General Provisions
37.01 Establishment; membership
37.02 Police Overview Committee
Code of Conduct for Police Officers
37.15 Police ethics
37.16 Violation of rules, regulations or directives prohibited
37.17 Unbecoming conduct
37.18 Immoral conduct
37.19 Conformance to laws
37.20 Reporting for duty
37.21 Fictitious illness or injury reports
37.22 Sleeping on duty
37.23 Leaving duty post
37.24 Meals
37.25 Unsatisfactory performance
37.26 Possession and use of alcohol and drugs
37.27 Use of tobacco
37.28 Insubordination
37.29 Conflicting or illegal orders
37.30 Gifts, gratuities, bribes or rewards
37.31 Abuse of position
37.32 Endorsements and referrals
37.33 Identification
37.34 Courtesy
37.35 Requests for assistance
37.36 Public appearances and statements
37.37 Conflict of interest
37.38 Personal appearance
37.39 Political activity
37.40 Departmental reports
37.41 Use of force
37.42 Use of weapons
37.43 Arrest, search and seizure
37.44 Respect between ranks
37.45 Personal associations
37.46 Passengers in police vehicles
37.47 Grievance handling
37.48 Cooperation
37.49 Organizational membership
37.50 Conduct of internal business
37.51 Uniform
37.52 Insignia
37.53 Understanding duties
37.54 Prompt response
37.55 Service availability
37.56 Court actions
37.57 Discharge of weapon
37.58 Loitering
37.59 Vehicle care
37.60 Operational responsibility
37.61 Etiquette
37.62 Receiving evidence
37.99 Penalty
Chief of Police, see § 36.123
Police Captain, see § 36.124
Police Officer, see § 36.126
Police Sergeant, see § 36.125
Police Sergeant (D.A.R.E. officer), see § 36.128
Safety officer, see § 36.127