155.01 Procedure for property valued at less than $500.00.
155.02 Council determination and ordinance.
155.03 Newspaper advertisement.
155.04 Contents of bid.
155.05 Collusion among bidders.
155.06 Special conditions.
155.07 Other procedure may be established.
155.08 Lease of City-owned property.
155.09 Proceeds from sale of real property.
Notice of sale or lease - see ADM. 107.08
Notice of appropriation - see ADM. 107.09
Real estate belonging to the City which has a fair market value of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or less, may be sold or leased when so directed by the Board of Control and pursuant to an ordinance of Council setting forth the following:
(a) A description of the real property to be sold or leased;
(b) A finding that the property is no longer needed for any municipal purpose;
(c) The reason for selling or leasing the property;
(d) The kind of conveyance or lease to be given by the City; and
(e) The consideration to be paid therefor.
When the sale or lease is so authorized, the Mayor, without further proceedings, shall execute a deed or lease to the purchaser or lessee of the property, provided that the purchaser or lessee shall have first been approved on motion of Council adopted by a majority vote of the members elected thereto.
(Ord. 70-68. Passed 9-16-68.)
Whenever Council determines that the City is the owner of real estate or interest therein which should be sold or otherwise disposed of, it shall first by ordinance make the determination that such real estate or interests therein should be sold or otherwise disposed of as specified in such ordinance and that such sale or other disposition is in the best interests of the City and will further the interests of the City and its residents. Such determination so made by Council shall be conclusive. (Ord. 18-72. Passed 2-21-72.)
Unless Council, in the ordinance provided for in Section 155.02, otherwise provides, any real estate or interests therein which are determined to be sold in an ordinance enacted pursuant to Section 155.02, shall be offered for sale, by the Director of Finance or other officer designated in the ordinance, at public sale after advertisement once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the City stating the date, time and place for receipt of bids, the location where any specifications or conditions of bidding may be examined and the amount of bid security required. The date for the public sale shall be not earlier than the eighth day following the second publication of the notice.
At the time and place specified in the notice of sale, the officer directed to conduct the public sale shall receive sealed bids from any person, corporation, firm or other association desiring to submit a bid, and shall at that time and place publicly open and read such bids. The officer receiving such bids shall report the bids so received to Council and Council shall determine, by motion made and duly adopted, whether to accept the highest bid or to reject all bids and either readvertise for new bids or determine not to sell such real estate or interests therein. (Ord. 18-72. Passed 2-21-72.)
Unless otherwise provided in the ordinance authorizing sale of the real estate or interest therein provided for in Section 155.02, each bid submitted pursuant to Section 155.03 must contain the full name of each person, corporation, firm or other association interested in such bid and shall be accompanied by a sufficient bid bond issued by a compensated corporate issuer licensed to write such bond by the State, or a certified, cashier's or bank official's check on a solvent bank, as bid security, in an amount equal to ten percent of the bid or such larger percentage as is specified in the ordinance enacted pursuant to Section 155.02, that if the bid is accepted, such bidder will accept title to such real estate or interests therein and make payment of the purchase price specified in its bid, all in accordance with Sections 155.02 to 155.07 inclusive, the advertisement for sale and any specifications or conditions of bidding mentioned in such advertisement for sale. (Ord. 18-72. Passed 2-21-72.)