General Provisions
92.001 Street Commissioner
92.002 Certain conditions which constitute nuisances
92.003 Willful damage, obstruction or impairment of use prohibited
Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters; Generally
92.015 Duty of property owners to remove snow, ice and other obstructions; when snow and ice deemed nuisance
92.016 Materials for and manner of construction and repair; widths and grades
92.017 Supervision of construction and repair work; authority of City Administrator
Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters; Costs of Construction and Installation
92.030 Declaration of policy
92.031 Responsibility for costs
House and Lot Numbering
92.045 Mandatory compliance with subchapter
92.046 Numbering plan for buildings abutting upon streets; duty of property owners and occupants to post numbers on buildings
92.047 Details of numbering plan
92.060 Permit required
92.061 Application for and issuance of permits
92.062 Required deposit prior to issuance of permit; purpose of deposit
92.063 Conditions of permits; safety precautions; duties of permit holders and property owners
92.064 Inspection of backfilling and surface restoration; refund of deposits; work done by city upon finding of unsatisfactory restoration work
92.065 Deposit of cash or bond does not bar city from other recourse for violations
92.080 Findings, purpose and intent
92.081 Election to manage the public right-of-way
92.082 Definitions
92.083 Administration
92.084 Registration and right-of-way occupancy
92.085 Registration information
92.086 Reporting obligations
92.087 Permit requirement
92.088 Permit applications
92.089 Issuance of permit; conditions
92.090 Permit fees
92.091 Right-of-way patching and restoration
92.092 Joint applications
92.093 Supplementary applications
92.094 Other obligations
92.095 Denial of permit
92.096 Installation requirements
92.097 Inspection
92.098 Work done without a permit
92.099 Supplementary notification
92.100 Revocation of permits
92.101 Mapping data
92.102 Location and relocation of facilities
92.103 Pre-excavation facilities location
92.104 Damage to other facilities
92.105 Right-of-way vacation
92.106 Indemnification
92.107 Abandoned and unused facilities
92.108 Appeal
92.999 Penalty
Charter reference:
Ordinance requirements relating to vacation of streets, see Charter § 12.06
Prohibiting public utility fixtures in, over, upon or under any street or public place without a city franchise, see Charter § 10. 01
Statutory reference:
Highways, see M.S. Chapter 160
Opening and vacating streets, see M.S.§ 440.13