§ 1292.06 TRACT D.
   Tract D: Second Street, Center Street, the Norfolk and Western Railroad right-of-way, the centerline of vacated Lawrence Street.
   (a)   Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide off-street public parking facilities for the retail development in other portions of the project area. At the discretion of Council, up to 40 percent of this Tract may be used for retail commercial activity.
   (b)   Physical organization. This public parking area shall serve the retail facilities to the northeast (hillside) of Second Street. Access to the Linear Park shall be provided by pedestrian walkways. Any retail commercial activity allowed in this area shall be located toward the Lawrence Street end of the tract.
   (c)   Land use. Land shall be used for automobile parking facilities. An alternate use of the Central Business District or convenience commercial, including automobile service and repair uses, shall be permitted at the discretion of Council. Any retail development which is permitted on this tract shall not exceed 40 percent of the overall area of the tract and shall be oriented toward the Lawrence Street end of the area.
   (d)   Off-street parking. If retail commercial activity is permitted on the tract, Council may, at its discretion, require whatever level of parking it deems necessary in keeping with the proposed activity and the surrounding public parking. Such parking requirements shall not exceed in either size or design those required for similar retail tracts in the project area (e.g. Tract P).
   (e)   Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 25 feet in height.
   (f)   Setback requirements. Development shall be set back a minimum of five feet on all sides except from the Norfolk and Western Railroad right-of-way. Setback areas shall be appropriately landscaped. Landscaping which shall effectively screen the parking area shall be provided along Second Street.
(Ord. 5777, passed 4-11-1974)
   (g)   Maximum land coverage. Maximum land coverage may be 100 percent except for setback requirements.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
   (h)   Floor area ratio. Floor area ratio shall not exceed 2.0.
   (i)   Loading zones. All loading shall be provided on site. All loading areas shall be screened from Second Street by a brick wall of at least four feet in height or by a wall of similar height consisting of other material or mature vegetation which is acceptable to the local public agency. Loading areas shall be set back a minimum of five feet from all parcel boundaries. All loading areas shall be appropriately paved and well lighted.
(Ord. 5777, passed 4-11-1974)
   (j)   Lighting. All exterior public areas shall be lighted to a minimum level of .051 footcandles. All exterior lighting shall be compatible with the publicly provided street and mall lighting, in both type and design. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(Ord. 5668, passed 1-11-1973)
   (k)   Signs. No sign shall be more than 30 square feet in size. No pennants, flags, banners or paper signs shall be permitted. All exterior signs shall be approved by the Committee.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973; Am. Ord. 78-68, passed 11-30-1978)