1154.01 Purpose.
1154.02 Principally permitted uses.
1154.03 Permitted accessory uses.
1154.04 Conditionally permitted uses.
1154.05 Minimum site development standards.
Occupying manufactured homes while in motion - see TRAF. 331.35
Manufactured homes in flood plains - see B. & H. 1386.28
Mobile homes as temporary residences - see B. & H. Ch. 1392
It is the purpose of the R-MHP Residential - Manufactured Home Park District to establish and maintain high quality areas within the City for manufactured home dwellings to preserve the existing residential neighborhoods characterized by manufactured home dwelling units. This form of housing should not be intermingled with other forms of residential living, nor should incompatible forms of nonresidential activity be permitted to indiscriminately encroach upon these distinctive communities for transient housing.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Principally permitted uses shall be:
1. Manufactured Home Dwelling Units.
2. Group Homes as regulated in Section 1137.10.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)