   (A)   District summary. The "IG", Industrial: General zoning district is intended to provide locations for general industrial manufacturing, production, assembly, warehousing, research and development facilities, and similar land uses. This district is intended to accommodate a variety of industrial uses in locations and under conditions that minimize land use conflicts. This district should be used to support industrial retention and expansion in Hancock County.
   (B)   Permitted primary uses.
      (1)   Land use matrix. The land use matrix set forth in § 156.021 provides detailed use lists for all zoning districts.
      (2)   Agricultural uses.
         (a)   Crop processing and storage (materials produced on-site).
         (b)   Grazing and pasture land.
      (3)   Communications/utilities uses.
         (a)   Communication service exchange.
         (b)   Utility substation.
         (c)   Water tower.
      (4)   Institutional/public uses.
         (a)   Heliport.
         (b)   Medical clinic.
         (c)   Parking lot or structure (as a primary use).
         (d)   Police, fire, or rescue station.
         (e)   Trade or business school.
      (5)   Park uses.
         (a)   Nature preserve/center.
      (6)   Commercial uses.
         (a)   Administrative/professional office.
         (b)   Conference center.
         (c)   Data processing/call center.
         (d)   Radio/TV station.
      (7)   Industrial uses.
         (a)   Agricultural products terminal.
         (b)   Assembly facility.
         (c)   Fabrication facility.
         (d)   Food and beverage production.
         (e)   Lumber yard.
         (f)   Manufacturing facility.
         (g)   Mini-warehouse self-storage facility.
         (h)   Packaging facility.
         (i)   Printing/publishing facility.
         (j)   Research and development facility.
         (k)   Tool and dye shop.
         (l)   Truck freight terminal.
         (m)   Warehouse and distribution facility.
         (n)   Wholesale distribution facility.
   (C)   Special exception primary uses.
      (1)   Land use matrix. The land use matrix set forth in § 156.021 provides detailed use lists for all zoning districts.
      (2)   Agriculture uses.
         (a)   Agricultural chemical sales, distribution, and storage.
         (b)   Crop production.
         (c)   Farm co-op facility.
         (d)   Farm equipment sales and service.
         (e)   Fertilizer sales, distribution and storage.
         (f)   Livestock auction/sales facility.
         (g)   Livestock raising and breeding.
         (h)   Nursery.
         (i)   Seed sales, distribution, and storage.
         (j)   Winery.
      (3)   Communications/utilities uses.
         (a)   Sewage treatment facility.
         (b)   Telecommunications facility/tower.
      (4)   Institutional/public uses.
         (a)   Airport.
         (b)   Airstrip (private).
         (c)   Government facility (non-office).
         (d)   Government office.
         (e)   Penal or correctional institution.
         (f)   Public bus/train terminal.
      (5)   Commercial uses.
         (a)   Adult uses.
         (b)   Child care center.
         (c)   Indoor/outdoor recreation facility.
         (d)   Motocross facility.
         (e)   Truck stop/travel center.
      (6)   Industrial uses.
         (a)   Animal and animal products processing.
         (b)   Boat/RV storage facility (outdoor).
         (c)   Bottle gas storage and distribution.
         (d)   Concrete/asphalt production facility.
         (e)   Contractor's warehouse/storage facility.
         (f)   Explosive manufacturing and storage.
         (g)   Inoperable vehicle storage.
         (h)   Junk/scrap metal yard.
         (i)   Mineral extraction and processing.
         (j)   Petroleum and chemical processing and storage.
         (k)   Power generation facility (commercial).
         (l)   Refuse dump/transfer station.
         (m)   Sanitary landfill.
         (n)   Semi-tractor/trailer storage.
         (o)   Truck sales and service center.
         (p)   Waste incinerator.
   (D)   Lot standards.
      (1)   Minimum lot area: 5 acres.
      (2)   Maximum lot area: not applicable.
      (3)   Minimum lot width (measured at front setback/build-to line):1 25 feet.
      (4)   Maximum lot coverage (including all hard surfaces): 75%.
      (5)   Minimum front yard setback - (measured from street right-of-way): 100 feet.
      (6)   Minimum side yard setback - (measured from adjacent property line): 50 feet.
      (7)   Minimum rear yard setback - (measured from rear property line): 100 feet.
      (8)   Minimum living area per dwelling: not applicable.
      (9)   Minimum ground floor living area: not applicable.
      (10)   Maximum primary structures per lot: not applicable.
      (11)   Maximum height: 50 feet.
   Illustrative layout (does not reflect all requirements contained within this chapter)
(Ord. 2007-1B, passed 2-5-07)
Cross reference:
   Development standards, see §§ 156.060 et seq.
   Overlay districts, see §§ 156.040 et seq.
   Procedures and permits, see §§ 156.100 et seq.
   Sign standards, see §§ 156.085 et seq.
   (A)   Establishment of overlay districts. The overlay districts noted below have been established to provide additional development standards that respond to unique characteristics of the properties to which they apply. The overlay districts will assist Hancock County in providing for the public welfare and accomplishing the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The development of properties which are located in one or more overlay districts shall be subject to the requirements of both the overlay district(s) and the underlying district in which they are located. The following overlay zoning districts shall apply to properties in the jurisdiction of the Hancock County Area Plan Commission as specified in the description of each district in this subchapter.
Wellfield Protection.
Rural Village.
Shirley Overlay.
   (B)   Effect of planned unit development district. All planned unit developments shall be consistent with the requirements of §§ 156.050 et seq. Planned unit developments shall not be subject to the requirements of any overlay district, unless otherwise specified as an element of the planned unit development detailed plan.
   (C)   Land uses. All land uses which are permitted, non-permitted or a special exception use in any underlying zoning district to which an overlay district is applied shall remain permitted, non-permitted, or special exception uses unless otherwise specified by the applicable overlay district(s).
   (D)   Lot, yard, and development standards. Any lot, yard, and development standards established by an overlay district shall apply as follows:
      (1)   Replacement of underlying district standards. All lot, yard, and development standards established by an underlying zoning district shall apply unless alternate standards are provided by the overlay district(s).
      (2)   Additional overlay district standards. Properties located in any overlay district(s) shall also be subject to any additional lot, yard, and development standards established by the overlay district(s).
(Ord. 2007-1B, passed 2-5-07; Am. Ord. 2014-8C, passed 8-5-14; Am. Ord. 2021-7A, passed 7-20-21)
Cross reference:
   Planned unit developments, see §§ 156.050 et seq.
   Zoning districts, see §§ 156.020 et seq.
   (A)   Intent. This section is intended to safeguard the public health, safety, and general welfare of those persons within Hancock County who rely on public and/or utility-operated wellfields for clean, safe drinking water. These regulations are intended to prevent land uses and certain development practices that commonly have the potential to degrade water quality by introducing chemicals, organic hazards, and other potentially harmful elements into the ground water system within the five-year capture area of the wellfields. This includes the introduction of hazardous materials into the area, the creation of hazardous by-products from onsite activities, and the alteration of the land in a manner that increases the exposure of the ground water system to potential contaminants.
   (B)   Boundaries and exemptions. The Wellfield Protection Overlay District (WP-OL) shall apply to all properties as indicated on the official zoning map of Hancock County, but shall generally conform to the boundaries of the five-year wellfield capture areas within the county's jurisdiction (as updated periodically).
   (C)   Uses. All uses permitted in the underlying district(s) are permitted in the Wellfield Protection Overlay District; and all uses that are special exceptions in the underlying district(s) are special exceptions in the Wellfield Protection Overlay District unless specifically noted otherwise below.
      (1)   Prohibited uses. The following uses shall be prohibited in the Wellfield Protection Overlay District (see the land use matrix set forth in § 156.021 for detailed use listings):
         (a)   Agriculture uses. Agricultural chemicals, products sales, distribution, and storage facility; farm (confined feeding); farm equipment sales and service; greenhouse (commercial); and livestock auction/sales facility.
         (b)   Communications/utility uses. Sewage treatment plant.
         (c)   Park uses. Campground/RV park; driving range (as a primary use); golf course and/ or country club (including driving range).
         (d)   Institutional/public uses. Airport; animal shelter; fairgrounds; government facility (non-office); heliport; hospital/medical center; and medical clinic.
         (e)   Commercial uses. Auto-oriented uses (small scale); auto-oriented uses (medium scale); auto-oriented uses (large scale); mass transit terminal/station (excluding a public bus stop); kennel; fireworks sales (permanent); and truck stop/travel center.
         (f)   Industrial uses. Animal and animal products processing; boat/RV storage facility (outdoor); concrete/asphalt production facility; contractor's warehouse/storage facility; food and beverage production; general industrial production; hazardous materials production; light industrial assembly and distribution; light industrial processing and distribution; mineral extraction and processing; research and development facility; truck freight terminal; truck sales and service center; and waste disposal facility.
      (2)   Uses not specified. The Plan Commission, through the site development plan review process, may also prohibit or impose conditions on other uses not listed in division (C)(1) above that are reasonably demonstrated to pose a hazard to the drinking water supply due to chemicals used onsite or by-products of onsite activities. Some examples of this type of use may include building cleaning or maintenance service companies, engineering or vocational shops or laboratories, landscape or lawn installation or maintenance services, and mortuaries.
   (D)   Development standards. All development within the boundaries of the Wellfield Protection Overlay District shall comply with all applicable state, federal, and local regulations, in addition to the following development standards.
      (1)   Abandoned wells. All known abandoned wells shall be identified and sealed consistent with any applicable requirements of the County Engineer.
      (2)   Surface water impoundments.  
         (a)   No surface impoundments, ponds, or lagoons shall be established except for the purpose of:
            1.   Storm water retention and detention ponds, or
            2.   Recreation and landscaping purposes.
         (b)   All detention and retention ponds shall be constructed in a manner that provides an effective barrier to the migration of potential contaminants into the ground water and in accordance with the Stormwater Drainage Ordinances of Hancock County or McCordsville.
      (3)   Public sewer service. All development, with the exception of a single-family residence located on a lot of at least two acres, shall be connected to a public sewer. All floor drains must be routed to a temporary holding area for future removal or as otherwise permitted by the Planning Director.
      (4)   Trash and recycling containers. All non-residential trash and recycling containers shall be located on hard-surfaced areas that drain to a public storm sewer.
      (5)   Storage and transfer of potential contaminants. All areas that may be used for the storage and/or transfer of potential ground water contaminants shall be constructed in a manner to prevent any release from the area from reaching the ground water. The containment area shall be capable of, at a minimum, containing 110% of the potentially hazardous material for which the area has storage and transfer capacity.
      (6)   Auto repair facilities. All vehicle and auto repair facilities shall be located within an enclosed building that includes a floor constructed of material that forms an effective barrier to prevent the migration of fluids or other materials into the ground water.
(Ord. 2007-1B, passed 2-5-07)
§ 156.042 CORRIDOR (C-OL).
   (A)   Intent. 
      (1)   The purpose of this section is to establish an overlay district to address the unique characteristics of the properties adjacent to Hancock County's transportation routes. These corridors have unique traffic management needs, development pressures, and aesthetic characteristics that require the establishment of additional development standards to meet the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and fulfill the purpose of this chapter.
      (2)   The intent of the Corridor Overlay District is to require development along the county's thoroughfares that is aesthetically consistent, responsive to development pressures, and proportional to the area's traffic management issues.
   (B)   Boundaries and exemptions. The Corridor Overlay District (C-OL) shall apply to all development sites, buildings, structures, plantings, signs, street hardware, and any other improvements that are visible to the public and affect the physical development of land within the I-70, US 40, US 52, US 36/SR67, SR 9 north of Greenfield past Maxwell, the crossing of SR 234 and 200W, and CR 600W between the US 52 and US 36/SR 67 corridor overlay zones as shown on the official zoning map or as measured 600 feet from the centerline of the corridor street. Breaks and widths of corridor overlays can be seen on the official zoning map. All agricultural, single and two-family residential uses shall be exempt from the requirements of this overlay district.
   (C)   Uses. All uses permitted in the underlying district(s) are permitted in the Corridor Overlay District. All uses that are special exceptions in the underlying district(s) are special exceptions in the Corridor Overlay District.
   (D)   Development standards. All commercial development within the boundaries of the Corridor Overlay District shall comply with the development and design standards set forth in this section. The visibility and accessibility of the land within the corridors is unique and therefore commands the highest standards of development which stimulate substantial capital investments, encourage efficient land use, promote coordinated development, permit innovative site designs, establish development standards and preserve the integrity of the roadways within the corridors.
      (1)   Vehicular access. The corridor streets which function as primary thoroughfares must have reasonable restrictions as to the number and location of access points within the overlay zone. Access shall be approved by the town, County Highway Engineer or INDOT depending on jurisdiction. To provide safe and sufficient traffic movement to and from adjacent lands:
         (a)   Frontage roads, access roads, and distributors roads may have to be constructed.
         (b)   Shared access shall be coordinated with contiguous lots and designed to preserve the aesthetic benefits provided by the greenbelt areas. Access at the side or rear of buildings is encouraged.
         (c)   New access points onto the primary thoroughfares in the corridors shall be coordinated with existing access points whenever possible and approved by the town, County Highway Engineer or INDOT depending on the jurisdiction.
            1.   The following curb cut policy shall apply throughout the US 40, US 52, US 36/SR 67, and CR 600W corridors.
            2.   Curb cuts shall be no closer than one foot for each 400 feet of frontage.
            3.   No curb cuts shall be within 200 feet of any intersection of public roads.
            4.   Opposing curb cuts shall align squarely or be offset no less than 200 feet.
      (2)   Access to undeveloped sites. Stub streets shall be built in all cases where adjacent lots have reasonable potential for development. "Reasonable potential" shall include any adjacent parcel of adequate size for commercial or residential development or any adjacent parcels determined by the County Area Plan Commission or its duly appointed or designated representative.
      (3)   Site layout. Development plans shall include the full development of the site. Ownership patterns may limit the degree to which this can be shown. Plans should indicate phasing and be prepared in accordance with the requirements of §§ 156.100 et seq.
         (a)   Site layout shall consider the relationship between all buildings on site.
         (b)   Pedestrian connectivity between uses shall be shown.
         (c)   The amount of offstreet parking located between the street and the front facade of the building shall not exceed 80% of the total parking requirement.
         (d)   Internal drive aisles that connect multiple lots shall minimize points of access for safe vehicular circulation.
         (e)   The orientation and access for outlots shall be considered and show on the plan.
      (4)   Architectural standards. The following architectural standards shall apply to commercial facilities:
         (a)   Facade. The facade is the wall that fronts on a public or private street. If the structure fronts onto more than two streets, the wall that faces the streets with the highest Thoroughfare Plan classification, shall be treated as the front facade. Facades on outlots/outparcels shall have exterior treatments similar to that on the front facade. All front facades shall incorporate the following elements.
(“Big box” commercial with enhanced architecture)
            1.   Recesses/projections. Wall recesses/projections that are at least 12 inches for every 70 feet of facade. The projection shall extend for at least 20% of the length.
            2.   Entry features. Entryway features are only required at the primary entrance to the structure and shall include at least three of the following design elements:
               a.   Raised corniced parapets over the door, peaked roof forms having an average slope greater than or equal to a minimum 5/12 pitch, arches, or architectural details such as tile work and moldings that are integrated into the building structure and design;
               b.   Integral planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped areas and/or places for sitting;
               c.   Enhanced exterior lighting such as wall sconces, building mounted accent lights, or decorative pedestal lights;
               d.   Prominent three-dimensional entryway feature, such as a clock tower or other similar architectural design element, projecting from the plane of the main exterior walls by a minimum of eight feet and raised above the adjoining parapet wall/roof by a minimum of three feet; and
               e.   Pilasters projecting from the plane of the wall by a minimum of eight inches and/or architectural or decorative columns to create visual breaks and interest in the facade walls.
            3.   Display windows. All facade walls shall have display windows, faux windows, or decorative windows for no less than 60% of the facade's horizontal length along all pedestrian walkways.
            4.   Entrances. All facades that abut a street, public or private, shall feature as least one customer entrance.
            5.   Detail features. Building facades shall include a repeating pattern that incorporates no less than three of the elements listed below. At least one of these elements shall repeat horizontally. All elements shall repeat at intervals of no more than 100 feet, either horizontally or vertically.
               a.   Color change.
               b.   Texture change.
               c.   Material module change.
               d.   Architectural change: In the form of structural bays created through a change in plane no less than 24 inches wide such as an offset, reveal, or projecting rib.
               e.   Story change: A clear delineation between each story of the structure provided by a consistent cornice line.
            6.   Exterior materials. The use of smooth-faced concrete block, untextured smooth-faced tilt-up panels, and standing seam metal panels shall be prohibited. The Planning Director shall approve or deny the use of all composite and alternative materials that replicate the appearance and durability of those listed below. All facade wall exterior building materials shall be high quality, and shall be limited to any combination of the following:
               a.   Brick or face tile;
               b.   Wood;
               c.   Native stone;
               d.   Glass (reflective glass shall be limited to a maximum of 50% of the area of any facade wall on which glass is used);
               e.   Tinted and/or textured concrete masonry units (such as split face block and burnished block);
               f.   Tilt-up concrete panels that are adorned or textured;
               g.   Architectural precast concrete;
               h.   Architectural metal;
               i.   E.I.F.S; and
               j.   Fiber cement board.
            7.   Exterior colors. Exterior facade wall colors shall be low reflectance and subtle tones. The use of high intensity, primary, metallic, black or fluorescent colors shall be prohibited. Building trim and accent areas may feature brighter colors or primary colors. Such building trim and accent areas shall not exceed 10% of any single exterior wall area excluding all windows, doors, and glass construction materials.
            8.   Roof design. All roofs or parapets should vary three-dimensionally to add visual interest to the building and shall include architectural detailing, cornices, moldings, trims, variations in brick coursing, and other similar detailing. All roofs shall comply with the following:
               a.   All rooftop mechanical equipment, such as HVAC units, shall be screened from the view of all streets (public and private) by parapets, dormers, or other screens on properties within the corridor overlay. The material of all such screens shall be consistent with the exterior materials used on the facade of the structure.
               b.   Sloped roofs shall not exceed an average height equal to that of the supporting walls.
               c.   Sloped roofs shall have overhanging eaves that extend a minimum of eight inches past the supporting walls.
               d.   Sloped roofs shall either be of architectural standing seam metal, tile, slate, or dimensional shingles.
      (5)   Pedestrian circulation and public spaces. The following provisions are intended to maximize the safety of the site for vehicles and pedestrians and shall apply to all commercial facilities.
(Parking lot with special paving and landscape)
         (a)   Pedestrian facilities. A continuous, delineated pedestrian pathway network no less than six feet wide, that continues from the perimeter public sidewalk to the principal customer entrance of all principal buildings on the site shall be provided.
            1.   Sidewalks, no less than eight feet wide, must be provided along the full length of the building along any facade that features a customer entrance.
            2.   All internal pedestrian walkways shall be distinguished from driving surfaces through the use of special pavers, bricks, or scored concrete. The design characteristics of the internal pedestrian walkways must continue when the walkway crosses driving surfaces.
            3.   All internal walkways must feature landscaping, benches, and other such materials/ facilities for no less than 50% of their length. Internal walkway features can be composed of any combination of the following: benches, tree plantings decorative lighting (no more than ten feet in height), decorative bollards, kiosks, shrubs, or hedges.
         (b)   Public spaces. Each establishment must contribute to the enhancement of the community and its public spaces by providing at least two of the following amenities.
            1.   A landscaped patio/outdoor seating area or plaza that is a minimum of 2,000 square feet in area.
            2.   A water feature (excluding any required detention/retention ponds).
            3.   A clock or bell tower or other vertical element (either as a freestanding structure or in conjunction with the primary entrance features).
            4.   Bus/public transportation shelters and turn off lanes.
            5.   Public art or sculpture.
            6.   A mini park.
      (6)   Outdoor storage, service and loading areas. Areas for outdoor storage, truck parking, trash collection/compaction, loading and unloading, or other such uses shall not be visible from abutting streets (public or private), or adjacent non-industrial properties.
(Screened trash and loading area)
         (a)   Delivery and auto service areas. Service areas including, but not limited to, loading docks, truck courts, and automobile service bays shall be oriented away from the view of any public street or adjacent residential zoning district or use unless screened by an eight-foot masonry wall constructed of materials compatible with the primary architecture, and extending the entire length of the service area.
            1.   The service areas shall have additional screening along the exterior side of the masonry wall in the form of landscaping buffer, designed by a landscape professional, to be 100% opaque and four feet in height at the time of planting.
            2.   No property owner shall be permitted to inhibit the height and density of any required landscaping outlined in this section except for maintenance purposes.
         (b)   Permanent outdoor display, sales and storage.  
            1.   Merchandise may be stored or displayed for sale to customers only in areas immediately adjacent to the primary structure on each property. The storage of outdoor merchandise for sale elsewhere on the property shall be prohibited. This area shall be:
               a.   Enclosed by a minimum eight-foot tall wall, or
               b.   Composed of a three-foot tall base wall topped by wrought iron or tubular steel fencing.
            2.   No merchandise other than trees shall be visible above the wall or fencing. Each wall shall comply with the building materials requirements of division (D)(4)(a)6. above and shall be consistent in appearance and material as the primary structure on the property.
         (c)   Shopping cart storage. Shopping carts may be stored outside each entrance to the building provided that there are no more than two cart storage areas (on each side of the entryway) and that no single cart storage area exceeds 20 feet in length. The cart storage areas shall be screened with building materials substantially similar to the building facade.
      (7)   Landscaping standards. Refer to § 156.075 for landscaping standards.
      (8)   Parking standards. Refer to § 156.069 for parking standards.
      (9)   Lighting. Refer to § 156.077 for exterior lighting standards.
      (10)   Signage standards. Refer to §§ 156.085 et seq. for signage standards.
   Illustrative layout (does not reflect all requirements established by this chapter)
(Ord. 2007-1B, passed 2-5-07)