedures set forth in Subdivisions 2. and 3. of this Subsection.
   2.   Adjustments – Director Authority with Appeals to the Area Planning Commission. The Director or the Director’s designee shall have initial decision-making authority to grant a RIO Adjustment with an appeal to the Area Planning Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.4.4. (Project Adjustment) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   (a)   Applicability. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in Sec. 13B.4.4. (Project Adjustment) of Chapter 1A of this Code, unless further limited by a RIO District, a RIO Adjustment shall be limited to deviations of up to 20 percent from the quantitative supplemental development regulations or minor adjustments from the qualitative supplemental development regulations in an adopted RIO Subarea.
   Each adopted RIO ordinance shall indicate those development regulations which are not eligible for an adjustment through this section. If an application requests more than two RIO Adjustments, the request will be filed and processed as a RIO exception pursuant to Subdivision 3. of this Subsection. To the extent that a RIO contains sign regulations, signs shall not qualify for relief through a RIO Adjustment. All other Projects seeking relief from any development regulation which contains prohibition language, or development regulations otherwise designated in the RIO as not eligible for adjustments, shall be processed through the RIO Exception procedures listed under Subdivision 3. of this Subsection.
   (b)   Findings. Instead of the findings set forth in Sec. 13B.4.4. (Project Adjustment) of Chapter 1A of this Code, the Director may grant an adjustment upon making all of the following findings:
   (i)   There are special circumstances applicable to the project or project site which make the strict application of the RIO regulation(s) impractical;
   (ii)   The project, as approved, is consistent with the purpose and intent of the RIO and substantially complies with the applicable RIO regulations;
   (iii)   In granting the adjustment, the Director has considered and found no detrimental effects of the adjustment on surrounding properties or public right-of- way; and
   (iv)   The project incorporates mitigation measures, monitoring of measures when necessary, or alternatives identified in the environmental review which would mitigate the negative environmental effects of the project, to the extent physically feasible.
   3.   Exceptions – Area Planning Commission Authority with Appeals to the City Council.
   (a)   Area Planning Commission Authority. The Area Planning Commission shall have initial decision-making authority for granting exceptions from RIO regulations with an appeal to the City Council in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.4.5. (Project Exception) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   In granting an exception from RIO regulations, the Area Planning Commission shall impose conditions to protect the public health, safety and welfare, and to assure compliance with the objectives of the General Plan and the purpose and intent of the RIO District. An exception from a RIO regulation shall not be used to grant a special privilege, nor to grant relief from self-imposed hardships.
   (b)   Findings for a Project Not Involving Signage. Instead of the findings set forth in Sec. 13B.4.5. (Project Exception) of Chapter 1A of this Code, the Area Planning Commission may permit an exception from a RIO regulation not involving signage if it makes all the following findings:
   (i)   The strict application of the RIO regulations to the subject property would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsistent with the general purpose and intent of the RIO District and its regulations;
   (ii)   There are exceptional circumstances or conditions applicable to the subject property involved or to the intended use or development of the subject property that do not apply generally to other properties in the RIO District;
   (iii)   An exception from the RIO regulation is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right or use generally possessed by other property within the RIO District within the same zone and vicinity, but which, because of special circumstances and practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships, is denied to the property in question;
   (iv)   The granting of an exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, the subject property; and
   (v)   The granting of an exception will be consistent with the principles, intent and goals of the RIO District and any applicable element of the General Plan.
   H.   River Design Guidelines.  (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.) The Director of Planning shall prepare River Design Guidelines applicable to all RIO districts. The initial adoption and any subsequent amendment to these guidelines shall be made pursuant to the following procedures:
   1.   Initiation. The initial adoption or amendment of the guidelines may be initiated by the Director of Planning, the City Planning Commission or City Council.
   2.   Preparation and Content. Upon initiation, the Director shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, proposed guidelines based on the design policies contained in the Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan.
   The guidelines are in addition to the regulations set forth in the planning and zoning provisions of Los Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 1, as amended, and any other relevant ordinances, and do not convey any rights not otherwise granted under the provisions and procedures contained in that chapter and other relevant ordinances, except as specifically provided herein.
   Furthermore, nothing in the guidelines shall interfere with any previously granted entitlements, nor shall they restrict any right authorized in the underlying zone or height district.
   3.   Procedures. See Sec. 13B.1.5. (Policy Action) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   (Added by Ord. No. 184,246, Eff. 6/4/16.)
   A.   Purpose. This section sets forth procedures and standards for the establishment of the CUGU District. The purpose of the CUGU District is to reduce cumulative health impacts resulting from land uses including, but not limited to, concentrated industrial land use, on-road vehicle travel, and heavily freight-dominated transportation corridors, which are incompatible with the sensitive uses to which they are in close proximity, such as homes, schools and other sensitive uses.
   B.   Relationship to other Zoning Regulations. Wherever the provisions of the CUGU District conflict with any provisions of other Supplemental Use Districts, the underlying zone, or any other regulation, the more restrictive provision shall prevail.
   C.   District Identification. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all properties identified on the zoning map with a “CUGU” suffix on the zone classification. The CUGU District shall include all public and private land uses.
   D.   Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
   1.   Adjacent Property. A property next to, across the street or alley from, or having a common corner with the subject property.
   2.   Abutting Property. A property sharing a parcel or lot line.
   3.   Freeway. A divided arterial highway with full control of access and with grade separation at intersections.
   4.   Fugitive Emissions. Emissions not caught by a mechanically ventilated system or other capture system, which are often due to equipment leaks, evaporative processes and/or windblown disturbances.
   5.   Hedge. A row of bushes or small trees planted close together to form a fence or boundary; hedgerow.
   6.   Landscape Practitioner. Any person licensed by the State of California to design, install or maintain landscape or irrigation systems; or any person specifically exempted by the State from the licensing requirements in the field of landscape or land management; or any homeowner who designs, installs or maintains landscaping or irrigation systems on the homeowner’s own property.
   7.   Publicly Habitable Spaces. Any use containing one or more dwelling unit or guest room, as well as a school, park, recreation center, day care center, hospital, medical building and nursing home.
   E.   Qualifying Criteria. A project that satisfies at least one criterion under the “Project Type” list in Subdivision 1. below, and at least one criterion under the “Project Context” list in Subdivision 2. below shall comply with the provisions of this section.
   1.   Project Type.
   (a)   NEW. The construction of a new stand-alone building.
   (b)   MAJOR IMPROVEMENT. The alteration of any building(s) or structure(s) on a project site which does not expand the building(s) or structure(s), and for which the aggregate value of the alterations within any 24-month period exceeds 50 percent of the replacement cost of the building(s) and structure(s) on the project site, as determined by the Department of Building and Safety. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12.23, the existence of a Major Improvement on a project site shall require the entire project site to be upgraded in accordance with all applicable provisions of Section 13.18 of this Code.
   (c)   ADDITION. The expansion of any existing building(s) or structure(s), with or without other alterations to the building(s) or structure(s), on a project site in which the total aggregate value of work in any 24-month period exceeds 50 percent of the replacement cost of all buildings and structures on the entire project site, as determined by the Department of Building and Safety. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12.23, an addition shall be upgraded in accordance with all applicable provisions of Section 13.18 of this Code.
   (d)   CHANGE OF USE. The expansion of or change to a use on the Subject Use list.
   2.   Project Context.
   (a)   Project is a municipal project located within 1,000 feet of a Freeway or State Route specified in LAMC Section 13.18 F.4.
   (b)   Project is a Publically Habitable Space adjacent to a Subject Use.
   (c)   Primary use of site is a Subject Use adjacent to a Publicly Habitable Space.
   (d)   Primary use of site is a Subject Use, as listed below:
   Subject Use List
Automobile Dismantling Yard
Automobile Impound Yard
Automobile Parts
Automobile Parts, repairing or rebuilding for wholesale
Automobile Rebuilding or Reconditioning, wholesale
Automobile Rental
Automobile Sales, used
Automobile Storage Area
Automobile Storage Garage
Automobile Window Tinting
Automobile Wrecking
Automotive Assembly, wholesale
Automotive Exhaust Test Station
Automotive Fueling and Service Station and Fuel Store
Automotive Refueling Station
Automotive Glass Shop
Automotive Painting
Automotive Painting, wholesale
Automotive Repair
Automotive Sound Shop
Automotive Undercoat Spraying, wholesale
Automotive Upholstering
Automotive Upholstering, wholesale
Automotive Uses, other
Body and Fender Repairing, automotive
Body and Fender Repairing, automotive, wholesale
Bus Storage or Operating Yard
Car Wash
Commercial Vehicle Rental and Storage
Engine Testing
Gasoline Station
House Mover or Wrecker
Household Moving Rental Trucks and Trailers, rental, storage, or storage for rental purposes
Household Moving Truck Repair and Storage
Motor Coach Repairing or Overhauling
Motorcycle or Motor Scooter Repair
Motorcycle or Motor Scooter Repair, wholesale
Motorcycle or Motor Scooter Sales, new
Motorcycle or Motor Scooter Sales, used
Motorcycle Storage Garage
Moving Van Storage or Operating Yard
Recreational Vehicle Sales, new
Recreational Vehicle Sales, used
Recreational Vehicle Storage
Tank Truck Parking or Storage
Temporary Storage of Abandoned, Partially Dismantled, Obsolete, or Wrecked Automobiles
Tire Retreading or Recapping
Tow Truck Dispatching
Tractor Rental Yard
Trailer (utility) Rental and Storage
Trailer Rental
Trailer Sales, new
Trailer Sales, used
Truck Rental
Truck Repairing or Overhauling
Truck Sales or Storage Yard
Trucking Yard or Terminal
U-Drive Business
Carpet and Rug Cleaning Plant
Cloth Shrinking, Sponging, or Waterproofing
Dry Cleaning Plant
Dry Cleaning Plant, wholesale
Dyeing Works Plant
Fabric Shrinking, Sponging, Waterproofing, or Dyeing
Flocking and Silk Screen Processing
Fur Cleaning
Garneting or Carding of Previously Produced Fibrous Materials
Knitting Mill
Laundry Plant
Laundry Plant, wholesale
Rug Cleaning Plant
Silk Screen Printing
Cannery (except fish products or sauerkraut)
Cannery, fish or sauerkraut
Composting Facility
Curing Facility
Dehydrating of Food
Feeding Pen, stock
Fish Canning, Cleaning, or Curing
Fish Distributing, wholesale or stock wagon operators
Fish Smoking
Flour Mill
Food Commissary
Food Dehydrating Plant
Frozen Food Locker Rental
Fruit Cannery
Fruit Preserving
Grain Drying or Fermenting
Grain Elevator
Hatchery, poultry or fish
Hides (raw) Curing, Tanning, or Storage
Hog Ranch, Feed, or Sales Yard
Honey Processing and Packing
Livestock Exhibition, Sale, or Stable
Meat Cutting Plant
Nut Roasting, Frying, or Candy Coating
Olive Oil Extraction
Packing Plant, fruit or vegetable
Pet Animal Crematory
Potato Chip Factory
Poultry Killing
Poultry Slaughterhouse, wholesale
Produce Market, wholesale
Produce Yard or Terminal
Rabbit Killing
Rabbit Slaughterhouse, wholesale
Retinning and Reconditioning of Milk
Shrimp (frozen) Cleaning, Breading, Packaging, and Refreezing
Stockyard or Feeding Pen
Swine Ranch
Tanning, Curing, or Storing of Raw Hides or Skins
Vegetable Cannery
Abrasives Manufacturing
Acetylene Gas Manufacturing or Storage
Acid Manufacturing
Adhesive Manufacturing, liquid
Advertising Structures Manufacturing
Agar-Agar Manufacturing
Alcohol Manufacturing
Ammonia Manufacturing
Ammunition Manufacturing
Anti-Knock Compound (for gasoline) Manufacturing
Asbestos Product Manufacturing
Asphalt Roofing Paper or Shingle Manufacturing
Automotive Body and Frame Manufacturing
Awning Manufacturing
Babbitt Metal Manufacturing
Barrel or Drum (steel) Manufacturing or Reclaiming
Bathing Cap Manufacturing
Bathtub Manufacturing
Battery Manufacturing
Billboard Manufacturing
Bleach Manufacturing
Bolt Manufacturing
Bone Products Manufacturing
Boneblack Manufacturing
Bottle Manufacturing
Box Spring Manufacturing
Brick Manufacturing
Briquette Manufacturing
Broom Manufacturing
Brush Manufacturing
Building Block Manufacturing
By-Product Products Manufacturing, from fish, meat, or animals
Can Manufacturing or Reconditioning
Canvas Manufacturing
Canvas Products Manufacturing,
Cap Manufacturing
Carbon Paper Manufacturing
Carpet and Rug Manufacturing
Cattle or Sheep Dip Manufacturing
CD, DVD, Video Tape, or Cassette Manufacturing
Cellophane Products Manufacturing
Cellulose Compound Manufacturing
Cellulose Nitrate Products Manufacturing
Cellulose Products Manufacturing
Cement Manufacturing
Cement Products Manufacturing
Cesspool Block Manufacturing
Chamois Skins Manufacturing
Charcoal Manufacturing
Chemical Manufacturing
Chewing Tobacco Manufacturing
Chlorine Gas Manufacturing
Cigar Manufacturing
Cigarette Manufacturing
Cloth Manufacturing
Cloth Products Manufacturing
Clothing Manufacturing
Coil Manufacturing, small
Coil Spring Manufacturing
Computer Manufacturing
Concrete Products Manufacturing
Condenser Manufacturing, small
Cork Manufacturing
Cork Products Manufacturing
Cosmetics Manufacturing
Creosote Manufacturing, Bulk Storage, or Treatment
Creosote Products Manufacturing
Crystal Holder Manufacturing
Dextrin Manufacturing
Disinfectant Manufacturing
Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing
Door Manufacturing
Dress Manufacturing
Drug Manufacturing
Dye Stuff Manufacturing
Electric Generator or Motor Manufacturing
Assembly and Manufacturing
Electric Parts
Electrical Equipment Manufacturing
Electrical Sign Manufacturing
Electronic Instruments and Devices Manufacturing
Electronic Products Assembly and Manufacturing
Emery Cloth Manufacturing
Excelsior Manufacturing
Explosives Manufacturing
Feather Products Manufacturing
Felt Manufacturing, burlap, fur, hair, or wood
Felt Manufacturing, cotton
Felt Products Manufacturing
Fencing (wire) Manufacturing
Fertilizer Manufacturing, liquid
Fertilizer Manufacturing, Processing, or Packaging
Fiber Manufacturing
Firearm Manufacturing
Fireworks Manufacturing or Storage
Fish Oil or Fishmeal Manufacturing
Food Products Manufacturing
Frit or Glaze Manufacturing
Fiber Products Manufacturing
Fur Products Manufacturing
Furniture Manufacturing
Garment Manufacturing
Gas Manufacturing
Gelatin Manufacturing
Glass Fiber Manufacturing
Glass Manufacturing
Glass Products Manufacturing
Glove Manufacturing
Glucose Manufacturing
Glue Manufacturing
Golf Balls Manufacturing
Graphite Manufacturing
Grease Manufacturing or Refining
Guncotton Products Manufacturing
Gunpowder Manufacturing and Storage
Gutta-perche, treating or manufacturing products therefrom
Gypsum Manufacturing, Processing, or Grinding
Hair Care Products Manufacturing
Hat Manufacturing
Heating Equipment Manufacturing
Heating Gas Manufacturing
Horn Products Manufacturing
Hosiery Manufacturing
Hydrochloric Acid Manufacturing
Ice Cream Manufacturing
Ice Manufacturing or Distributing
Incinerator Manufacturing
Ink Manufacturing
Inner Spring Manufacturing
Jewelry Manufacturing
Juice Manufacturing
Jute Products Manufacturing
Lacquer Manufacturing
Lampblack Manufacturing
Lard Manufacturing
Leather Machine Belt Manufacturing
Leather Products Manufacturing
Light Sheet Metal Products Manufacturing
Lime Manufacturing
Linoleum Manufacturing
Linseed Oil Manufacturing
Liquid Fertilizers Manufacturing
Liquid Coating for Beverage Tanks, manufacturing of
Machine Belt Manufacturing
Machinery Manufacturing
Mannequin Manufacturing
Mat Manufacturing
Match Manufacturing
Match Manufacturing, safety paper
Metals (precious or semi-precious), manufacturing products of
Metal Stamp Manufacture
Musical Instrument Manufacturing
Nail Manufacturing
Neon Light Manufacturing
Neon Sign Manufacturing
Nitric Acid Manufacturing
Nitrogen Manufacturing, Compressing, and Bulk Storage
Novelties Manufacturing
Oil Manufacture (vegetable)
Optical Goods Manufacturing
Orthopedic or Surgical Supplies Manufacturing
Oxygen Manufacturing, Compressing, and Bulk Storage
Paint Manufacturing
Paint Products Manufacturing
Paper Manufacturing or Converting
Paper Products Manufacturing
Pectin Manufacturing
Perfume Manufacturing
Perfumed Toilet Soap Manufacturing
Petroleum Manufacturing
Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing
Phenol Manufacturing
Phenol Products Manufacturing
Pickle Manufacturing
Pie Manufacturing
Plaster of Paris Manufacturing
Plastic Manufacturing
Plastic Products Manufacturing
Point Manufacturing
Polish Manufacturing
Potash Manufacturing
Pottery Manufacturing
Powdered Metal Parts or Articles Manufacturing
Pulp or Paper Manufacturing
Pyrotechnics Manufacturing
Pyroxylin Manufacturing
Rubber Cement Manufacturing
Rubber Products Manufacturing
Rubber Stamp Manufacturing
Rug Manufacturing
Sandpaper Manufacturing
Sash Manufacturing
Sauerkraut Manufacturing
Sausage Manufacturing
Scientific Instrument and Equipment Manufacturing
Screw Machine Products Manufacturing
Sheet Metal Products Manufacturing, light
Shell Manufacturing
Shellac Manufacturing
Shoddy Manufacturing
Shoe Manufacturing
Shoe Polish Manufacturing
Sign Manufacturing
Size Manufacturing
Soap Manufacturing
Sodium Compounds Manufacturing
Stamp Manufacturing
Starch Manufacturing
Statuary Manufacturing
Steel Pipe Manufacturing
Stencil Manufacturing
Stereo Equipment Manufacturing
Stones (precious or semi-precious), manufacturing products of
Stove Manufacturing
Stove Polish Manufacturing
Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing
Sulfurous Acid Manufacturing
Synthetic Rubber Products Manufacturing
Tallow Manufacturing
Tank Coating Manufacturing
Tank Retinning and Manufacturing
Tar Products Manufacturing
Tar Roofing Manufacturing
Tar Waterproofing Manufacturing
Textile Manufacturing
Textile Product Manufacturing
Tire Manufacturing
Tobacco Products Manufacturing
Toiletries Manufacturing
Tool Manufacturing
Toy Manufacturing
Trailer Manufacturing
Transformer Manufacturing, small
Turpentine Manufacturing
Typewriter Ribbon Manufacturing
Varnish Manufacturing
Vegetable Oil Manufacturing
Venetian Blind Manufacturing
Ventilating Duct Manufacturing
Vinegar Manufacturing
Wall Board Manufacturing
Washer Manufacturing
Waterproofing Compound Manufacturing
Window Manufacturing
Window Shade Manufacturing, cloth
Window Shade Manufacturing, wood or metal
Wire Fencing Manufacturing
Wire Manufacturing
Wood Products Manufacturing
Wool Products Manufacturing
Woven Wire Manufacturing
Yarn Products Manufacturing
Yeast Manufacturing
Blacksmith Shop
Blast Furnace
Blending and Mixing of Compounds for Case Hardening, Tempering
Boiler Works
Bolt or Screw Thread Rolling or Cutting
Brass Foundry
Bronze Casting
Case Hardening
Casting, heavyweight
Die Casting
Drop Forge Industry
Fabrication of Iron or Steel
Fabrication of Light Weight Steel
Forge Plant
Foundry (except iron, steel, brass, manganese, bronze and zinc)
Foundry, iron, steel, brass, manganese, bronze and zinc
Galvanizing of Metal or Metal Products
Heat Treating
Iron Foundry or Fabrication Plant
Iron Ore Pellet Loading and Unloading Facility
Iron Storage, Sorting, Collecting, or Baling
Iron Works, ornamental
Metal Products Inspection by X-Ray
Metal Roll Forming
Metal Spinning
Ore Reduction Plant
Roll Forming of Metals, cold process
Rolling Mill
Screw Thread Rolling or Cutting
Sharpening or Grinding of Tools or Cutlery
Smelter, tin, copper, zinc, or iron ores
Steel Foundry or Fabrication Plant and Heavyweight Casting
Steel Mill
Welding, acetylene or electric
Aerosol Packaging
Asbestos Processing or Grinding
Battery Rebuilding
Blending and Mixing of Compounds for Water Softening, Boiler Cleaning
Book Bindery
Bottling Plant
Box and Crate Assembly
Box Factory or Cooperage
Building Materials Sales Yard
Cement Mixer Rental
Central Steam (heated, or chilled water)
Concrete Batching Plant
Cooperage Works
Cornice Works
Distillation of Bones
Earth or Soil Stockpiling, Distribution, or Excavating
Electric Appliance Assembly
Electric Foundry
Electric Motor Repair
Electronic Instruments and Devices Assembly
Electroplating of Small Articles
Electroplating Works
Enameling Works
Film Development / Printing Machines
Film Laboratory
Fumigating Plant
Funeral Parlor
Furniture Assembly Plant
Furniture Cleaning
Granite (decomposed) Excavating or Stockpiling
Granite Grinding, Dressing, or Cutting
Gravel Plant
Insecticide or Pesticide Blending or Mixing
Lapidary Shop
Liquor or Spirits Rectifying
Lubricating Oil Canning and Packaging
Lumber Yard, retail
Machine Shop
Machine Shop, precision
Machinery (farm) Repairing and Overhauling
Marble Grinding, Dressing, or Cutting
Mattress Factory or Renovating
Monument Works
Mortuary or Mortuary School
Oxygen, storage of compressed
Packaging Business
Paint Mixing
Phonograph Assembly
Photo Developing and Finishing
Pipe Reclaiming
Pipe Storage Yard
Planing Mill
Plaster Staff Works
Polish Mixing, automobile or furniture
Printing Establishment
Printing Establishment, wholesale
Printing or Stenciling Designs on Fabric, Cloth, or Wallpaper
Public Utilities Service Yard
Publishing Establishment
Publishing Establishment, wholesale
Pumping Plant
Radio and Television Assembly
Railroad Repair Shop
Repair Garage
Repair Shop
Research and Development Center Containers
Rock, Sand, Gravel, or Earth Distribution or Storage
Roofing Material Factory
Rope Factory
Safe and Vault Repairing and Servicing
Salt Works
Salvage Business
Sand Blasting
Sand Pit
Saw Mill
Secondhand Box or Container Storage, Display, Processing, or Sales
Secondhand Furniture and Appliance Storage, Display, Processing, or Sales
Shellac Mixing
Shingle Mill
Starch (liquid) Mixing and Bottling
Stereo Equipment Assembly
Stone Mill or Quarry
Stone Monument Works
Sugar Refining
Testing Laboratory
Top Soil Stripping, Removing, or Stockpiling
Tree Wrecking Yard
Upholstery Shop
Water Softening Unit, servicing and refrigeration plant
Wax Polish Blending, Mixing, and Packaging
Wiping Rag Storage
Wire, application of rubber to
Wood Pulling or Scouring
Wood Yard
Woodworking Equipment Rental Shop
Woodworking Shop
Aircraft Engine or Aircraft Part Repairing, Reconditioning, or Rebuilding
Aircraft Engine Testing
Aircraft Factory
Aircraft Fueling Station
Aircraft Hangar
Aircraft Landing Field
Aircraft Repairing
Boat Building, small
Draying Yard or Terminal
Electric Railroad Yard
Freight Classification Yard, railroad
Freight Forwarding Station or Terminal
Freighting Yard or Terminal
Marine Cargo Loading or Unloading, wharf or dock
Parcel Delivery Service
Railroad Yard
Train Station
Wharf or Dock for Marine Cargo
Booster Pump Station, with in-line heater system for oil pipeline
Butane Gas Filling Station
Compressed Natural Gas Automotive Refueling Station
Fuel Yard
Gas Storage
Oil Drilling Equipment Yard
Oil Drilling or Pumping and Oil Pipeline Booster Pump Station
Oil Reclaiming
Petroleum Product Bulk Distributing Station
Petroleum Pumping
Agricultural Equipment Sales Yard, wholesale
Appliances (secondhand) Storage, Display, Processing, or Sales
Barrel or Drum (secondhand) Storage, Display, Processing, or Sale
Barrel Storage, empty
Bottle Washing, Collection, or Storage
Boxes and Crates (secondhand) Storage, Display, Processing, or Sales
Cement (bulk) Transfer
Cement (bulk) Unloading and Distribution
Distributing Plant
Equipment Storage Yard
Clay Products Storage
Clay Products Storage Yard
Cold Storage Plant
Contractor's Equipment Rental Yard or Plant
Contractor's Equipment Storage Yard or Plant
Distribution Center, Plant, or Warehouse
Egg Candling and Distribution
Electric Motor Repair, wholesale
Feed Storage and Sales Yard
Fertilizer Sales, wholesale
Furniture (secondhand) Storage, Display, Processing, or Sales
Gravel Distribution
Hay Barn
Ice and Cold Storage Plant
Ice Storage Plant
Lumber Yard, wholesale
Milk Bottling or Distributing Station
Open Storage
Paper Collecting, Sorting, Storage, or Baling
Refrigeration Plant, storage
Sack Storage, Sorting, Collection, or Baling
Sand Distribution Plant
Storage Building
Storage Building for Household Goods, including truck rentals
Storage, open
Building Materials Salvage Yard
Cesspool Pumping, Cleaning, and Draining
Chipping and Grinding Activities
Garbage Incineration, Reduction, or Dumping
Garbage, Fat, Offal, or Dead Animal Reduction or Rendering
Gardener's Refuse Collection Yard or Station
Hazardous Waste Facility, disposal
Hazardous Waste Facility, storage and/or treatment
Junk Yard
Junk Collection, Sorting, Storage, or Baling
Leaf Mold Storage, Composting, and Packaging
Lumber Yard, used materials and salvaging
Machinery Wrecking or Storage Yard
Manure Storage or Processing
Medical Waste Treatment
Mulching Facility
Offal or Dead Animal Dumping
Paper Scrap or Waste Storage
Storage, Sorting, Collecting, or Baling
Recyclable Materials Collection, Buyback Centers, Mobile Recycling Centers
Recycling Material Processing Facility
Refuse Dump
Refuse Transfer Station
Rubbish Incinerator or Storage
Sanitary Landfill
Scrap Iron Collection, Sorting, Storage, or Baling
Scrap Metal Collection, Sorting, Storage, or Baling
Scrap Metal Processing Yard
Sewage Treatment Facility
Sewage Disposal or Treatment Plant
Solid Waste Alternative Technology Processing Facility
   F.   Development Regulations. A project shall be subject to the following development regulations. A project that has been granted vested rights under Sec. 13B.10.1. (General Provisions) of Chapter 1A of this Code prior to the effective date of this ordinance is exempt. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
(Table 1 below provides a cross reference of development regulations by applicable project context. The regulation for a project within 1,000 feet of a Freeway or specified State Route shall be found in Section 13.18 F.4. of this Code.)
Table 1: Development Regulations by Applicable Project Context
Development Regulations
Subject Use
Subject Use Adjacent to Publicly Habitable Spaces
Publicly Habitable Spaces Adjacent to Public Use
Development Regulations
Subject Use
Subject Use Adjacent to Publicly Habitable Spaces
Publicly Habitable Spaces Adjacent to Public Use
Site Planning
13.18 F.1.(a)
13.18 F.2.(a)
13.18 F.3.(a)
13.18 F.2.(b)
13.18 F.1.(b)
13.18 F.2.(a)
13.18 F.1.(c)
13.18 F.2.(c)
13.18 F.2.(d)
Distancing Requirement
13.18 F.2.(e)
Building Height
13.18 F.2.(f),
13.18 F.2.(g)
Yard Setback
13.18 F.2.(h)
13.18 F.2.(i)
13.18 F.3.(b)
Parking Design
13.18 F.2.(j)
13.18 F.3.(c)
13.18 F.2.(k)
13.18 F.2.(l)
Storage of Merchandise
13.18 F.2.(m)
   1.   Subject Use. Any Subject Use, as listed in 13.18 E.2.(d) of this Code, shall comply with the following development standards if the Project Type (pursuant to 13.18 E.1.) is applicable.
   (a)   Site Planning (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE).
   (1)   All trash receptacles shall be located within a gated, covered enclosure at least six feet in height.
   (2)   Chain link, barbed wire, and concertina wire fences are prohibited at the perimeter of the property.
   (b)   Lighting (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE). All outdoor lighting systems shall be directed away from the window of any residential uses and shall comply with the non-residential Light Pollution Reduction standards in the Green Building Code of this Code.
   (c)   Enclosure (applies to project types: NEW, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE). A use, material or equipment that emits or generates dust, smoke, gas, fumes, cinder or refuse matter shall be completely enclosed with mechanical ventilation to prevent fugitive emissions unless another regulatory agency requires natural ventilation. A stack, vent or flare is exempt from this enclosure requirement.
   2.   Subject Use Adjacent to Publicly Habitable Spaces.
   (a)   All the standards in Section 13.18 F.1.(a) and 13.18 F.1.(b) (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE).
   (b)   Signage (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE). Any use adjacent to Publicly Habitable Spaces with commercial vehicles, as defined by California Code of Regulations Title 13 Chapter 10 Section 2480 and 2485, shall post “No Idling” signage onsite at the back of the curb and adjacent to the entrance of at least one driveway where truck loading, staging or parking occurs.
   (c)   Enclosure (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE). A use, material or equipment that emits or generates dust, smoke, gas, fumes, cinder or refuse matter shall be completely enclosed with mechanical ventilation for the improved portions of the project to prevent fugitive emissions, unless another regulatory agency requires natural ventilation. A stack, vent and flare is exempt from this enclosure requirement.
   (d)   Fencing (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE). A use that abuts a Publicly Habitable Space shall construct a 6-foot high solid concrete or masonry wall for the entire length of the property line in the following zones: C2, C4, CM, MR1, M1, MR2, M2 and M3. The wall shall be without openings and shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 6 inches.
   (e)   Distancing Requirement (applies to project types: NEW, CHANGE OF USE). Any new automobile dismantling yard, exhaust test station, automobile laundries (car wash), automotive repair, used auto retail sales, assembly of auto parts and accessories, tire shop, tire repair, and wholesale auto parts and accessory facilities are prohibited within 500 feet of a residential zone.
   (f)   Building Height (applies to project types: NEW). Any new building or structure shall be within an encroachment plane sloping upward and inward at a 45 degree angle commencing 20 feet above the existing grade at the inside line of the side yard setback as illustrated below:
   Encroachment plane standards shall only be required when a Subject Use is abutting a Publicly Habitable Space.
   (g)   Building Height (applies to project types: ADDITIONS). Any additions to an existing building or structure shall be within an encroachment plane sloping upward and inward at a 45 degree angle commencing above the existing roof at the inside of the side yard setback as illustrated below:
   Encroachment plane standards shall only be required when a Subject Use is abutting a Publicly Habitable Space.
   (h)   Yard Setback (applies to project types: NEW, ADDITION). A new building, structure or addition shall provide the following setbacks indicated in Table 2 when abutting a Publicly Habitable Space. This regulation is not eligible for an Adjustment pursuant to Section 13.18 G.3.(c) of this Code.
Table 2: Manufacturing Zone Setbacks
MR1 | M1 | MR2 | M2
lot depth 100 ft: 5 ft
lot depth > 100 ft: 15 ft
5% of lot depth, 5% of lot width; no less than 15 ft if within 500 ft if a PHS
lot width 30 ft: 3 ft
lot width > 30, < 50 ft: 5 ft
lot width
50: 15 ft
lot depth 100 ft: 5 ft
lot depth > 100 ft: 15 ft
   (i)   Landscaping (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE of USE).
   (1)   Setbacks. All required side and back yard setbacks in Section 13.18 F.2.(h) abutting a Publicly Habitable Space shall be landscaped to provide a buffer.
   (2)   Planting. A Landscape Practitioner shall select trees or hedges that are between 6 and 8 feet high, low in water use, low in biogenic emissions, high in carbon and particulate matter filtration qualities, and retain foliage for most months of the year. Trees shall be limited to selections from the Department of Public Works Bureau of Street Services, Street Tree Selection Guide, except non-drought tolerant trees and Palms shall be prohibited. A minimum of one tree shall be planted and maintained every 10 linear feet within the setback. A list of preferred trees is also provided in the CUGU application packet available at the Planning Department’s Development Services Counter. Landscape Plans shall be submitted to the Department of City Planning for approval.
   (3)   Irrigation. Project applicants shall design and install irrigation systems pursuant to Guidelines BB – Irrigation Specification, promulgated pursuant to Section 12.41 B.2. of this Code.
   (j)   Surface Parking Lot Design (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE of USE).
   (1)   Layout. New on-site parking and loading areas (including service bays) shall be at the rear or side of the building.
   (2)   Screening. An existing or new parking lot that abuts a public right-of-way with five or more new spaces shall be screened at the perimeter by either landscape or hardscape.
   (i)   A landscaped screen shall be a combination of trees and shrubs. One tree shall be planted and maintained every 15 linear feet in accordance with Section 13.18 F.2.(i)(2) of this Code. Shrubs shall be planted and maintained between trees to create a visual screen. Illustrations of this requirement are provided in the CUGU application packet.
   (ii)   A hardscape screen shall be a wall, barrier, or fence of uniform appearance that is opaque or perforated (provided no more than 50 percent of the face is open). The structure shall be no less than 3 feet 6 inches in height. Chain link, barbed wire and concertina wire fences are prohibited.
   (3)   Tree Planting. One tree for every 4 new parking spaces shall be planted within the surface parking lot. When the application of these regulations results in the requirement of a fractional of a tree, any fraction over one-half shall be construed as requiring a whole tree. Parking spaces covered by solar carports functioning as shade structures are exempt from the calculation. Non-solar carports are not exempt from the calculation.
   (i)   The surface lot shall be graded to allow for ground water recharge into a minimum 3-foot by 3-foot unpaved planting area. This unpaved area shall be concave in design to receive runoff per Bureau of Engineering specifications.
   (k)   Driveway (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE).
   (1)   A new driveway shall maintain the minimum width required by Section 12.21 A.5.(f) of the LAMC, unless otherwise required by the Department of Transportation or Fire Department.
   (2)   For parcels less than 100 feet in width, the total sum of any new and existing driveway shall be no more than 30 percent of the total street frontage of the property. If existing conditions exceed 30 percent, no new driveway shall be added.
   (3)   For parcels equal to or greater than 100 feet in width, the total sum of any new and existing driveway shall be no more than 20 percent of the total street frontage of the property. If existing conditions exceed 30 percent, no new driveway shall be added.
   (l)   Noise (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE).
   (1)   A noise generating use or activity shall not exceed the presumed ambient noise level specified by zone in Table II of Section 111.03 of the LAMC.
   (i)   An applicant shall submit to the Department of City Planning an acoustic evaluation report issued by a licensed noise consulting professional which identifies compliance options for noise mitigation. An applicant shall comply with the stated performance-based mitigation measures.
   (ii)   Baseline and other ambient noise levels shall be measured at the property line. If the ambient sound levels at the site exceed the allowable ambient levels in Table II, the existing site’s ambient level becomes the new allowable baseline and no increase in that level shall be allowed.
   (2)   An applicant whose project include a noise generating use or activity shall submit an acoustic evaluation report prepared by a licensed consulting professional which includes current and projected noise levels at the site. The report shall include compliance options for noise mitigation measures. An applicant shall comply with all mitigated measures. Noise levels shall be measured per Section 13.18 F.2.(l)(1)(ii) of this Code.
   (m)   Storage of Merchandise and Materials (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE).
   (1)   All open air storage of merchandise or materials shall be confined within a storage area enclosed by a solid, non-combustible wall with self-closing gates, except for construction equipment.
   (i)   All outdoor storage shall comply with the height restrictions for materials and equipment per Section 12.19 A.4.(b)(3) of this Code.
   (2)   Materials that are subject to releasing dust or particulate matter shall be covered or completely enclosed.
   (3)   Barbed wire, chain linked and concertina wire fences are prohibited at the perimeter of the property.
   3.   Publicly Habitable Spaces Adjacent to Subject Uses.
   (a)   Site Plan (applies to project types: NEW). Required and/or voluntary open space shall be fully buffered from a Subject Use or freeway by a building on the same project site.
   (b)   Landscaping (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE).
   (1)   Except for front yards, all required yards abutting a Subject Use shall be landscaped as follows:
   (i)   A Landscape Practitioner shall select trees or shrubs that will grow to be between six and eight feet high when mature, low in water use, low in biogenic emissions, high in carbon and particulate matter filtration qualities, and retain foliage for most months of the year. Trees shall be limited to selections from the Department of Public Works Bureau of Street Services, Street Tree Selection Guide, except for non- drought tolerant trees and Palms. A list of preferred trees is also provided in the CUGU application packet.
   (ii)   Irrigation. Project applicants shall design and install irrigation systems pursuant to Guidelines BB – Irrigation Specification of Section 12.41 B.2. of the LAMC.
   (c)   Parking Design (applies to project types: NEW, ADDITIONS, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, CHANGE of USE). Any parking lots with five or more parking stalls shall comply with the requirements in Section 13.18 F.2.(j) of this Code.
   4.   Municipal Projects Adjacent to Freeway and State Route 47.
   (a)   Signage (applies to project types: NEW, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT, ADDITION, CHANGE OF USE). Any municipal buildings open to the public and located within 1,000 feet of a freeway shall post a sign to notify the public as follows:
   “NOTICE: Air pollution studies show a strong link between the chronic exposure of populations to vehicle exhaust and particulate matter from major roads and freeways and elevated risk of adverse health impacts, particularly in sensitive populations such as young children and older adults. Areas located within 500 feet of the freeway are known to experience the greatest concentration of ultrafine particulate matter and other pollutants implicated in asthma and other health conditions.”
   The sign shall be posted at a shared main entrance or shared facility. Public parks shall post signage in restrooms. The sign must meet the following requirements:
   (1)   A minimum size of 8.5" x 11";
   (2)   Garamond bold condensed font type at 28 point font size;
   (3)   English or English and Spanish;
   (4)   Durable sign made from plastic or aluminum or other hard surface; and
   (5)   Fixed to a wall, door, or other physical structure.
   G.   Issuance of Building Permits. For any Project within a CUGU District, the Department of Building and Safety shall not issue any permits, including, but not limited to, grading, shoring or building unless an Administrative Review, CUGU Adjustment, or CUGU Exception has been obtained pursuant to the applicable procedures in Section 13.18 G. of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   H.   Review Procedures for Projects within CUGU District. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
   1.   Administrative Review – Authority of the Director. An applicant who complies with the CUGU District regulations shall submit plans to the Director for an Administrative Review pursuant to Sec. 13B.3.1. (Administrative Review) of Chapter 1A of this Code. Applicants requesting an Adjustment shall submit plans per Subdivision 2. below. A project that cannot comply with the requirements of the CUGU District may request relief through the Exception procedures set forth in Subdivision 3. of this Subsection.
   2.   Adjustments – Director Authority with Appeal to the Area Planning Commission. The Director or the Director's designee shall have initial decision-making authority to grant a CUGU Adjustment with an appeal to the Area Planning Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.4.4. (Project Adjustment) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   (a)   Limitations. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in Sec. 13B.4.4. (Project Adjustment) of Chapter 1A of this Code, unless otherwise limited by the CUGU District, a CUGU Adjustment shall be limited to deviations of up to 20 percent from each of the quantitative development regulations.
   If applicable, each adopted CUGU District shall indicate those development regulations which are not eligible for an Adjustment through this section. If an application requests more than one CUGU Adjustment, the Director may advise the applicant, prior to the application being deemed complete, that the request be filed and processed as a CUGU Exception, pursuant to Subdivision 3. of this Subsection.
   (b)   Findings. Instead of the findings set forth in Sec. 13B.4.4. (Project Adjustment) of Chapter 1A of this Code, the Director may grant an Adjustment upon making all of the following findings:
   (1)   Special circumstances applicable to the Project or project site exist which make the strict application of the CUGU regulation(s) impractical;
   (2)   The Project, as approved, is consistent with the purpose and intent of the CUGU District and substantially complies with the applicable CUGU regulations; and
   (3)   In granting the Adjustment, the Director has considered and finds no detrimental effects of the Adjustment on surrounding properties, the public, or public rights-of-way.
   (c)   All Projects seeking relief from any development regulation designated in the CUGU District as not eligible for Adjustment shall be processed through the CUGU Exception procedures listed in Subdivision 3. of this Subsection.
   3.   Exceptions – Area Planning Commission Authority with Appeals to the City Council.
   (a)   Authority. The Area Planning Commission shall have initial decision-making authority for granting an Exception from the CUGU District regulations with an appeal to the City Council in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sec. 13B.4.5. (Project Exception) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
   In granting an Exception from CUGU regulations, the Area Planning Commission shall impose conditions to protect the public health, safety, and welfare; and to assure compliance with the objectives of the General Plan and the purpose and intent of the CUGU District. An Exception from a CUGU regulation shall not be used to grant a special privilege, nor to grant relief from a self-imposed hardship.
   (b)   Findings. Instead of the findings set forth in Sec. 13B.4.5. (Project Exception) of Chapter 1A of this Code, the Area Planning Commission may permit an Exception from a CUGU regulation if it makes all the following findings:
   (1)   The strict application of the CUGU regulations to the subject property would result in practical difficulties or an unnecessary hardship inconsistent with the general purpose and intent of the CUGU District and its regulations;
   (2)   Exceptional circumstances or conditions applicable to the subject property involved or to the intended use or development of the subject property exist that do not apply generally to other properties in the CUGU District;
   (3)   An Exception from the CUGU regulation is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right or use generally possessed by other property within the CUGU District and in the same zone and vicinity but which, because of a special circumstance and practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship, is denied to the property in question;
   (4)   The granting of an Exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, the subject property; and
   (5)   The granting of an exception will be consistent with the principles, intent and goals of the CUGU District and any applicable element of the General Plan.
   I.   Severability. If any provision of this ordinance is found to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, that invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions of this ordinance, which can be implemented without the invalid provisions and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted each and every provision and portion thereof not declared invalid or unconstitutional, without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional.