(A)   The subdivider, after submitting the plat in sketch form to the plats officer, shall prepare a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision and construction plans for improvements adequate to determine that sewer, water and street construction can be installed conforming with the requirements set forth in Appendix B of this report, as attached to ordinance number 649 of 1972. The subdivider shall supply black or blue line prints to all public utilities. The subdivider shall file with the plats officer an application in writing seeking the approval of the plat, accompanied by four black line or blue line prints.
   (B)   The plats officer will check the preliminary plat as to its conformity with the adopted community development plan, ordinances of the community and principles, standards and requirements set forth in the regulations. The plats officer will check the construction plans of proposed improvements.
   (C)   The City Council, upon receipt of the recommendations and advice from the plats officer concerning matters above, will approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the preliminary plat within 30 days of receipt of the plat. If the preliminary plat is disapproved by the City Council, the subdivider shall be furnished with a letter and copy of the plat stating the reason for disapproval and where the plat does not conform to ordinances including the community development plan. Such notification shall take place within the 30 day period. Upon approval of the preliminary plat, one copy of the approved or conditionally approved plat shall be returned to the subdivider within ten days following City Council action, one copy of the approved plat transmitted to the County Superintendent of Highways and the final copy retained in the Council's files.
(‘82 Code, § 16.08.030) (Ord. 649, passed - -72)