(A) Pursuant to the authority vested in the corporate authorities, the sworn ranks of police personnel of the Department are hereby established as follows:
(1) Chief of Police;
(2) Deputy Chief;
(3) Sergeant;
(4) Patrol officerfull time; and
(5) Patrol officerpart time.
(B) The Chief of Police shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the corporate authorities.
(C) The appointment of other sworn members of the Department shall be made by the corporate authorities on recommendation of the Chief of Police. Removal from such positions shall be made on recommendation of the Chief of Police. The corporate authorities reserve the right to appoint and dismiss the Chief of Police.
(D) Members in the ranks of Sergeant and Deputy Chief serve at the pleasure of the corporate authorities. However, in the event of an unpaid suspension in excess of five days or discharge, the member shall be given notice of the discipline in writing and may request to be heard before the corporate authorities prior to the imposition of the discipline. In the event of an unpaid suspension of five days or less issued by the Chief of Police, the member may request to be heard before the corporate authorities by providing a request in writing to the Village Clerk within ten calendar days of receiving the discipline.
(E) The Chief of Police shall have the authority to suspend a member of the Department without pay for a period not to exceed five days.
(F) The corporate authorities shall have the authority to:
(1) Suspend a member of the Department without pay for a period in excess of five days, but not more than 60 days; or
(2) Discharge the employee.
(Ord. 952, passed 11-18-2009)