TITLE TWO - Planning
Chap. 1220. Planning Commission.
Chap. 1222. Platting Regulations. (Repealed)
Chap. 1224. Lot Splits. (Repealed)
Chap. 1225. Subdivision Regulations.
Chap. 1226. Wetlands and Watercourses.
Chap. 1228. Engineering Design Standards.
Chap. 1229. Stormwater Management.
Chap. 1230. Historic District.
Chap. 1232. Tree Management.
Chap. 1240. General Provisions and Definitions.
Chap. 1242. Administration, Enforcement and Penalty.
Chap. 1244. Board of Zoning Appeals.
Chap. 1246. Amendments.
Chap. 1248. Districts Generally and Zoning Map.
Chap. 1250. Single-Family Residential Districts.
Chap. 1252. Single-Family Planned Residential Development Option.
Chap. 1254. RO-1 Restricted Office District.
Chap. 1256. C-1 Commercial District.
Chap. 1258. P-1 Vehicular Parking District.
Chap. 1259. PI Public Institutional District.
Chap. 1260. Historic District. (Repealed)
Chap. 1262. Off-Street Parking and Loading.
Chap. 1263. Residential Design Standards.
Chap. 1264. Nonconformities.
Chap. 1265. Wireless Telecommunication Facilities.
Chap. 1266. Natural Buffer Zones.
Chap. 1267. Condominium Development Standards.
Chap. 1268. Supplementary Regulations.
Appendix A Non-Protected Trees
Appendix A-1 Basement and Story Definition
Appendix A-2 Basic Structural Terms
Appendix A-3 Building Height Requirements
Appendix A-4 Heritage Tree List
Appendix A-5 Corner, Interior and Double Frontage Lots
Appendix A-6 Lot Terms
Appendix A-7 Nonconforming Use
Appendix A-8 Yard Requirements
Appendix B Schedule of Regulations for Area, Height, Bulk and Placement Requirements