Tract B: North Third Street between Railroad Street and Center Street, and the northeasterly (upriver) side of Railroad Street.
(a) Basic objectives. This area shall be a Linear Park connecting the retail shopping area with the convenience commercial and residential sections of the project.
(b) Physical organization. The total Linear Park shall extend the full length of the project from Center Street to Etna Street. It shall provide pedestrian orientation to the retail and convenience commercial facilities and shall allow direct pedestrian access to the residential area to the north and northwest of the shopping area. No vehicular traffic shall be permitted except for emergency vehicles. The pedestrian walkway shall also extend along the northeast side of Railroad Street connecting the Linear Park with residential areas.
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for public open space.
(d) Parking requirements. No parking requirements shall apply.
(e) Maximum land coverage. No permanent structure shall be allowed in the area. This restriction shall not prohibit the construction of kiosks, monuments, works of art, street furniture and other accessory and incidental fixtures appropriate for a public pedestrian area.
(f) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee. All areas shall be lighted to a minimum level of .051 footcandles
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(g) Signs. No neon or self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect light sources only. No sign shall be more than 16 square feet in size. All exterior signs shall be approved by the Committee.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)
Tract C: North Second Street, Buckhorn Street, the Linear Park, Center Street.
(a) Basic objectives. The area shall be available for retail commercial development and shall be utilized to expand the Central Business District. Orientation shall be toward the Linear Park and Center Street.
(b) Physical organization. Prime retail floor space shall be concentrated along the Center Street frontage and along the Linear Park (formerly the Third Street right-of-way). Most of the prime commercial area shall be oriented to the Linear Park which connects the project residential areas with this commercial development. Interior pedestrian paths shall link the off-street parking areas with the Linear Park. Some second-story offices may be developed over street level commercial frontage of the Linear Park or at ground level along Center, Railroad and Second Streets. Ground level frontage on the Linear Park shall be limited to retail commercial and personal service establishments.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for retail commercial space and offices, with the exception of drive-in facilities, gas stations, automobile repair or sale, tire and auto washing establishments, motels, hotels or other transient housing facilities, pet shops, kennels, animal hospitals, and the like.
(Ord. 5766, passed 2-28-1974)
(d) Off-street parking. No off-street parking shall be required on site. Parking shall be provided in adjoining public lots. Parking areas provided on site may not face on the Linear Park and must be screened from it. All parking areas shall be screened by a four-foot high brick wall or by a wall of similar height consisting of other material or mature vegetation acceptable to the local public agency. All parking areas shall be paved. No vehicular access to parking areas shall be provided from Railroad Street or the Linear Park.
(e) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 50 feet in height.
(f) Setback requirements. There shall be no setback requirements for structures located on Center Street, Railroad Street, the Linear Park or Second Street. Parking areas and loading zones shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the right-of-way and setback areas shall be suitably landscaped.
(g) Maximum land coverage. Maximum land coverage may be 100 percent except for required setback areas.
(h) Floor area ratio. Floor area ratio shall not exceed 3.0.
(i) Loading zones. All loading shall be provided on site and loading areas shall be screened by a brick wall at least four feet in height or by a wall of similar height consisting of other material or mature vegetation which is acceptable to the local public agency. No vehicular access shall be allowed from Railroad Street or the Linear Park. Loading areas shall be set back a minimum of five feet from all rights-of-way and shall be screened from the Linear Park. All loading zones shall be paved.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(j) Lighting. All exterior public areas shall be lighted to a minimum level of .051 footcandles. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee. All exterior lighting shall be compatible with the publicly provided street and mall lighting, in both type and design.
(k) Signs. No neon or other self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect sources only. No freestanding sign shall be permitted. No sign shall be more than 30 square feet in size. No overhanging or projecting signs, except those hung from a canopy and less than six square feet in size, shall be permitted. No billboard type sign shall be permitted on the side of or on top of structures. No pennants, flags, banners or paper signs shall be permitted. No sign may protrude into the public right-of-way except as provided under a canopy. No sign shall protrude above the roof level of a structure. All exterior signs shall be approved by the Committee.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)
Tract D: Second Street, Center Street, the Norfolk and Western Railroad right-of-way, the centerline of vacated Lawrence Street.
(a) Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide off-street public parking facilities for the retail development in other portions of the project area. At the discretion of Council, up to 40 percent of this Tract may be used for retail commercial activity.
(b) Physical organization. This public parking area shall serve the retail facilities to the northeast (hillside) of Second Street. Access to the Linear Park shall be provided by pedestrian walkways. Any retail commercial activity allowed in this area shall be located toward the Lawrence Street end of the tract.
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for automobile parking facilities. An alternate use of the Central Business District or convenience commercial, including automobile service and repair uses, shall be permitted at the discretion of Council. Any retail development which is permitted on this tract shall not exceed 40 percent of the overall area of the tract and shall be oriented toward the Lawrence Street end of the area.
(d) Off-street parking. If retail commercial activity is permitted on the tract, Council may, at its discretion, require whatever level of parking it deems necessary in keeping with the proposed activity and the surrounding public parking. Such parking requirements shall not exceed in either size or design those required for similar retail tracts in the project area (e.g. Tract P).
(e) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 25 feet in height.
(f) Setback requirements. Development shall be set back a minimum of five feet on all sides except from the Norfolk and Western Railroad right-of-way. Setback areas shall be appropriately landscaped. Landscaping which shall effectively screen the parking area shall be provided along Second Street.
(Ord. 5777, passed 4-11-1974)
(g) Maximum land coverage. Maximum land coverage may be 100 percent except for setback requirements.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(h) Floor area ratio. Floor area ratio shall not exceed 2.0.
(i) Loading zones. All loading shall be provided on site. All loading areas shall be screened from Second Street by a brick wall of at least four feet in height or by a wall of similar height consisting of other material or mature vegetation which is acceptable to the local public agency. Loading areas shall be set back a minimum of five feet from all parcel boundaries. All loading areas shall be appropriately paved and well lighted.
(Ord. 5777, passed 4-11-1974)
(j) Lighting. All exterior public areas shall be lighted to a minimum level of .051 footcandles. All exterior lighting shall be compatible with the publicly provided street and mall lighting, in both type and design. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(Ord. 5668, passed 1-11-1973)
(k) Signs. No sign shall be more than 30 square feet in size. No pennants, flags, banners or paper signs shall be permitted. All exterior signs shall be approved by the Committee.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973; Am. Ord. 78-68, passed 11-30-1978)
Tract E: Second Street, Railroad Street, the Linear Park, a line approximately 140 feet northwest of Railroad Street.
(a) Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide convenience retail commercial and office facilities oriented to needs of project area residents and the residential area to the northeast (hillside) of the project area.
(b) Physical organization. Physical organization shall be convenience commercial establishments and secondary retail with floor space oriented toward Railroad Street and the Linear Park, with primary orientation to the Linear Park. The Linear Park interconnects the convenience commercial shops with adjacent high, medium and low-density residential areas and the prime retail sector. Most parking is provided across Second Street in public off-street parking lots.
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for convenience commercial, office and secondary retail uses. No drive-in facilities shall be permitted. Bakery shops, barber shops, beauty parlors, ice cream stores, drug stores, food stores, laundrettes, laundromats, dry cleaning establishments, variety stores and other similar or accessory uses shall be permitted.
(d) Off-street parking. No off-street parking shall be required on site. Parking shall be provided in adjoining public lots. Parking areas provided on site may not face on the Linear Park and shall be screened from it. All parking areas shall be screened by a four-foot high brick wall or by a wall of similar height consisting of other material or mature vegetation acceptable to the local public agency. All parking areas shall be paved. No access shall be provided to parking areas from Railroad Street or the Linear Park.
(e) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 40 feet in height.
(f) Setback requirements. No setback is required from Railroad Street, the Linear Park or Second Street. A minimum ten-foot setback is required from all other lot lines. All setback areas shall be suitably landscaped.
(g) Maximum land coverage. Maximum land coverage may be 100 percent, except for required setback areas.
(h) Floor area ratio. Floor area ratio shall not exceed 1.5.
(i) Loading zones. All loading shall be provided on site. Loading areas shall be screened by a brick wall at least four feet in height or by a wall of similar height consisting of other material or mature vegetation acceptable to the local public agency. No loading areas may face on the Linear Park and all such areas shall be screened from the Linear Park. No vehicular access shall be provided from Railroad Street. All loading zones shall be paved.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(j) Lighting. All exterior public areas shall be lighted to a minimum level of .051 footcandles. All exterior lighting shall be compatible with the publicly provided street and mall lighting, in both type and design. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(k) Signs. No neon or other self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect sources only. No freestanding sign shall be permitted. No sign shall be more than 30 square feet in size. No overhanging or projecting signs, except those hung from a canopy and less than six square feet in size, shall be permitted. No billboard type signs shall be permitted on the side of or on top of structures. No pennants, flags, banners or paper signs shall be permitted. No sign may protrude above the roof level of a structure. All exterior signs shall be approved by the Committee.
(Ord. 5665, passed 11-1-1973)
Tract F: Second Street, a line approximately 150 feet northwest of Railroad Street, the Linear Park, a line approximately 280 feet northwest of Railroad Street.
(a) Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide a high-density residential area which shall act as a transition between the commercial area and lower density residential areas.
(b) Physical organization. Residential structures shall be oriented toward the Linear Park with access to parking from Second Street. Convenience commercial shall be located just to the southeast. To the northeast shall be located medium and low density residential units.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for high-density residential and accessory or incidental uses thereto.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)
(d) Maximum density. Maximum density shall not exceed 120 units per acre.
(e) Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall consist of one and one-half spaces for every dwelling unit, except for housing restricted to the elderly, in which case there shall be one space for every two dwelling units. Parking areas shall not face the Linear Park and shall be screened from the Linear Park Area. All parking shall be screened by a brick wall at least four feet high, by a wall of similar height consisting of other material or by mature vegetation acceptable to the local public agency. Each parking space shall be at least nine feet by 18 feet in size. All parking areas shall be paved. No vehicular access shall be provided to parking areas from the Linear Park.
(f) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 90 feet in height.
(g) Setback requirements.
(1) Generally.
A. Front yard, ten feet;
B. Side yard, ten feet; and
C. Rear yard, ten feet.
(2) Exclusions. Parking and loading zones may not be provided within setback areas.
(h) Maximum land coverage. Land coverage shall not exceed 70 percent for both structures and parking.
(i) Loading zones. All loading shall be provided on site. No loading area shall face on the Linear Park and all such areas shall be screened from the Linear Park. All loading sites shall be screened by a brick wall at least four feet high or by a wall of similar height and of other material or mature vegetation acceptable to the local public agency. All loading zones shall be paved. There shall be no vehicular access to loading zones from the Linear Park.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(j) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be compatible with the publicly provided street and mall lighting, in both type and design. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(k) Signs. No neon or self-illuminating sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect sources only. No freestanding sign shall be permitted. Signs shall not exceed nine square feet in size. No overhanging or projecting sign shall be permitted. No billboard type sign shall be permitted. No pennants, flags, banner or paper signs shall be permitted. No sign may protrude into the public right- of-way. No sign shall protrude above the roof level of a structure. All exterior signs shall be approved by the Committee.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)
Tract G: Etna Street, Linear Park, a line approximately 280 feet from Railroad Street, Second Street.
(a) Basic objectives. The basic objectives shall be to provide low and medium-density multi-family housing.
(b) Physical organization. High density, multi-family units shall be developed just to the southeast. The Linear Park shall offer a pedestrian connector to convenience commercial facilities and the neighborhood park. Structures shall be oriented toward the Linear Park with access to parking areas from Second Street and/or Etna Street.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for low or medium-density multi-family residential dwelling units. A utility easement ten feet wide shall be reserved, beginning at a point approximately 135 feet from the southeastern (downstream) right-of-way line of Etna Street between Second Street and the Linear Park.
(d) Maximum density. Maximum density shall not exceed 17 dwelling units per acre.
(e) Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall consist of one space per dwelling unit. Parking areas may not face on the Linear Park and shall be screened from the Linear Park. All parking shall be screened by a brick wall at least four feet high or by a wall of similar height consisting of similar material or mature vegetation acceptable to the local public agency. All parking areas shall be paved. There shall be no vehicular access to parking areas from the Linear Park.
(Ord. 5569, passed 10-14-1971)
(f) Minimum lot area per dwelling unit. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 2,500 square feet.
(g) Maximum height. No structure shall exceed 50 feet in height.
(h) Setback requirements.
(1) Generally.
A. Front yard, ten feet;
B. Side yard, ten feet; and
C. Rear yard, ten feet.
(2) Exclusions. No habitable structural complex shall be located within 15 feet of any other habitable structural complex. Parking or loading area zones may not be provided within setback areas.
(i) Maximum land coverage. Land coverage shall not exceed 50 percent for both structures and parking.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(j) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be compatible with the publicly provided street and mall lighting, in both type and design. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)
(k) Signs. No neon or self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect light sources only. No freestanding sign shall be permitted. Signs may not exceed 16 square feet in size.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
Tract H: Previously North Third Street between Etna Street and Railroad Street, the southeasterly right-of-way line of Etna Street, a line approximately 370 feet from North Fourth Street, the northwesterly right-of-way line of Railroad Street, a line approximately 132 feet from North Second Street.
(a) Basic objectives. This area shall be a Linear Park connecting the retail shopping area with the residential section of the project.
(b) Physical organization. The Linear Park shall extend the full length of the project from Center Street to Etna Street. It shall provide a pedestrian orientation to the retail and convenience commercial facilities and shall allow direct pedestrian access to the residential area to the north and northeast of the shopping area. No vehicular traffic shall be allowed except for emergency vehicles.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(c) Land use. Land shall be used for public open space. A utility easement ten feet wide shall be reserved beginning at a point approximately 135 feet from the northwestern right-of-way line (upstream) of Etna Street.
(Ord. 5569, passed 10-14-1971)
(d) Parking requirements. No parking requirements shall apply.
(e) Maximum land coverage. No permanent structure shall be allowed in the area. This restriction shall not prohibit the construction of kiosks, monuments, works of art, street furniture and other accessory and incidental fixtures appropriate for a public pedestrian area.
(Res. 5531, passed 4-22-1971)
(f) Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Development Review Committee. All exterior areas shall be lighted to a minimum level of .051 footcandles.
(g) Signs. No neon or self-illuminated sign shall be permitted. Signs may be illuminated by indirect sources only. Signs may not exceed 16 square feet in size. All exterior signs shall be approved by the Committee.
(Ord. 5664, passed 1-11-1973)