New Officers' and Employees' Pension Plan
287.01   Definitions.
287.02   Administration.
287.03   Eligibility.
287.04   Contributions.
287.05   Pension benefits.
287.06   Disability benefits.
287.07   Termination of employment and refund of contributions.
287.08   Valuation requirements.
287.09   Modifications.
287.10   Authority; intent.
   Restrictions on municipal powers as to retirement - see Opt. 3rd Class Sec. 305
   Pensions generally - see 3rd Class Secs. 4301 et seq.
   Comprehensive Municipal Pension Trust Fund - see ADM. Ch. 285
   Officers' and Employees' Retirement System - see ADM. Ch. 286
   Police Pension Fund - see ADM. Chs. 288 and 289
   Firemen's Pension Fund - see ADM. Chs. 290 and 291
   Bureau of Sewage Pension Fund - see ADM. Chs. 292 and 293
   Social security - see ADM. 294.13
   Retirement of plumbers - see B. & H. 1448.06