General Provisions
1123.01   Purpose.
1123.02   Short title.
1123.03   Interpretation; conflicts of law.
1123.04   Separability.
1123.05   Permitted/prohibited uses.
   Referral of zoning ordinances to Planning Commission - see CHTR. § 4.12
   Public hearing on zoning ordinance or resolution - see CHTR. § 4.13
   Enforcement of Subdivision Regulations - see P. & Z. 1109.10
   Penalty for violation of Subdivision Regulations - see P. & Z. 1109.99
   Penalty for violation of Zoning Code - see P. & Z. 1127.99
1123.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this Zoning Code is to promote the public health, safety, morals, convenience, and general welfare; establish land use classifications, divide the City into districts; impose regulations, restrictions, and prohibitions on the use and occupancy of real property; limit the height, area, and bulk of buildings and other structures and provide for yards and other open spaces around them; establish standards of performance and design; and provide for the administration and enforcement thereof.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
1123.02 SHORT TITLE.
   This Title Five of Part Twelve, the Planning and Zoning Code, shall be known as the City of Elyria, Ohio, Zoning Code and may be cited and referred to as Elyria Zoning Code, and shall be referred to herein as "this Zoning Code" or just "this Code."
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
   The provisions of this Code shall be held as minimum requirements. Wherever this Code imposes a greater restriction than is imposed or required by other provisions of law or by other rules or regulations or ordinances, or by any private covenants, conditions or deeds, the provisions of this Code shall govern.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)