General Regulations
111.01 Incorporation
111.02 Definitions; construction of terms
111.03 Adult uses enumerated
111.04 License required; filing of application; filing fee
111.05 Content of application
111.06 Issuance of license
111.07 Grounds for denial of license
111.08 Judicial review of denial of license
111.09 Suspension or revocation of license
111.10 Transfer of license
Specific Regulations
111.25 Adult use employee license
111.26 Display of license and permit
111.27 Restricted actions
111.28 Regulations pertaining to exhibition of sexually explicit films or videos in video booth
111.29 Prohibitions regarding minors and adult uses
111.30 Advertising regulations
111.31 Hours of operation
111.32 Inspection
111.33 Limitations on locations of adult uses
111.34 Measurement of distances
111.35 Retroactive effect
111.36 Compliance with ordinance required
111.37 Exemptions
111.99 Penalty