Waste Water Management District
EDITOR'S NOTE: Pursuant to Section 1040.07, the Village has promulgated administrative procedures regarding pressure sewer system utilization and overflow bypass system utilization, as well as other administrative procedures. Copies of such procedures may be obtained, at cost, from the Village Clerk.
1040.01   Short title.
1040.02   Purpose.
1040.03   Creation of District.
1040.04   Definitions.
1040.05   Authority of District.
1040.06   Financing.
1040.07   Adoption of rules and regulations.
1040.08   Authority to contract for services.
1040.09   Contract with Oakland County.
1040.10   Operating permit and fees.
1040.11   Homeowner obligations for design and repair.
1040.12   Pressure sewer system costs.
1040.13   Enforcement actions.
1040.14   Prohibited discharges (on-site septic systems).
1040.15   Prohibited discharges (pressure sewer system).
1040.16   Enforcement official.
1040.17   Enforcement action.
1040.18   Inspections and easements.
1040.19   Grant program.
1040.20   Administration.
1040.21   Homeowner's obligation.
1040.22   Operating instructions.
1040.23   Regulations Board. (Repealed)
1040.24   Broad grant of authority.
1040.99   Penalty.
   Water quality - see Mich. Const. Art. 4, §§ 22, 52; M.C.L.A. 67.38, 323.1 et seq.
   Sewers and sewer systems generally - see Mich. Const. Art. 7, § 24; M.C.L.A. 46.171 et seq., 67.34, 123.241 et seq., 323.151 et seq., 325.201 et seq.
   Water supply generally - see Mich. Const. Art. 7, § 24; M.C.L.A. 46.171 et seq., 123.11 et seq., 325.201 et seq., 486.51 et seq., 486.101 et seq.
   Sewage disposal system - see S.U. & P.S. 1042.01 et seq.
   User charge system - see S.U. & P.S. 1042.12 et seq.
   Industrial waste - see S.U. & P.S. 1042.13(d)
   Engineering design standards - see P. & Z. Ch. 1228
   Depth of sewers - see B. & H. 1422.02(BOCA §P-309.5)