Every police officer or other employee in the Department of Police who has served continuously for twenty years and has reached the age of fifty years or more shall be entitled to be retired on his or her own request on a pension. However, a police officer or other employee in the Department who was employed as of June 4, 1968, shall be entitled to be retired on his or her own request on a pension after he or she has served continuously for twenty years, without regard to his or her age. The pension shall date from the time the police officer or employee filed his or her application with Council. However, Council may retire any police officer or member of the Department who has served fifteen years or more if, in its opinion, the officer or employee is physically or mentally incapacitated from performing his or her duty in the Department. Further, the age of sixty-five years is hereby established as the age at which retirement from duty is mandatory for all members of the Department.
(Ord. 3943. Passed 4-18-72.)