TITLE TWO - General Provisions
         Chap. 202.   Codified Ordinances.
         Chap. 204.   Official Standards.
         Chap. 206.   Wards and Boundaries.
      TITLE FOUR - Legislation
         Chap. 220.   Council.
         Chap. 222.   Ordinances, Resolutions and Contracts.
      TITLE SIX - Administration
         Chap. 230.   Mayor.
         Chap. 232.   Department of Law.
         Chap. 234.   Department of Finance.
         Chap. 236.   Department of Public Works and Services.
         Chap. 238.   Police Department.
         Chap. 240.   Fire Department.
         Chap. 242.   Department of Community Development.
         Chap. 244.   Recreation Department.
         Chap. 250.   Employees Generally.
         Chap. 252.   City Policies, Plans and Programs.
      TITLE EIGHT - Boards, Commissions and Committees
         Chap. 260.   Civil Service Commission
         Chap. 262.   Planning Commission.
         Chap. 264.   Board of Zoning Appeals.
         Chap. 266.   Recreation Advisory Committee.
         Chap. 268.   Board of Health.
         Chap. 270.   Iron Master Society.
         Chap. 272.   Ironton Port Authority.
         Chap. 274.   Street Tree Commission.
      TITLE TEN - Judiciary
         Chap. 290.   Municipal Court