Individual lots may be reduced in area below the minimum lot area required for the zoning district, provided that the density of dwelling units per net acre is not greater than would be allowed if the site were developed under the district requirements. Lot areas within planned unit development projects shall not be varied or reduced in area more than thirty (30) percent of the lot size required in the zoning district regulations. Thus the minimum lot areas for planned unit developments within the respective corresponding residential districts shall be as follows:
District | Minimum Net Lot Area (sq. ft.) |
COS | 30,000 |
R-LD | 6,125 |
R-MD | 5,250 |
R-UD | 3,000 |
R-TH | 7,000 |
R-MHL, R-MHH | 30,000 |
The net area of a lot shall be computed exclusive of any portion of the right-of-way of any existing public or private street, or any proposed rights-of-way.
The minimum lot widths at the building setback line within the respective districts shall as follows:
District | Minimum Lot Width (sq. ft.) |
COS | 90 |
R-LD | 55 |
R-MD | 50 |
R-UD | 30 |
R-TH | 50 |
R-MHL, R-MHH | 100 |
All lots shall have a lot depth to lot width ratio not greater than three and one-half to one.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)