(a)   Council shall, from time to time, as it may determine, set standards for pretreatment or designation of those substances or concentrations or varieties thereof which shall be prohibited from introduction into any on-site septic system. Such restriction shall be contained in rules and regulations to be adopted or formulated by the Waste Water Management District from time to time. As a minimum standard, no person shall introduce into any on-site septic system any substances, materials, waters or wastes in such quantities or concentrations which will:
      (1)   Create a fire or explosion hazard, including, but not limited to, gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas;
      (2)   Cause corrosive damage or hazard to structures, equipment, personnel or the waste water facilities, but in no case discharges with the following properties:
         A.   Having a ph lower than 5.0 or greater than 10.0 for more than ten percent of the time in a twenty-four hour period;
         B.   Having a ph lower than 3.5 or greater than 12.0 for any period exceeding fifteen minutes.
      These requirements may be modified for facilities designed to accommodate greater ranges.
      (3)   Cause obstruction to the flow in pipes, or other interference with the operation of waste water facilities, due to accumulation of solid or viscous materials.
      (4)   Constitute a rate of discharge or substantial deviation from normal rates of discharge ("slug discharge") sufficient to cause interference in the operation and performance of the waste water facilities.
      (5)   Contain heat in amounts which will accelerate the biodegradation of wastes, causing the formation of excessive amounts of hydrogen sulfide in the waste water system or inhibition of biological activity in the waste water treatment facilities, but in no case shall the discharge of heat cause the temperature in any waste water facility to exceed fifty degrees Centigrade (150 degrees Fahrenheit) or the temperature of the influent to the treatment facilities to exceed forty degrees Centigrade (104 degrees Fahrenheit) unless the facilities are designed and constructed to accommodate such heat.
      (6)   Contain radioactive wastes in harmful quantities as defined by applicable State and Federal regulations.
      (7)   Contain any garbage that has not been properly shredded.
   (b)   If, in establishing discharge restrictions, discharge limits or pretreatment standards for commercial and/or industrial waste pursuant to this section, the Village Enforcement Official establishes concentration limits to be met by a user, the Village Enforcement Official, in lieu of concentration limits, shall recommend to Council the establishment of mass limits of comparable stringency if such is requested by the user.
(Ord. 98-44. Passed 3-16-98.)