   No building or structure shall hereafter be erected or structurally altered to a height exceeding the height limitations of the following specifications:
   A.   In any part of the planned unit development within three hundred (300) feet horizontally of the planned unit development boundary no building or structure shall exceed the height permitted in the adjoining district. If any land is located within three hundred (300) feet horizontally of two or more zone districts the lowest height restrictions shall apply.
   B.   In any part of the planned unit development not subject to the previous paragraph no building or structure shall exceed the following height limitations:
Building Type
Height Limitation (ft.)
Single-household detached residential dwelling
Two-household residential dwelling
Multi-household residential dwellings
Retail buildings
All other buildings and uses
   A.   The orientation and minimum separation of all multi-household buildings shall be as prescribed below in order to provide:
      1.   Adequate light and ventilation to protect the health of the occupants and users thereof;
      2.   Necessary access and maneuvering area for fire-fighting equipment and other emergency vehicles; and
      3.   A reasonable degree of visual and audible privacy between adjacent buildings for the occupants.
   B.   The minimum horizontal distance between facing walls of any two or more buildings on the lot shall be as follows:
      1.   Two facing walls both containing a window or windows shall, in no case, be less than the average height of the facing walls, but not less than forty (40) feet apart.
      2.   Two facing walls, only one of which contains a window or windows, shall in no case be less than thirty (30) feet apart.
      3.   Two facing walls, neither of which contains a window or windows, shall in no case be less than twenty (20) feet apart.
      4.   The shortest distance of separation between corners of two buildings where there are no facing walls shall be twenty (20) feet.
   Facing walls are walls opposite to and parallel to one another or walls which are so oriented that their wall lines extended intersect at an angle of less than sixty-five (65) degrees. Furthermore, multi-household buildings and structures shall be separated from any single-household or two-household dwelling by a distance not less than the height of the multi-household dwelling structure.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
   The following shall regulate court dimensions for multi-household buildings in planned unit developments:
   A.   Outer Courts.
   The width of any outer court formed by walls on three (3) sides shall be not less than the average height of the opposing walls forming such court, but not less than forty (40) feet. The depth of an outer court shall be not greater than one and one-half (11/2) times its width.
   B.   Inner Courts.
      1.   The minimum dimensions of an inner court formed by walls on all four (4) sides shall be not less than the average height of the walls enclosing such court, but not less than forty (40) feet.
      2.   An open and unobstructed passageway shall be provided at the grade level of each inner court. Such passageway shall have a cross section area and sufficient headroom to permit the passage of fire-fighting equipment and shall be continuous from the inner court to a yard or an unobstructed open area between buildings.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
   The following shall regulate the minimum livable open space required in a planned unit development:
   A.   A portion of the net site area shall be livable open space for the use and enjoyment of the residents. Livable open space is the minimum required non-vehicular open space left unobstructed to the sky. No parking spaces, loading areas or drives shall be included as part of the livable open space to be provided on the site. No area designated as reserved for educational institutions, religious places of worship, neighborhood retail business or other similar nonresidential uses shall be defined as livable open space.
   The total livable open space required within a development shall be based upon the permitted gross residential floor area, as prescribed in the following table:
Gross Residential Floor Area Minimum Livable Open Space Required
Per Acre of Net Site Area (Square Feet)
Percent of Net Site Area
   For purposes of complying with the livable open space requirement, permanent bodies of water, indicated on the most recently published United States Geological Survey Maps or indicated by more recent aerial photography and field observation, shall be credited as livable open space.
   The total livable open space shall consist of two components: common livable open space and private livable open space. For each square foot of land gained through the averaging or reduction of lot areas under the provisions of this chapter, an equal amount of land shall be provided as common livable open space. The common livable open space shall be included as part of the total livable open space. The common livable open space and recreational facilities to be included shall not be individually owned or owned under condominium provisions unless such condominium provisions include the entire project as shown on the approved site development plan, or unless deed restrictions, as stated below, are included.
   The remaining portion of livable open space to be provided may be thought of as private livable open space to be distributed around the residential buildings in the form of yards, private patios and courts, and similar areas.
      B.   A minimum of sixty (60) percent of the total number of dwelling units in the development shall directly abut the common livable open space, and all other dwelling units shall have public access via a pedestrian circulation system of paths or walkways and be in close proximity to the common livable open space. The pedestrian circulation system and its related walkways shall be insulated as completely and as reasonably as possible from the vehicular street system in order to provide separation of pedestrian and vehicular movement. This shall include, when deemed necessary by the Planning Commission, pedestrian underpasses or overpasses in the vicinity of educational institutions, playgrounds, local shopping areas and other neighborhood uses which generate a considerable amount of pedestrian traffic. The common livable open space shall be available for the use of all occupants of the total project as defined on the approved site development plan and shall be available for use not later than at such time as sixty (60) percent of the total dwelling units indicated on the approved site development plan are completed and ready for occupancy. No open area may be accepted as common livable open space under the provisions of this chapter unless it meets the following standards:
      1.   The location, shape, size and character of the area must be suitable for the anticipated open space needs of the residents of the planned unit development.
      2.   The area must be used for amenity or recreational purposes. The uses authorized for the common open space must be appropriate to the scale and character of the planned unit development, considering its size, intensity of development, expected population, topography and other site features and the number and type of dwellings to be provided.
      3.   The open space must be suitably improved for its intended use, but areas containing natural features worthy of preservation may be left unimproved. Any recreational buildings and structures or similar recreational improvements which are permitted must be appropriate to the uses which are authorized for the common open space and must conserve and enhance the amenities of the area, having due regard to its topography and other natural features.
      4.   The development schedule included as part of the development plan must coordinate the improvement of the common open space, the construction of recreational buildings and structures, and the construction of residential dwellings in the planned unit development.
      5.   If the final site development plan provides for recreational buildings, structures and improvements in the common open space of a value in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), the developer must provide a bond or other adequate assurance as approved by the City Law Director that the recreational buildings, structures and improvements will be completed. The Planning Commission shall release the bond or other assurance when the recreational buildings, structures or improvements have been completed according to the final site development plan.
   All common livable open space shown on the final site development plan must contain legally enforceable reservations and restrictions which will insure the preservation of such land for recreational and similar open apace uses for the enjoyment and benefit of the owners and residents.
   C.   All land shown on the final site development plan as common livable open space must be conveyed under one of the following options:
      1.   It may be conveyed to a public agency such as the City, with approval of the Park and Recreation Board, or the Lorain County Metropolitan Park Board, which will agree to maintain the common open space and any recreational buildings, structures or improvements which have been placed on it. When this option of conveyance is elected, the common open space shall constitute an integral part of the existing public parks and open space system or be designated as potential open space on the City's Future Land Use Plan, as adopted and amended.
      2.   It may be conveyed to trustees of an incorporated homeowners and tenants association. The common open space must be conveyed to the trustees subject to covenants, to be approved by the Planning Commission, which restrict the common open space to the uses specified on the final site development plan, and which provide for the maintenance of the common open space in a manner which assures its continuing use for its intended purpose.
   The following shall regulate neighborhood retail business development in planned unit developments:
   A.   In planned unit developments having a projected total of at least six hundred (600) dwelling units neighborhood retail business facilities shall be permitted that are consistent with the basic architectural character of the development. The total area, including parking, on which such retail activities occur, shall not exceed five (5) percent of the total net site area. The retail development shall be limited to the following kinds of uses:
      1.   Personal services;
      2.   Neighborhood retail businesses;
      3.   Restaurants, not including drive-in or drive through facilities; and
      4.   Accessory uses clearly incidental to the uses permitted on the same premises.
   These uses shall be designed to serve only the residents of the planned unit development. The retail business area as a whole shall be no larger than necessary to serve the project residents as determined by a market analysis or economic feasibility study.
   B.   If development of the planned unit development is to take place in phases, retail development shall not be permitted until at least one-third of the total number of dwelling units projected for the entire planned unit development are under construction.
   C.   Effective landscape plants and/or decorative fences, to a minimum height of six (6) feet, shall be provided on the boundaries of the retail business development when such development abuts areas occupied or likely to be occupied by residences. All areas designed for future expansion or not intended for immediate improvement or development shall be landscaped or otherwise maintained in a neat and orderly manner as specified by the Planning Commission.
   D.   Off-street parking, loading and service areas for the retail business facilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter 1175.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
   Off-street parking requirements shall be as follows:
   A.   The required parking spaces shall be provided on the individual lots or within two hundred (200) feet of the residential dwelling unit to be served. All parking spaces and service drives shall be improved with bituminous concrete or equivalent surfacing and so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the area.
   B.   No one area for off-street parking of motor vehicles, except for enclosed garages, shall exceed twenty (20) cars in capacity. Separate parking areas shall be physically separated from one another by minimum ten (10) foot long planting strips.
   C.   A structure or landscape planting shall be provided of sufficient height and density to screen off-street parking lots from streets and other areas of public view. Such screening treatment shall conform to the requirements of all applicable ordinances of the City and to such reasonable conditions as may be required by the Planning Commission.
   D.   No less than twenty (20) feet of open space shall be provided between any principal building and the curb line of any surface parking area or access drive.
   E.   The curb line of any surface parking area or access drive shall be at least five (5) feet from any exterior lot line.
   F.   All dead-end parking lots shall be designed to provide sufficient back-up area for the end stall of the parking area.
   G.   Parking areas shall be designed so that each motor vehicle may proceed to and from the parking space provided without requiring the moving of another motor vehicle.
   H.   The width of entrance and exit drives shall be:
      1.   A minimum of twelve (12) feet for one-way use only;
      2.   A minimum of twenty (20) feet for two-way use; and
      3.   A maximum of twenty-four (24) feet at the street line.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
1181.21 STREETS.
   All streets shall conform to the Subdivision Regulations.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)