Police Department
I. In General
36.01 Police Department reconstituted
36.02 Purposes; function
36.03 Composition; appointments; discipline; dismissals
36.04 Rules and regulations for operation and conduct; adoption by reference of Agreement with Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Elwood Police Chapter #387
36.05 Certification of officers under state police training statute
36.06 Designation of compensation and ranks
36.07 General duties for all sworn officers of the Department
36.08 Probationary period
36.09 Oath
36.10 Part-time police officers
36.11 Mandatory retirement
36.12 Use of deadly force
II. Non-Sworn Employees
36.20 Appointment
36.21 Duties
III. General Administrative Provisions
36.30 Custody of seized or found property
36.31 Radio
36.32 Duty of citizens to assist police
36.33 Disposition of rewards and gifts
Fire Department
36.40 Fire Department
Gift ban, see § 35.23