The Enforcement Official shall, from time to time, advise Council and the homeowner or owner/operator of any on-site septic system, when the same is deemed to be improper, malfunctioning or in a state of disrepair. Upon such notification, the individual homeowner or operator/owner of said system shall take steps to repair, correct, modify or otherwise alleviate the problem or malfunction reported. If the homeowner or owner/operator should fail to take such steps as may be reasonably necessary to correct such condition, then the Village, through the Village President or his or her designee, may order that such steps be taken, and may take any enforcement action, in order to assure that said system is brought to operational or performance standards. All such repairs, corrections, modifications or other actions as may be necessary to correct or repair said system shall be solely at the homeowner's expense, including design, pumping, repair or modifications as may be necessary.
   Upon determination that such repairs or modifications are necessary, and upon refusal of the homeowner or owner/operator of said system to effect such repairs and modifications, the Village may cause such repairs or modifications to be carried out, and all costs and expenses therefor shall be levied as an assessment against the real property upon which such system is located.
(Ord. 98-44. Passed 3-16-98.)