General Provisions
154.001 Definitions
154.002 Minimum requirements
154.003 Variations
154.004 Extent of jurisdiction
154.005 Effect of provisions
154.006 Modifications and exceptions
General Procedure
154.020 General procedure
154.021 Sketch plan
154.022 Preliminary plat
154.023 Improvements
154.024 Final plat
154.025 Fee payment schedule
Preliminary Plat
154.035 General requirement
154.036 Vicinity sketch
154.037 Horizontal scale of plat
154.038 Required features and information
154.039 Construction drawings
Final Plat
154.050 Submitted; required features and information
Design Principals and Layout Requirements
154.060 General principals
154.061 General layout
154.062 Street and block layout
154.063 Minimum widths of rights-of-way of streets, alleys and easement for utilities
154.064 Minimum pavement widths
154.065 Street grades, curves and sight distances
154.066 Intersections
154.067 Lots
154.080 Generally
154.081 Supervisory authority
154.082 Surety bond
154.083 Streets, sidewalks and alleys
154.084 Water supply and sewerage
154.085 Utilities and monuments
154.086 “As-built” construction drawings
154.087 Minimum improvements installation required for plat approval