Tract J: New loop street, North Fourth Street, a line approximately 110 feet northwest of the intersection of the new loop street and North Fourth Street, the Linear Park, a line approximately 346 feet northwest of Railroad Street.
(a) Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide a site for low and medium-density multi-family residential dwelling units.
(b) Physical organization. Government institutional facilities and high-density multi-family units shall be developed to the south and southeast. To the northwest shall be single-family residential units. This development shall provide a transition from the more intensive residential and commercial uses to the single-family area.
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for low or medium-density multi-family residential dwelling units. A utility easement 20 feet wide shall be reserved beginning at a point approximately 212 feet from the southwestern (riverside) right-of-way line of North Fourth Street (vacated North Cedar Alley).
(d) Maximum density. The maximum density shall not exceed 25 dwelling units per acre.
(e) Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall consist of one and one-fourth spaces per dwelling unit. All parking shall be screened by a brick wall at least four feet high or by a wall of similar height consisting of other material or mature vegetation acceptable to the local public agency. All parking areas shall be paved. Access to parking areas shall be from the new loop street. The site shall not face on the Linear Park and shall be screened from it. There shall be no vehicular access to the site from the Linear Park or Fourth Street.
(f) Minimum lot area per dwelling unit. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 1,800 square feet.
(g) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 50 feet in height.
(h) Setback requirements.
(1) Generally.
A. Front yard, ten feet;
B. Side yard, ten feet; and
C. Rear yard, ten feet.
(2) Exclusions. No parking areas or loading zones shall be provided in the setback areas. No habitable structural complex shall be located within 15 feet of any other habitable structural complex.
(i) Maximum land coverage. Land coverage shall not exceed 70 percent for both structures and parking.
(j) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be compatible with the publicly provided street and mall lighting, in both type and design. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(k) Signs. No neon or self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect light sources only. No freestanding sign shall be permitted. Signs shall not exceed nine square feet in size. No overhanging or projecting sign shall be permitted. No billboard type sign shall be permitted. No pennants, flags, banners or paper signs shall be permitted. No sign may protrude into the public right-of-way. No sign shall protrude above the roof level of a structure. All signs shall be approved by the Committee.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973; Am. Ord. 75-16, passed 3-27-1975)
Tract K: Etna Street, a line approximately 140 feet from North Fourth Street, Buckhorn Street, North Fourth Street.
(a) Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide sites for single-family residential development.
(b) Physical organization. This area shall be developed with single-family residential structures. This shall provide a transition between the new multi-family development and the existing single-family area outside of the project. Development shall be oriented toward Fourth Street.
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for single-family detached residential units.
(d) Maximum density. Maximum density shall not exceed eight dwelling units per acre.
(e) Minimum lot area per dwelling unit. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 5,000 square feet.
(f) Minimum lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 50 feet.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(g) Off-street parking. A minimum of one parking space shall be provided on site for each dwelling unit. Parking areas and driveway access shall be paved. Parking shall not be located in the front setback area. The developer shall limit the number of vehicular access points to this site from Fourth Street to an absolute minimum.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)
(h) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 35 feet in height.
(i) Setback requirements.
(1) Generally.
A. Front yard, 20 feet;
B. Side yard, eight feet; and
C. Rear yard, 15 feet.
(2) Exclusions. No parking area shall be provided in the front setback area.
(j) Maximum land coverage. Land coverage shall not exceed 40 percent.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(k) Lighting. Exterior light fixtures shall be compatible with the publicly provided street lighting. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(l) Signs. No neon or self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect sources only. No freestanding sign shall be permitted. Signs shall not exceed two square feet in size. All signs shall be approved by the Committee. As a general rule, signs shall not be permitted in this area except to identify the house number and name of the occupants.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)
Tract L: Buckhorn Street, a line approximately 140 feet from Buckhorn Street, North Fourth Street, a line approximately 140 feet from North Fourth Street.
(a) Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide sites for single-family residential development.
(b) Physical organization. This area shall be developed with single-family residential structures. This shall provide a transition between the new multi-family development and the existing single-family area outside of the project. Development shall be oriented toward Fourth Street.
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for single-family detached residential units.
(d) Maximum density. The maximum density shall not exceed eight dwelling units per acre.
(e) Minimum lot area per dwelling unit. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 5,000 square feet.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(f) Off-street parking. A minimum of one parking space shall be provided on site for each dwelling unit. Parking areas and driveway access shall be paved. Parking shall not be located in the front setback area.
(Ord. 5805, passed 7-25-1974)
(g) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 35 feet in height.
(h) Setback requirements.
(1) Generally.
A, Front yard, 20 feet;
B. Side yard, eight feet; and
C. Rear yard, 15 feet.
(2) No parking area shall be provided in the front setback area.
(i) Maximum land coverage. Land coverage shall not exceed 40 percent.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(j) Lighting. Exterior light fixtures shall be compatible with the publicly provided street lighting. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(k) Signs. No neon or self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect light sources only. No freestanding sign shall be permitted. Signs shall not exceed two square feet in size. All signs shall be approved by the Committee. As a general rule, signs shall not be permitted in this area except to identify the house number and name of the occupant.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)
Tract M: North Fourth Street, the new loop street, a line approximately 88 feet from the new loop street.
(a) Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide sites for single-family residential development.
(b) Physical organization. This area shall be developed with single-family residential structures. This shall provide a transition between the new multi-family development and the existing single-family area outside of the project. Development shall be oriented toward the new loop street and shall be in character with the single-family home to be retained on that street.
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for single-family detached residential units.
(d) Maximum density. The density shall not exceed eight dwelling units per acre.
(e) Minimum lot area per dwelling unit. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 5,000 square feet.
(f) Minimum lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 50 feet.
(g) Off-street parking. A minimum of one parking space shall be provided on site for each dwelling unit. Parking areas and access drives shall be paved. Access shall be from the new loop street. Parking shall not be allowed in the front setback area.
(h) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 35 feet in height.
(i) Setback requirements.
(1) Generally.
A. Front yard, 15 feet;
B. Side yard, eight feet; and
C. Rear yard, 15 feet.
(2) Exclusions. No parking area may be provided in the front setback area.
(Ord. 5805, passed 7-25-1974)
(j) Maximum land coverage. Land coverage shall not exceed 40 percent.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(k) Lighting. Exterior light fixtures shall be compatible with the publicly provided street lighting. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(l) Signs. No neon or self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect sources only. No freestanding sign shall be permitted. Signs shall not exceed two square feet in size. All signs shall be approved by the Committee. As a general rule, signs shall not be permitted in this area except to identify the house number and name of the occupant.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)
Tract O: Linear Park, a line approximately 630 feet from Etna Street, a line approximately 225 feet from North Fourth Street, a line approximately 150 feet from Railroad Street.
(a) Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide a high-density residential area which shall act as a transition between the commercial area and lower density residential area.
(b) Physical organization. This area shall be developed as a convenience commercial and retail area located just to the southeast with ready access via the Linear Park. Structures shall be oriented toward the Linear Park, with parking access from the new loop street. To the northwest shall be located low density residential units.
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for high-density residential uses and uses accessory and incidental thereto. A utility easement 20 feet wide shall be reserved beginning at a point approximately 212 feet from the southwestern right-of-way line (riverside) of North Fourth Street. An easement ten feet wide shall be reserved beginning at a point approximately 310 feet from the northwestern right-of-way line (upstream) of Railroad Street.
(d) Maximum density. The density shall not exceed 120 units per acre.
(e) Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall consist of one and one-half spaces for every dwelling unit, except for housing restricted to the elderly. In such case, there shall be one space for every two dwelling units. Parking areas shall not face the Linear Park and shall be screened from the Linear Park. All parking shall be screened by a brick wall at least four feet in height or by a wall of similar height consisting of other material or mature vegetation acceptable to the local public agency. Parking spaces shall be at least nine feet by 18 feet in size. All parking areas shall be paved. No vehicular access shall be allowed from the Linear Park to any parking area.
(f) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 90 feet in height.
(g) Setback requirements.
(1) Generally.
A. Front yard, ten feet;
B. Side yard, ten feet; and
C. Rear yard, ten feet.
(2) Exclusions. Parking areas and loading zones shall not be provided in the setback areas.
(h) Maximum land coverage. Land coverage shall not exceed 70 percent for structures and parking.
(i) Loading zones. All loading shall be provided on site. No loading area shall face on the Linear Park. All loading areas shall be screened from the Linear Park. All loading sites shall be screened by a brick wall at least four feet in height or by a wall of similar height and of other material or mature vegetation acceptable to the local public agency. All loading areas shall be paved. No vehicular access shall be allowed from the Linear Park to any loading area.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(j) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be compatible with the publicly provided street and mall lighting, in both type and design. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(k) Signs. No neon or self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect light sources only. No freestanding sign shall be permitted. Signs shall not exceed nine square feet in size. No overhanging or projecting sign shall be permitted. No billboard type sign shall be permitted. No pennants, flags, banners or paper signs shall be permitted. No sign shall protrude into the public right-of-way. No sign may protrude above the roof level of a structure. All exterior signs shall be approved by the Committee.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)