Manner of Driving; Rules for Driving
71.01 Approaching left turn
71.02 Approaching right turn
71.03 Driver must signal
71.04 Emerging from alley, driveway, or garage
71.05 Driving on sidewalks and safety zones
71.06 Right-of-way at intersections
71.07 Following fire apparatus
71.08 Driving on right side of roadway
71.09 Overtaking
71.10 Frightened horses
71.11 Train signals
Prohibited Conduct
71.25 Reckless driving
71.26 Disorderly conduct
71.27 Careless driving
71.28 Bicycles and motorcycles
71.29 Unattended vehicles
71.30 Unattended animals
71.31 Riding on running boards
71.32 Obstructing traffic
71.33 Vehicles with more than two axles
Specific Street Regulations
71.45 Through streets
71.46 U-turns on Broadway
71.47 Intersection at 10th and Broadway
71.48 Regulating skateboards and the like on sidewalks
71.49 Access to Dike Road area