General Provisions
50.01 Definitions
50.02 Enforcement
50.03 Damaging or interfering with sewer equipment
50.04 Permit required for plumbing alterations or construction
Use Regulations
50.15 Use of public sewers required
50.16 Securing of permit and payment of charges required
50.17 Grease traps or interceptors
50.18 Certain discharges prohibited
50.30 Application for connection with city sewer lines
50.31 Owner responsible for building sewer; permit
50.32 Prerequisites to issuance of connection permit
50.33 Connections to be made by licensed plumber
50.34 Tap-in fee; payment required
50.35 Inspection
50.36 Backfilling of excavations
Rates and Charges
50.45 [Reserved]
50.46 Billing and collection
50.47 Disconnection for late payment
50.48 Sanitation Maintenance and Replacement Fund
50.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"IMPROVED PROPERTY." All real estate upon which a residence, building, or business establishment has been erected.
"PLAN." The general sanitary sewer plan adopted by City Council on April 26, 1956.
"UNIMPROVED PROPERTY." All real estate other than improved property.
"UNIT." A residence building comprising not more than two single-family apartments, or a business establishment containing commercial kitchens, washrooms, bathrooms, or lavatories, the total of which does not exceed four in number.
('77 Code, § 16-16) (Ord. 22-1968, passed 8-5-68)
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to enforce the provisions of the general sanitary sewer plan as adopted by the City Council, and to enforce the provisions of this chapter and to investigate and determine that all sewer connections have been properly made and maintained.
('77 Code, § 16-17) (Ord. 22-1968, passed 8-5-68; Am. Ord. 126-1975, passed 11-14-75; Am. Ord. 176-1978, passed 11-10-78)