The minimum lot widths at the building setback line within the respective districts shall as follows:
District | Minimum Lot Width (sq. ft.) |
COS | 90 |
R-LD | 55 |
R-MD | 50 |
R-UD | 30 |
R-TH | 50 |
R-MHL, R-MHH | 100 |
All lots shall have a lot depth to lot width ratio not greater than three and one-half to one.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
The minimum width of side yards shall be as follows:
A. For single-household and two-household detached residential dwellings, the minimum width of each side yard shall be five (5) feet.
B. For multi-household buildings, the minimum width of each side yard shall be twenty (20) feet. (See building orientation and separation requirements.)
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
A perimeter transitional yard no less than fifty (50) feet in depth shall be maintained along all property lines defining the perimeter of the gross site area of the entire planned unit development. Such yard shall be landscaped and unoccupied by any principal or accessory building or parking area.
Where a planned unit development abuts a commercial or industrial district, the perimeter transitional yard shall be effectively landscaped or fenced, to a minimum height of six (6) feet, to serve as a buffer strip separating the two uses.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)