General Provisions
   52.001   Definitions
   52.002   Breaking, destroying, defacing, and the like any part of wastewater facilities
   52.003   Financial assessment
Use of Public Sewers Required
   52.015   Deposit of excrement, garbage, or objectionable waste prohibited
   52.016   Discharge of wastewater into natural outlet prohibited
   52.017   Construction or maintenance of privies, septic tanks, and the like prohibited
   52.018   Installation of toilet facilities and connection with proper sewer required
Private Wastewater Disposal
   52.030   Where public sewers not available
   52.031   Permit; required
   52.032   Permit; not to become effective until installation completed satisfactorily
   52.033   Requirements
   52.034   Direct connection required when public sewer becomes available
   52.035   Maintenance and operation
   52.036   Additional requirements may be imposed by Health Officer
Building Sewers and Connections
   52.050   Permit; required
   52.051   Permit; types, application, and fees
   52.052   Installation and connection costs to be borne by owner; indemnification of City
   52.053   Separate and independent building sewers required; exception
   52.054   Use of old building sewers in connection with new buildings
   52.055   Construction requirements
   52.056   Elevation of connection to be below basement floor
   52.057   Connection of sources of surface runoff or groundwater prohibited; exception
   52.058   Connection to public sewer
   52.059   Notification when ready for inspection
   52.060   Excavations to be guarded adequately; disturbed property to be restored
Use of Public Sewers
   52.075   Discharge of unpolluted waters to sewers prohibited
   52.076   Discharge of unpolluted waters to specifically designated sewers or natural outlets
   52.077   Discharge of certain substances into public sewers prohibited
   52.078   Discharge of certain substances limited
   52.079   Sewer allocation policy
Industrial Users
   52.100   Permits
   52.101   Pretreatment
   52.102   Record keeping and reporting required
   52.103   Emergency suspensions
   52.104   Termination of permit
   52.105   Fats, oils, and grease removal
Power and Authority of Inspectors
   52.115   Authority to enter premises for purposes of inspection, observation, and the like
   52.116   Authority to obtain information concerning industrial processes
   52.117   Observation of company safety rules during inspection, observation, and the like
   52.118   Authority to enter private properties through which City holds easements
Water Conservation
   52.130   Purpose and intent; statutory construction
   52.131   Water shortage defined
   52.132   Proclamation of water shortage
   52.133   Compliance required in the event of shortage
   52.134   Restrictions applicable to various stages of water shortage
   52.135   Scope, duration, and notice
   52.999   Penalty
Editor’s note:
   Tables accompanying the modified sewer use ordinance adopted on 10-22-1979, are not set out herein, but are available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk.