1176.01   Establishment; purpose.
1176.02   Establishment and designation of a Redevelopment Overlay District.
1176.03   Permitted uses.
1176.04   Additional regulations.
   A.   A Redevelopment Overlay District (RDOD) is a mapped zone that permits the additional regulations of other use districts (the "Overlying Zone") in addition to those of the underlying zoning district (the "Base District"). A B-G Business- General District may be the Base Zone in which a L-I Light Industrial District is the Overlying Zone, or a L-I Light Industrial District may be the Base Zone in which a B-G Business-General District is the Overlying Zone.
   B.   The purpose of a Redevelopment Overlay District is to provide a mechanism to accommodate development, reuse, and redevelopment in certain B-G Business- General and L-I Light Industrial Districts, which are in the public interest and may not otherwise be permitted pursuant to this Code.
   C.   A Redevelopment Overlay District shall offer the following advantages:
      1.   To constitute a hybrid zoning district that reflect the City's vision to develop or redevelop underutilized, vacant, or blighted areas of the City in furtherance of economic growth, vitality, and resurgence; and/or
      2.   Designs that are intended to encourage flexibility, innovation, and creativity in site and development design by allowing the mixing of permitted uses and/or modification or variation from otherwise applicable zone district and development standards.
      3.   Exterior operational components associated with the use shall be subject to Design Review Approval.
(Ord. 2021-32. Passed 2-22-21.)