All fences permitted, as provided in Chapter 1163 herein, except ornamental fences shall be measured at a maximum height of six feet (6') above the contour of the existing grade with the following exceptions:
(a) Exception 1. The supporting structural members of a six feet (6') fence shall be permitted to be measured at a maximum height of six feet six inches (6'6") above the contour of the existing grade. This extra six inches (6") shall be allotted for the installation of a decorative cap or the use of a pre-formed post with decorative cap intact.
(b) Exception 2. In any Industrial District the fence height shall be permitted to be measured at a maximum height of eight feet (8') above the contour of the existing grade and the supporting structural members of an eight feet (8') fence shall be permitted to be measured at a maximum height of eight feet six inches (8'6") above the contour of the existing grade. This extra six inches (6") shall be allotted for the installation of a decorative cap or the use of a pre-formed post with a decorative cap intact.
(c) Exception 3. In any Zoning District for reasons of high security as defined under the Patriot Act for a public utility entity, barb wire or razor wire shall be permitted to be installed. The height of the barb wire or razor wire shall be a maximum of two feet (2'). The maximum height of the fence including barb wire or razor wire shall be permitted to be measured at a maximum height of ten feet (10') above the contour of the existing grade.
(Ord. 2012-067. Passed 10-23-12.)
(Ord. 2012-067. Passed 10-23-12.)
All fences permitted, as provided in Chapter 1163 herein, and erected on any lot shall be such that only one fence shall be erected on each common property line. Where multiple applications for a fence permit are submitted the first permit applied for, subject to approval, shall take precedence and have prior rights. No new fence shall be installed parallel to an existing fence to create a “back to back” condition where neither fence owner can properly maintain each fence.
(Ord. 2009-120. Passed 10-27-09.)