Wherever the Charter provides for the discharge of specific duties by a specific appointee other than the Chief of Police, the appointing power may designate an employee in the same department to act in case of the appointee’s temporary absence or other inability to act, or upon the written request of such appointee.
(a) Charter Created Powers and Duties. The Mayor may propose the transfer of any of the powers, duties and functions of the departments, offices and boards of the City set forth in the Charter to another department, office or board created by the Charter or by ordinance. The transfer shall be effective if approved by ordinance adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Council, or if the Council fails to disapprove the matter within 45 days after submittal by the Mayor of all documents necessary to accomplish the transfer, including the proposed ordinance transferring powers, duties or functions, and any related ordinances or resolutions concerning personnel or funds affected by the transfer. The Council on its own initiative may, by ordinance, adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Council, subject to the veto of the Mayor or by a three-fourths vote of the Council over the veto of the Mayor, make any such transfer.
(b) Exceptions. The power of the Mayor and Council to act as provided in this section shall not extend to:
(1) Elected Offices;
(2) Proprietary Departments;
(3) Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System;
(4) Department of Fire and Police Pensions;
(5) City Ethics Commission;
(7) The Police Department and the Fire Department, if the transfer or consolidation would significantly alter or affect the primary purpose or character of the departments.
(8) Independent Redistricting Commission.
(c) Ordinance Created Powers and Duties. Powers, duties and functions established by ordinance may be transferred or eliminated by an ordinance proposed by the Mayor or Council. If the Mayor proposes a transfer or elimination, the action shall be effective if approved by ordinance adopted by a majority vote of the Council, or if the Council fails to disapprove the matter within 45 days after submittal by the Mayor of all documents necessary to accomplish the transfer or elimination, including the proposed ordinance transferring powers, duties or functions, and any related ordinances or resolutions concerning personnel or funds affected by the transfer or elimination.
Amended by: Subsec. (b)(8) added, Charter Amendment DD, approved November 5, 2024, effective January 8, 2025.
The Fire Department shall have the power and duty to:
(a) control and extinguish injurious or dangerous fires and to remove that which is liable to cause those fires;
(b) enforce all ordinances and laws relating to the prevention or spread of fires, fire control and fire hazards within the City, and the waters under the jurisdiction of the City, and vessels or structures thereon, provided however that nothing herein shall require the Fire Department to provide services to, on, in, or for the benefit of any lands, waters, properties or waterfront under the control of the Harbor Department, except pursuant to an agreement by the Board of Harbor Commissioners to reimburse the General Fund for the costs of those services;
(c) conduct fire investigations; and
(d) protect lives and property in case of disaster or public calamity. The scope and extent of those emergency powers and duties and the manner of their exercise shall be prescribed by ordinance consistent with Section 231(i).
The officers of the Fire Department who are in charge at the scene of any fire or emergency shall have full power and authority to direct the operation of controlling and containing the fire or emergency. The officers may prohibit approach to the fire or emergency site and may remove any person, vehicle, vessel or thing not needed in controlling and containing the fire or emergency or preserving property in the vicinity.
This section shall not limit the authority of the master or officers of any vessel requiring Fire Department response, subject to the Fire Department’s authority to control the operations in protection of the public interest.
The chief administrative officer of the Fire Department shall be known as the Fire Chief and shall be appointed and removed as provided in Section 508.