The City Planning Commission may adopt rules and regulations, subject to approval by ordinance, identifying classes or categories of legislative actions for projects determined not to have citywide impact, and provide for action on those projects to be taken by an Area Planning Commission in lieu of the City Planning Commission.
The Police Department shall have the power and duty to enforce the penal provisions of the Charter, City ordinances and state and federal law. In the discharge of these powers and duties, the members of the department shall have the powers and duties of peace officers as defined by state law. The officers and employees of the Police Department shall have the power and duty to protect lives and property in case of disaster or public calamity. The scope and extent of those emergency powers and duties and the manner of their exercise shall be prescribed by ordinance consistent with Section 231(i).
(a) Members of the Board of Police Commissioners shall serve for a maximum of two five-year terms, except that a member may serve up to two years of an unexpired term plus two terms of five years. A member of the Board of Police Commissioners shall be limited to two consecutive one-year terms as President of the Board of Police Commissioners.
(b) The Board of Police Commissioners shall have the power to:
(1) issue instructions to the Chief of Police concerning the exercise of the authority conferred on the Chief of Police by the Charter, other than the disciplinary authority conferred by Section 1070;
(2) evaluate the Chief of Police annually, set or adjust the compensation for the Chief of Police within the salary guidelines established by Council after recommendations concerning those guidelines have been made to the Council by the City Administrative Officer; and forward a copy of the evaluation and salary determination to the Mayor and Council for information;
(3) appoint and remove an Executive Director whose position shall be exempt from the civil service provisions of the Charter and who shall not be a member of the Police Department; and
Amended by: Subsec. (b)(2), Charter Amendment II, approved November 5, 2024, effective January 8, 2025.
Subject to the provisions of the Charter, the rules of the Police Department, and the instruction of the Board of Police Commissioners, the Executive Director of the Board of Police Commissioners shall have the power and duty to:
(a) administer the affairs of the Board of Police Commissioners as its chief administrative officer;
(b) appoint, discharge, discipline, transfer and issue instructions to employees appointed as independent staff of the Board of Police Commissioners, except for employees under the direction of the Inspector General, all subject to the civil service provisions of Article X of the Charter;
(c) expend the funds designated by budgetary appropriations or appropriations made after adoption of the budget for expenditure by the Board of Police Commissioners or its staff, in accordance with the provisions of those appropriations;
(d) recommend to the Board of Police Commissioners prior to the beginning of each fiscal year a budget covering the anticipated revenues and expenditures of the board and its staff, conforming so far as practicable to the forms and dates provided in the Charter in relation to the general City budget;
(e) certify the expenditures of the Board of Police Commissioners and its staff to the chief accounting employee; and
(f) exercise further powers in the administration of the Board of Police Commissioners conferred upon the Executive Director by the board.
The authority of the Executive Director shall not extend to authority over the Chief of Police nor encroach upon the authority of the Chief of Police to administer the affairs of the Police Department as its general manager and chief administrative officer.