The following permanent signs do not require a permit, but are subject to the restrictions listed in §§ 153.154, 153.156 and 153.162 of this subchapter unless expressly exempted. Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow any sign which is prohibited in § 153.153, unless any such sign is expressly permitted.
   (A)   Flags. Poles for such flags must be no more than 35 feet in height, or lower if in a lower structure height district. A foundation permit must be received from the Building Department for all flagpoles. The area of such flags shall not exceed five feet by nine feet six inches.
   (B)   Governmental Signs. Such signs shall be consolidated with other governmental signs whenever possible. Signs may only include three colors, including black and white, unless otherwise required by government regulation. If the sign is located in right-of-way it must be approved by City Engineer.
   (C)   Street Address Signs. Signs bearing only the street address of the properties on which they are located for the purpose of aiding first responders.
      (1)   For residences, such numbers must consist of Arabic numerals no less than three inches nor more than eight inches in height.
      (2)   For non-residential uses, maximum number height varies according to front setback.
         (a)   If the setback is less than 100 feet, the maximum number height is 12 inches.
         (b)   For setbacks between 100 and 200 feet, the maximum height is 18 inches.
         (c)   For setbacks over 200 feet, the maximum height is 24 inches.
      (3)   All street address signs shall contrast to the color of the surface on which they are mounted and shall be clearly identifiable from the street.
      (4)   Every building is required to post its street address.
   (D)   Private Traffic and on site Directional Signs. Traffic and directional signs indicating points of entry or exit for a facility or off-street parking area, provided such signs are limited a maximum of four square feet in area and three feet in height and do not interfere with safe vehicular or pedestrian traffic circulation or obstruct the view of drivers exiting onto highways or thoroughfares. Such signs may contain information such as "in," "enter," "entrance," "out," "exit," "do not enter" or similar language as approved by the Planning Director or designee. Arrows indicating desired traffic movement may also be used for directional signage. Such signs may contain no advertising, including logos and must be of a rectangular shape. Such signs must be on the property to which they refer and may not be placed within a public right-of-way.
   (E)   Residential Information Signs. Information signs are allowed only when they display information necessary for the safety and convenience of residents and visitors, such as “beware of dog” and “no trespassing.” Such signs may not exceed two square feet in area and may contain no advertising.
   (F)   Security System Signs. Signs displaying information about the security system protecting buildings or property, provided that such signs do not exceed one square foot in area.
   (G)   Barber Poles. According to state law, all barber shops must display either a barber pole or a window sign reading “Barber.” If a pole is displayed, it may not exceed 28 inches in height.
   (H)   ATMs. Signage for all ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) shall be limited to one square foot of sign area and include no more than three colors. ATM signage must have an opaque background. If the ATM contains a logo, it may be internally illuminated. (All external illumination shall comply with the Dublin Lighting Guidelines.) In addition, monochromatic, non-illuminated logos of accepted credit systems, (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.), are limited to less than one square foot in area and must be oriented to the user of the device only.
('80 Code, § 1189.08) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 103-95, passed 12-18-95; Am. Ord. 66-04, passed 9-20-04; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999