(A)   Location. Refer to § 153.154.
   (B)   Size. Sign area shall include the face of the entire display area not including the bracing, framing and structural supports of the sign, unless such support members are made part of the message or face of the sign. Where a sign has two or more display faces, the area of all faces of the sign shall be included in determining the area of the sign, unless the two faces are joined back to back, are parallel to each other and not more than 24 inches apart. The area of a sign consisting of individual letters or symbols, either freestanding or attached to or painted on a surface, building, wall, or window, shall be considered to be that of the smallest single rectangle which encompasses all the letters and symbols.
   (C)   Design. Signs shall be designed with the maximum of creativity and the highest quality of materials and fabrication. It is strongly recommended that all signs be designed by a professional sign designer and be installed by a qualified sign builder or contractor. Signs shall be designed to fully integrate with the building architecture and overall site design.
      (1)   Signs shall not resemble the color, shape, design or other characteristics of any common traffic control device, directional or warning signs directed or maintained by the state, city, or any railroad, public utility, or similar agency concerned with the protection of the public health and safety.
      (2)   Permanent signs shall display as the primary image only the name of the business in text. Logos and any additional text, graphic, or image displayed on the sign face will be considered a secondary image shall not exceed 20% of the maximum permitted area of the sign face.
      (3)   All permanent and temporary ground signs must be of a rectangular shape. This requirement does not apply when individual channel letters are used.
      (4)   Colors.
         (a)   Except as provided in division (b) below, signs shall be limited to three colors. Black and white are considered colors. The background color is considered one of the three permissible colors, unless channel letters are used, in which case the background is not to be considered one of the three permissible colors.
         (b)   A corporate trademark or symbol used as a logo or secondary image shall not be limited in the number of colors used in a sign, but shall be considered as one of three permissible colors. The primary image, or secondary images, and/or background shall use one of the colors used in the corporate trademark or symbol logo.
      (5)   Any multi-faced sign shall consistently display the same name, message and graphics on all faces.
      (6)   Reverse sides of signs shall be unobtrusive and blend with the surroundings.
      (7)   Reverse sides of all permanent signs and structural supports must be completely enclosed.
   (D)   Landscaping. The base of all permanent ground signs shall be effectively landscaped with living plant material and maintained in good condition at all times. The minimum landscaped area shall extend at least three feet beyond all faces or supporting structures in all directions. Exposed foundations must be constructed with a finished material such as brick, stone, or wood, or be screened with evergreens to the top of the anchor bolts. The landscaped area shall include all points where sign structural supports attach to the ground.
   (E)   Lighting.
      (1)   Signs shall be illuminated only by the following means:
         (a)   By a white, steady, stationary light of reasonable intensity, directed solely at the sign and/or otherwise prevented from beaming directly onto adjacent properties or rights-of-way. Light fixtures shall be screened from view by site grading or evergreen shrubs. No exposed light sources are permitted.
         (b)   By white interior light of reasonable intensity with primary and secondary images lit or silhouetted on an opaque background. The background must be opaque. No additional background lighting or illuminated borders or outlines shall be permitted.
      (2)   The level of illumination emitted or reflected from a sign shall not be of intensity sufficient to constitute a demonstrable hazard to vehicular traffic on any right-of-way or parking lot from which the sign may be viewed.
   (F)   Construction and Maintenance.
      (1)   All permanent signs must be constructed to meet all current building code regulations of the municipality.
      (2)   All signs and related surroundings shall be properly maintained and shall not show signs of rust or corrosion, exposed wiring, chipped paint or faces, cracked, broken, or missing faces, or loose materials.
      (3)   The structural integrity of all sign foundations must be maintained.
      (4)   All signs shall be constructed of quality materials commensurate with the duration of sign and that are colorfast.
      (5)   Approved signs shall be inspected on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the regulations.
('80 Code, § 1189.09) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 103-95, passed 12-18-95; Am. Ord. 19-12, passed 4-23-12; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999