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   (A)   Process purpose and intent. The purpose of this section is to provide adequate review of applications for rezoning and/or development within the Innovation Districts. These procedures are intended to create an efficient and predictable review process for projects within the Economic Advancement Zone. The timing for reviews and approvals ensure that the EAZ is competitive with research and technology parks in other jurisdictions. Properties within the ID-5 District shall comply with procedures as provided for in § 153.051.
      (1)   Compatibility. It is the intent to ensure that development projects are completed in a manner generally harmonious with surrounding properties and without the endangerment of the health, safety, and general welfare of existing, prospective, or future owners, users, surrounding and adjoining properties, and the public.
      (2)   Coordination. These regulations and procedures are intended to ensure that development has adequate and efficient provision of facilities and/or infrastructure, land, rights-of-way, and easements, so as not to burden the fiscal resources of the city. These provisions include the construction of buildings and utilities, streets and sidewalks, landscaping, recreational open spaces, and other provisions meeting the standards of the city and the Community Plan, as required for the public good.
   (B)   Process summary. The following table provides an overview of the review procedures and requirements used in this section that apply to the Innovation Districts.
Zoning Districts
City Council
Rezoning applications for all Innovation Districts.
Development Plan Applications
Pre-Application Review (optional)
Administrative Review Team
Non-binding review of applications prior to formal submission.
Development Plan Application
As Applicable (see below)
Application submitted prior to commencing or modifying development on all or any portion of property in the Innovation Districts
Administrative Review
Administrative Review Team
Applications that comply with all requirements of the Innovation Districts
Administrative Departures
Administrative departures (See 153.042(E)(6))
Site Plan
Planning and Zoning Commission
Development in any Innovation District that fails to meet one or more of the District requirements; denials of administrative departures; review of conditions of ART approval when requested by applicant.
Development Plan Appeals
City Council Appeal
City Council
Site plan denials by the Planning and Zoning Commission
Conditional Use Reviews
Conditional Use
Planning and Zoning Commission
Conditional uses as required in the Innovation Districts
   (C)   Pre-application meeting and procedures.
      (1)   Pre-application review. A request for a pre-application meeting shall be made in writing to the city on a form provided by the city for that purpose. The request shall also include, at a minimum, the following information:
         (a)   Ten copies of a site plan generally demonstrating the nature of the proposed development.
         (b)   A list of each possible administrative departure, as provided for in § 153.042(E)(6). Proposed administrative departures shall also be clearly noted on the required site plan.
         (c)   A fee as established by City Council.
      (2)   Scheduling. Upon written receipt of a request for a pre-application meeting, the city shall schedule the meeting no later than 14 days from the date when the request was submitted, unless a later date is otherwise mutually agreed to by the applicant and the Director. The city shall notify the applicants in writing or by email at least seven days prior to the meeting. The intent of the Innovation District review process will be to schedule the pre-application meeting as soon as practicable.
      (3)   Review timeframe. Prior to the meeting, the city shall distribute the submitted materials to other applicable city departments for input and recommendations. Applicable departments shall be notified of the pre-application meeting and shall be encouraged to send appropriate representatives.
      (4)   Informal feedback. During the pre-application meeting, the city shall provide the developer with a non-binding and informal review of the development proposal, and information on the procedures and policies of the city, including application review procedures that may be used.
   (D)   Development plan applications and procedures.
      (1)   Development plan applications. Prior to the development of any property within the Innovation Districts, a development plan application shall be submitted to the city on a form prescribed by the city. The development plan application shall include the elements indicated in § 153.042(E)(3). Development plan applications shall not be subject to filing deadlines as required for other development applications and may be submitted to the city on any date during its normal hours of operation.
      (2)   Review authorities. As part of the development plan review, the following entities shall be involved in the application review as specified.
         (a)   Administrative Review Team. Development plan applications within the ID-1, ID-2, ID-3 and ID-4 Districts shall be reviewed by the Administrative Review Team (ART). The ART shall consist of the following members or their designated representatives, and others appointed by the City Manager as deemed necessary, either as permanent or temporary members. The city may contract with qualified architectural consultants to assist with the determination for compliance with architectural provisions of the Innovation Districts and the EAZ Plan.
            1.   Director (Chair);
            2.   City Engineer;
            3.   Fire Chief;
            4.   Parks & Open Space Director;
            5.   Chief Building Official; and
            6.   Economic Development Manager.
         (b)   Planning and Zoning Commission. Applicants may submit development plan applications for site plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with the procedures of § 153.042(E)(7) under the following conditions:
            1.   Approvals of the ART that include conditions for which the applicant wishes reconsideration.
            2.   Development plan applications within the Innovation Districts that fail to meet one or more of the requirements of the applicable District and are not eligible for an administrative departure.
            3.   Administrative departures denied by the ART.
      (3)   Contents of development plan applications. The development plan application shall include the maps, plans, designs, and supplementary documents itemized below. One copy of all required materials, including a site plan, shall also be submitted in appropriate digital formats, as determined by the city. The information submitted shall include the following:
         (a)   Site plans as required by the city, unless some materials are deemed unnecessary by the Director based on the nature and scale of the proposed development.
         (b)   Payment of a fee as established by City Council.
         (c)   A description of any requests for administrative departures as permitted in § 153.042(E)(6) listed in writing and clearly noted on the required site plan, including a description of the nature of the administrative departure, the specific provisions from which the administrative departure is being sought, how the application meets the requirements for approval under § 153.042(E)(6)(e)3., and other necessary illustrative materials describing the request.
         (d)   Site plans as required by the city, unless some materials are deemed unnecessary by the Director based on the nature and scale of the proposed development.
      (4)   Public notices. Written notice regarding applications received for administrative review or site plan approval shall be sent to the applicant, owner, and parcels of land within 300 feet of the property under consideration, as listed on the County Auditor's current tax list within ten days from the receipt of a complete application. The notice shall, at a minimum, indicate the property that is the subject of the request, describe the nature of the request, and indicate when and where written comments will be received concerning the request and, when applicable, the time, date and location of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which the application will be considered.
      (5)   Administrative reviews.
         (a)   Upon receipt, the development plan application shall be distributed to the Administrative Review Team (ART) for review.
         (b)   The ART shall be responsible for reviewing all development plan applications and providing written input regarding the proposed development's compliance with the applicable requirements of the District.
         (c)   The ART shall meet as necessary to consider the development plan application. Applicants shall be given not less than five days notice of the ART review meeting, and may be required by the Director to attend any meetings of the ART.
         (d)   During the course of a development plan application review, the city shall schedule at least one meeting with the applicant to review the application. The applicant shall be given the opportunity to revise the application in response to the ART's comments.
         (e)   Within 28 days from the filing of the development plan application, unless otherwise agreed by the applicant and the city in writing, the ART shall be required to take one of the following actions:
            1.   Approve the development plan application when all of the requirements of the Innovation Districts and the intent of the EAZ Plan are met, including administrative departures as may be granted in accordance with § 153.042(E)(6)(f).
            2.   Issue a decision to permit the applicant to subject the development plan application to site plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon a determination by the ART that:
               A.   The application does not meet all of the requirements of the District and the standards of § 153.042(E)(8) or the intent of the EAZ Plan;
               B.   The application does not meet the requirements for the granting of administrative departures; or
               C.   The proposal has the potential for significant community impact that requires additional public review.
         (f)   Following the approval of an administrative review the applicant may apply for a certificate of zoning plan approval and building permit, consistent with approved development plan.
         (g)   A report shall be provided periodically to the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission of Administrative Approvals by the ART.
      (6)   Administrative departures.
         (a)   Purpose. In certain instances strict enforcement of zoning and development requirements of the District may be either unreasonable or impractical. Therefore, a procedure for administrative departures from these regulations is provided to allow the flexibility necessary to adapt to changed or unusual conditions, both known and unforeseen, under circumstances that do not involve a change of the permitted use of the land or structure.
         (b)   Procedures. The ART shall be permitted to hear and grant requests for administrative departures that may modify the requirements in the Innovation Districts within the standards provided in division (6)(e), below.
         (c)   Application. A request for administrative departures may be submitted with a development plan application or at any time after the approval of a development plan application. If requested as part of a development plan application, the request shall be processed and reviewed concurrently with the development plan application.
         (d)   Review of these requests shall be subject to the same timing requirements that apply to development plan applications.
         (e)   Review by the Administrative Review Team (ART):
            1.   Requests. Requests for administrative departures shall be submitted to the ART for review in accordance with the procedures for administrative reviews.
            2.   Review criteria. The ART shall grant a request for an administrative departures provided the request meets the general purpose and intent of the District and one or more of the following criteria:
               A.   Is not so substantial in nature or degree that it represents a major divergence from the intent of requirements of the District;
               B.   Is necessitated by a condition related to the site, rather than simply as a means to reduce costs or a matter of general convenience;
               C.   If approved, would maintain the specific purpose of the requirements and conditions of the regulation that is the subject of the request; or
               D.   Is limited to that necessary to account for special site conditions or development requirements specific to an individual user.
            3.   Examples. The following is illustrative, but not inclusive, of what may be considered as administrative departures:
               A.   Changes to required building setbacks to account for individual site conditions.
               B.   Substitution of plant materials specified in the landscape plan with comparable materials of an equal or greater size.
               C.   Change of building materials to a comparable or higher quality.
         (f)   Approvals of administrative departures. Following the approval of an administrative departure, the applicant may proceed with applications for a certificate of zoning plan approval and building permit, consistent with the approved development plan.
      (7)   Site plan reviews of development plan applications.
         (a)   Intent and applicability. In order to balance the need to accommodate unique uses with the desire to ensure the presence of high-quality and orderly development within the District, development plan applications shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission for a site plan approval as provided in § 153.042(D)(5)(e)2. and the conditions of this section.
         (b)   Authority and limitations. Site plan approval of development plan applications reviewed by the ART shall apply only to those portions of the plan failing to meet the requirements of the District. The Commission shall not have the authority to change any part of the development plan application that otherwise meets the development requirements of the District and/or has received an administrative review approval.
         (c)   Application deadline. The applicant shall make a written request to the Director for site plan approval no later than ten days following the date when the ART's decision on the development plan application is issued. The hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission shall occur no later than 30 days following the receipt of the applicant's written request by the Director.
         (d)   Site plan approval procedures. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the applicable elements of the development plan using the standards of § 153.042(E)(8). The decision shall be made within 56 days of submission to a meeting of the Commission, unless otherwise agreed by the applicant and the city in writing.
         (e)   Appeals. Development plan applications disapproved by the Planning and Zoning Commission may be appealed by the applicant to City Council, which shall hear the appeal no later than 28 days following the date of the Commission's decision, unless otherwise agreed by the applicant and the city in writing.
      (8)   Development plan standards of approval. In addition to meeting all other requirements of the District, a development plan application shall only be approved by the ART or Planning and Zoning Commission, as applicable, if the requirements of the District and the following criteria are met:
         (a)   Site design characteristics.
            1.   All elements of the site design shall be harmoniously and efficiently organized in relation to topography, the size and type of lot, the character of adjoining property, and the type and size of buildings.
            2.   The site shall be developed so as not to impede the normal and orderly development or improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted by the District.
            3.   All buildings or groups of buildings shall be arranged so as to permit emergency vehicle access by some practicable means to all vehicles.
            4.   Every structure or dwelling unit shall be provided with adequate means of ingress and egress via public streets and walkways.
         (b)   Environmental standards.
            1.   The landscape shall be preserved in its natural state, insofar as practicable, by minimizing tree and soil removal, alteration to the natural drainage courses, and the amount of cutting, filling and grading. Natural features and the site topography shall be incorporated into the proposed site design to the maximum extent practical.
            2.   Landscaping buffers and/or greenbelts may be required beyond those otherwise required in the District to ensure that proposed uses will be adequately buffered from one another and from surrounding public and private property.
         (c)   Vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
            1.   The expected volume of traffic to be generated by the proposed use shall not adversely affect existing roads and the circulation thereon.
            2.   Driveways shall be located to minimize conflict with traffic operations on the adjoining road. The number of driveways shall be the minimum needed to provide reasonable access to the site.
            3.   The arrangement of public or common ways for vehicular and pedestrian circulation shall respect the pattern of existing or planned streets and pedestrian or bicycle pathways in the area.
            4.   Safe, convenient, uncongested and well-defined vehicular and pedestrian circulation within and to the site shall be provided. Drives, streets and other elements shall be designed to promote safe and efficient traffic operations within the site and at its access points.
         (d)   Public services. The scale and design of the proposed development shall facilitate the adequate provision of services currently furnished by or that may be required of the city or other public agency including, but not limited to, fire and police protection, stormwater management, sanitary sewage removal and treatment, recreational activities, traffic control, and administrative services.
         (e)   The general purposes and spirit of this chapter and the various provisions and components of the Community Plan, including the EAZ Plan.
   (E)   Modifications to approved development plans.
      (1)   The Director may authorize minor modifications to an approved development plan that are required to correct any undetected errors, that are consistent with the purpose of the approved application, or that are necessary to ensure orderly and efficient development. Minor modifications shall be limited to:
         (a)   Adjustments in lot lines, provided no additional lots are created and required setbacks are maintained;
         (b)   Adjustments in the location of and layout of parking lots, provided perimeter setbacks, yards and buffers are maintained;
         (c)   Modifications of building footprints up to 10% in total floor area of the originally approved building, building height(s) or floor plans, that do not alter the character or intensity of the use;
         (d)   Substitution of landscaping materials specified in the landscape plan with comparable materials of an equal or greater size;
         (e)   Redesigning and/or relocating stormwater management facilities provided that general character and stormwater capacities are maintained;
         (f)   Adjusting and/or relocating landscape mounds, provided that the same level and quality of screening is maintained;
         (g)   Minor modifications to the sign face, landscaping and lighting, provided the other sign requirements of the final development plan are maintained;
         (h)   Minor changes in building material or colors that are similar to and have the same general appearance comparable to or of a higher quality as the material approved on the final development plan;
         (i)   Changes required by outside agencies such as the county, state, or federal departments; and
         (j)   Other minor modifications deemed by the Director that do not alter the basic design or any specific conditions imposed as part of the original approval.
      (2)   Any modifications to be made to an approved development plan that are not deemed minor by the Director shall require the filing and approval of a development plan application in accordance with this section.
(Ord. 13-08, passed 4-7-08; Am. Ord. 32-11, passed 6-27-11; Am. Ord. 19-12, passed 4-23-12)
§ 153.043 (RESERVED)
   This section reserved for future use.
(Ord. 13-08, passed 4-7-08; Am. Ord. 32-11, passed 6-27-11; Am. Ord. 19-12, passed 4-23-12)
   (A)   District purpose and intent. The Technology Flex (TF) District provides for a broad range of research, office, laboratory and clean manufacturing uses that will foster a well-rounded and diverse economy for the city. The TF District supports appropriate light-industrial options, while encouraging greater opportunity for research and office uses that will improve Dublin's competitive edge within the region. Flexible architectural spaces are desired that will accommodate the expansion and changing operations of small to medium size companies.
   (B)   District uses. Uses in the TF District are as shown on the following table. Descriptions and characteristics of use categories can be found in § 153.002(A) - uses definitions. Additional development requirements for particular uses are contained in division (C) of this section as referenced below within the "Use Specific Standards" column.
      (1)   Permitted uses. Uses denoted as "P" in Table 153.044(B)(4) indicate that the land use is allowed by right, subject to compliance with the use-specific standards referenced in the final column of the use table and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 153.
      (2)   Conditional uses. Uses denoted as "C" in Table 153.044(B)(4) indicate that the land use is allowed only upon approval of a conditional use permit as required by § 153.236, compliance with use-specific standards referenced in the final column of the use table and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 153.
      (3)   Size or time limited uses. Uses denoted with an "S" or "T" in Table 153.044(B)(4) indicate special limits regarding size or time duration of the use and are subject to compliance with the use-specific standards referenced in the final column of the use table and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 153.
      (4)   Table of uses.
P=Permitted C=Conditional S=Size Limited T=Time Limited
P=Permitted C=Conditional S=Size Limited T=Time Limited
Commercial Uses
Animal Care- General Services
Animal Care- Veterinary Offices
Animal Care- Veterinary Urgent Care and Hospitals
Data Center
Entertainment and Recreation- Indoor
Medical and Diagnostic Laboratory
Office- General
Office- Call Centers
Office- Flex
Office- Medical
Parking Structures
Personal, Repair and Rental Services
Transportation- Park-and-Ride
Truck and Van Rental Establishments
Civic, Public & Institutional Uses
Day Care- Child
Educational Facility
Government Services- General
Government Services- Safety
Government Services- Service
Parks and Open Space
Industrial Uses
Construction and Contract Service Trades
Manufacturing and Assembly
Motor Vehicle Repair- Major
Research and Development
Utilities- Electric Substation
Utilities- Essential Services
Utilities- Wireless Communications
Wholesaling and Distribution
Residential Uses
Dwelling- Single-Family
P=Permitted C=Conditional S=Size Limited T=Time Limited
P=Permitted C=Conditional S=Size Limited T=Time Limited
Accessory uses are permitted only in connection with a permitted or approved conditional use on the same property and must be clearly subordinate and incidental to that use. No accessory use may be operated when a permitted or approved conditional use does not exist on the property. Permitted primary uses are permitted as accessory uses.
Bicycle Facilities
Day Care- Child
Community Activity
Construction Trailer/Office
Corporate Residences
Entertainment and Recreation- Indoor
Parking Structures
Special Event
Transportation- Transit Stop
Utilities- Renewable Energy Equipment
Utilities- Renewable Energy Facilities
Utilities- Renewable Wind Equipment
Vehicle Charging Station
Wholesaling and Distribution
   (C)   Use specific standards. The following requirements shall apply in addition to all other applicable development regulations for specific types of uses in the Technology Flex (TF) District:
      (1)   Animal care-general services. Services shall be provided indoors and may include grooming, sitting (daytime only), training and accessory retail sales of pet care products, or other similar uses. Overnight boarding is not permitted. Outdoor pet service areas shall be located at least 50 feet from any property line and 500 feet from any residential district or residential subarea of a planned development district. Use of outdoor pet service areas shall be limited to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
      (2)   Animal care-veterinary offices and veterinary urgent care and hospitals. Boarding of animals shall only be permitted for the ongoing care of animals in treatment and must be provided within the principal structure. All outdoor pet service areas shall be located at least 50 feet from any property line and 500 feet from any residential district or residential subarea of a planned development district. Use of outdoor pet service areas shall be limited to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
      (3)   Office-flex. Flex office must include a minimum of 30% office use. Remaining space may be used for any combination of research & laboratory space, clean manufacturing and assembly, wholesaling and/or related showroom, warehousing and or distribution purposes. Any showroom component shall not exceed 10% of the gross floor area of the principal structure and shall not count toward office calculations.
      (4)   Personal services and retail. Only those uses present as of the effective date of this section shall be permitted. Once removed, no further uses shall be permitted as a primary use.
      (5)   Transportation- park-and-rides. Park and ride facilities shall provide only one shelter per bus route.
      (6)   Educational facility. These uses shall have no rooms for the regular housing or sleeping of students.
      (7)   Manufacturing & assembly and wholesaling & distribution. Any auxiliary showroom areas associated with the primary use shall not exceed 10% of the gross floor area of the principal structure.
      (8)   Motor vehicle repair-major. Only those uses present as of the effective date of this section shall be permitted. Once removed, no further uses shall be permitted as a primary use.
      (9)   (Reserved)
      (10)   Utilities- electric substation. Electric substations shall be located at least 700 feet from all residential districts or residential subarea of a planned development district.
      (11)   Utilities- wireless communications. For regulations governing wireless communication uses, Chapter 99 of the Dublin Codified Ordinances shall apply.
      (12)   Dwelling- single-family. Only residential uses existing as of the effective date of this section are permitted. Once removed, no further single-family dwelling shall be permitted.
      (13)   Child day care. Day care components shall not exceed 20% of the gross floor area of the principal structure.
      (14)   Truck and van rental establishments.
         (a)   The minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet. For uses that have more than ten vehicles for rent, an additional 1,500 square feet of lot area shall be required for each additional vehicle over ten, provided that not more than 40 vehicles may be displayed on any site. Permitted vehicles shall not exceed 26 feet in length. To minimize views from adjacent streets, this use shall not be permitted on a lot abutting an arterial street or freeway, or Wilcox Road, or on any lot that abuts or is directly across the street from a residential district or use.
         (b)   Areas specifically set aside for parking of vehicles for rent shall be specifically designated on the site plan submitted with the application. Trucks and vans for rental shall not be parked in any other area, except as may be needed for the staging of vehicles for customer use. Minor servicing may be permitted on site provided it is done within an enclosed facility, not including vehicle washing or cleaning which may be permitted within the designated parking areas.
         (c)   The designated parking area for trucks or vans for rental shall meet the requirements of division (E)(2) of this section, provided that the required screening shall be a minimum of six feet in height and further provided that the remainder of § 153.133(C)(1) be satisfied.
   (D)   Site development requirements. In addition to the provisions of §§ 153.070 through 153.076, the following requirements for arrangement and development of land and buildings shall be met:
      (1)   Intensity of use. Lot size shall be sufficient to provide the yard spaces required by this section and the following provisions:
         (a)   Maximum lot coverage. Lot coverage for structures and impervious surfaces shall not exceed 70%.
         (b)   Building height. The height of principal and accessory structures shall be limited based upon setback requirements of this District as identified in § 153.044(D)(2)(c). Structures greater than 56 feet in height shall require conditional use approval in accordance with § 153.236.
      (2)   Setback requirements. Placement of structures and improvements shall provide sufficient separation to the adjacent site or use according to the following provisions. Setbacks shall be provided as necessary to accommodate any additional site requirements such as landscaping, mounding and buffering:
         (a)   Lot width. Lots shall provide a minimum of 60 feet in width at the public right-of-way.
         (b)   Front yards. The required front yard setback for principal and accessory structures shall be determined in accordance with § 153.072.
         (c)   Side and rear yards. The following setbacks for components of principal and accessory structures shall be determined based upon the height of each individual component.
Building Height
Required Minimum Setback
15 feet
15 feet
>15–29 feet
20 feet
>29–43 feet
35 feet
>43–56 feet
50 feet
Required side and rear setbacks for principal and accessory structures shall in no case be less than 25 feet from any residential zoning district or a residential subarea of a planned development district as listed in § 153.016.
         (d)   Side pavement setbacks. Required side yard setbacks for pavement, which includes open storage, service and loading areas, shall be at least five feet, except for common access drives or shared service courts. Required side pavement setbacks shall be at least 25 feet from any residential zoning district or a residential subarea of a planned development district as listed in § 153.016.
         (e)   Rear pavement setbacks. Required rear yard setbacks for pavement, which includes open storage, service and loading areas, shall be at least ten feet, except for common access drives or shared service courts. Required rear pavement setbacks shall be at least 25 feet from any residential zoning district or a residential subarea of a planned development district as listed in § 153.016.
   (E)   Additional outdoor requirements.
      (1)   Outdoor operations. Uses shall operate entirely within an enclosed structure, unless it is determined by the Director that operations are harmonious to the surrounding area and are adequately screened.
      (2)   Outdoor storage. Exterior storage shall be screened in accordance with § 153.133(C)(1). Storage must be located to the side or rear of all buildings and shall not be visible from adjacent properties or from the public right-of-way.
      (3)   Off-site impacts. Uses must be conducted in a manner harmonious with the surrounding area and comply with minimum requirements as set forth by the provisions of § 153.076 and § 132.03 of the Dublin Codified Ordinances.
      (4)   Service areas. Overhead doors shall be located to the side or rear of structures to minimize visibility from public streets. Open service areas and loading docks shall be screened by walls a minimum of six feet in height, but not greater than 12 feet. Walls, fences or landscape screening shall have 100% opacity to effectively conceal service and loading operations from adjoining streets and from any residential zoning district or a residential subarea of a planned development district as listed in § 153.016. Compliance with the provisions of § 153.133(C) shall also be required.
   (F)   Architecture and design requirements.
      (1)   Architectural intent. In order to provide for flexible space required for uses within the district, architectural standards are intentionally non-prescriptive. However, all structures within the district are expected to be thoughtfully designed with materials, detailing, scale, and proportion that is intentional and carefully thought through and with specific attention toward aesthetics. Buildings may utilize any combination of exterior materials from the list of permitted materials however, in all cases, such materials shall be applied in a manner that provides well-detailed and aesthetically pleasing facade surfaces. Characteristics of a well-detailed facade include, but are not limited to, deliberate joint patterns, finished edge detailing, and durable, rust and fade resistant finishes.
      (2)   Applicability of architectural requirements. Architectural requirements as specified by this section shall apply to new construction. Design of additions to structures existing as of the date of this section may coordinate with architecture of the existing structure, but to the extent possible shall meet the requirements of this section. The city may contract with a qualified architectural consultant to determine compliance with the architecture and design requirements contained in this section.
      (3)   Rooftop mechanicals. Mechanical equipment and other functional components shall be screened from view from the ground by parapets not lower than the height of the roof equipment, screens with materials and details compatible with the building's facades, pitched roof areas, or special architectural features. Parapets on flat roofs shall not be included in the calculation for building height.
      (4)   Materials. At least 80% of exterior walls shall be constructed of one or more of the primary materials listed below. The following are acceptable primary and secondary building materials, as noted.
         (a)   Primary materials.
            1.   Brick. Brick shall be uniform in color within any one specific color range but using more than one color range to create patterns is acceptable. Bricks that have been flashed to change color in the individual unit, distressed bricks and wood mold bricks are not acceptable.
            2.   Glass. Transparent, tinted, reflective, coated, opaque, translucent, and textured glass, are permitted.
            3.   Stone. Stone such as limestone, granite and marble are acceptable. Synthetic stone of a high quality that is indistinguishable from natural stone is also acceptable.
            4.   Pre-cast concrete. Pre-cast concrete panels developed with shadow lines, reveals, textural changes, color variations and/or exposed aggregate are acceptable.
            5.   Architectural metal. Smooth face, and textured face insulated or un-insulated metal panels are acceptable. Careful attention to how the panels are joined, detailed at edges and corners and attached is required. Use of corrugated or long span, high-profile fluted or ribbed metal panels is not encouraged.
            6.   Synthetics. Synthetic siding materials such as cementitious siding and EIFS are acceptable if carefully integrated into the building's design and detailed with a high level of shadow lines and reveals. Pre-approval is recommended.
            7.   Concrete masonry units. Architectural masonry units with special aggregates and finishes are acceptable. Split face masonry units may be acceptable if combined with other masonry products to raise the level of visual quality. Pre-approval is recommended.
            8.   Tilt-up panels. Concrete tilt-up panels are acceptable if they contain a high degree of detail by the use if shadow lines, textural variations and/or applied projections and limited to large footprint buildings. Pre-approval is recommended.
            9.   Other primary building materials may be approved if demonstrated to be of similar quality to the permitted primary materials.
         (b)   Secondary materials. In addition to the permitted materials above, the following may be used as secondary building applications:
            1.   Gypsum fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC). Fiber reinforced concrete products may be used for trim or architectural features.
            2.   Frost-proof ceramic tile. Porcelain or other frost-proof ceramic tiles may be used as accents or to create special features.
            3.   Architectural metal. Metal extrusions, panels and structural components may be used as accents or for special features such as canopies and sunshades. These materials must be finished to prevent fading, staining, rust or corrosion and shall be carefully detailed with attention toward aesthetics. Use of corrugated or long span, high-profile fluted or ribbed metal panels is not encouraged.
            4.   Split faced block. Split faced block shall be used in limited quantities for components like foundations or site walls.
            5.   EIFS. Exterior insulated finishing systems may be used.
            6.   Other secondary building materials may be approved if demonstrated to be of similar quality to the permitted secondary materials.
      (5)   Color. Structures shall incorporate combinations of color that will provide visual interest and be harmonious with the surrounding area.
         (a)   Base colors. Main building colors shall be neutral, off-white or earth tone. Base colors shall constitute a predominance of the visible building exterior and be muted with low reflectivity.
         (b)   Accent colors. Building trim and/or detailing may utilize brighter accent colors to create visual interest and/or to identify main public entrances. Application of accent colors may be used up to an amount not to exceed 10% of the total area of all building elevations.
      (6)   Accessory structures. Accessory structures shall be constructed of identical materials, style, quality and appearance as the principal building.
   (G)   Landscape requirements.
      (1)   Compliance. All sites shall be required to comply with applicable Code requirements for landscaping in Chapter 153 with the following modifications:
         (a)   In cases where § 153.132(B) requires full landscape compliance for site and/or building modifications exceeding 25%, the following landscape components shall apply to those structures when the exterior materials, finish or design of the building facades are being improved without expanding the overall footprint of the structure:
            1.   Section 153.133(A)(5) Vehicular Use Perimeter Requirements;
            2.   Section 153.133(C) Screening of Service Structures;
            3.   Section 153.133(D) Additional Site Landscaping;
            4.   Section 153.134 Street Trees.
         (b)   To encourage maintenance and marketability of existing structures, in cases as noted in paragraph (a), § 153.133(A)(3) and (4) and § 153.133(B) may be deferred until such time as the building is expanded or the site redeveloped further.
   (H)   Alternative energy & design.
      (1)   Alternative energy integration. Use of on-site alternative energy sources for greater self-sufficiency is highly encouraged. Other types of alternative energy not addressed by this Code may be approved if demonstrated to be of similar character or impact of those types permitted.
         (a)   Wall and roof-mounted or applied thermal and PV solar units are permitted within the TF District and shall include side and rear screening as applicable for supporting infrastructure;
         (b)   Due to proximity to residential areas, commercial wind turbines shall not be permitted within the TF District; and
         (c)   Residential-scale wind turbines shall be permitted in accordance with applicable setback requirements.
      (2)   Alternative design methods. Integration of architectural and site design methods and materials that promote sustainability and lower energy use are strongly encouraged.
      (3)   For regulations pertaining to renewable energy equipment - solar refer to § 153.074, Accessory Uses and Structures.
(Ord. 18-11, passed 5-23-11; Am. Ord. 19-12, passed 4-23-12; Am. Ord. 101-13, passed 1-27-14; Am. Ord. 17-21, passed 4-26-21; Am. Ord. 70- 22, passed 6-12-23)
   (A)   Purpose. The Mixed Use Regional Districts are intended to implement the vision set forth in the Dublin Corporate Area Plan, which promotes a vision of a walkable, mixed use district that is comprised of high quality employment facilities, integrated with or adjacent to complementary retail and commercial uses as well as supporting residential and recreational uses, and pedestrian amenities. The Mixed Use Regional District standards are intended to ensure development is compatible with the surrounding character and uses.
   (B)   Applicability. Any development proposed to occur on land designated as Mixed Use Regional (MUR)-1, MUR-2, MUR-3, and MUR-4 shall be required to meet the requirements of the MUR Districts as specified herein.
   (C)   Conflicts. If the regulations within this section conflict in any manner with the City of Dublin Codified Ordinances, the provisions of the districts shall prevail. All matters not covered by the districts and their requirements shall be regulated by the requirements and standards contained in Chapter 153 of the Codified Ordinances.
   (D)   Relationship to Design Guidelines. In addition to the regulations contained within this section, new development within the MUR Zoning Districts shall comply with the Mixed Use Regional (MUR) Design Guidelines. The guidelines supplement the regulations contained within the Code and will guide the Planning and Zoning Commission in determining requests for approvals. While the Guidelines are not zoning regulations, they are critical to interpreting the intent of these regulations and should be used in unison with them. The Guidelines provide additional detail and explanation of the regulations and provide important guidance in applying the regulations. Applicants should consult the Design Guidelines prior to filing an application, and throughout the approval process.
   (E)   Intent. The titles of each zoning district reflect the general location of each district within the overall mixed use regional area as depicted in the Dublin Corporate Area Plan. The following further describes the intent of each of the Mixed Use Regional (MUR) Districts.
      (1)   MUR-1: Metro/Blazer District.
      (2)   MUR-2: Tuttle/Rings District.
      (3)   MUR-3: Emerald District.
      (4)   MUR-4: Llewellyn Farms Office District. The Llewellyn Farms Office District is different in character from the other MUR districts due to its proximity to existing residential neighborhoods. The permitted uses and development standards are sensitive to this and intend to provide a cohesive transition between residential and non-residential development focusing on lower density and intensity to ensure compatibility with the existing residential character.
(Ord. 86-21, passed 12-6-21)
§ 153.046 USES.
   (A)   Intent. This section establishes the desired uses for land and buildings in each of the MUR Districts. This is achieved through the variety of permitted, conditional, accessory, and temporary uses allowed in each district. In some cases, building location requirements and size limitations to establish the desired development character apply.
   (B)   General provisions.
      (1)   Permitted and conditional uses in each of the MUR Districts, shown in Table 1, may be restricted by location, size, period of operation, or other use-specific standards as designated herein.
      (2)   Explanation of terms.
         (a)   Listed uses are defined in § 153.002: Definitions.
         (b)   A “P” in a cell indicates a use that is permitted by right in that zoning district, subject to compliance with any use specific standards referenced in Table 1 and the applicable provisions herein.
         (c)   A “C” in a cell indicates a use that is allowed in that zoning district only upon approval of a conditional use as described in § 153.236 and compliance with any use specific standards referenced in Table 1 and the applicable provisions herein.
         (d)   An “S” in a cell indicates a use that is allowed in that zoning district only if limited in size, subject to compliance with any use specific standards referenced in Table 1 and the applicable provisions herein.
         (e)   A “T” in a cell indicates a use that is allowed in that zoning district for a limited period of time pursuant to a permit from the city, subject to compliance with any use specific standards referenced in Table 1 and the applicable provisions herein.
         (f)   A blank cell indicates that the use is prohibited in that district.
      (3)   Use specific standards. Additional standards may apply to either permitted or conditional uses in the MUR Districts. These additional standards are cross-referenced in the last column of Table 1.
      (4)   Existing uses and buildings.
         (a)   The permitted or conditional uses in operation as of the effective date of this subchapter shall continue to be allowed as permitted or conditionally permitted on the property, subject to the following:
            1.   Any expansion of an existing use as of the effective date of this subchapter within an existing structure as permitted by § 153.047, in addition to the permitted and conditional uses under the applicable MUR Zoning District, provided that the existing use has been operated continuously in an existing structure and/or associated use areas on the property within the 12 months prior to the rezoning of the property into a MUR Zoning District.
            2.   Expansions of existing buildings as permitted by § 153.047, provided that the building was constructed at least 12 months prior to the rezoning of the property into a MUR Zoning District.
         (b)   Once a use that complies with the applicable MUR Zoning District is established on a lot or parcel, no use that is not permitted in the applicable MUR Zoning District may be re-established. For multi-tenant buildings in existing structures, a use that is not permitted in the applicable MUR Zoning District may not be re-established after the entire multi-tenant building is abandoned or all tenant spaces have established uses that comply with those listed for the applicable MUR Zoning District.
         (c)   Abandonment of an existing use.
            1.   If an existing use is abandoned for any reason for a period of more than 12 months, any subsequent use shall conform to the requirements of this section. As applied to a multi-tenant building, the term “existing use” means all of the existing uses in that building.
            2.   An existing use shall be determined by the Director to be abandoned if one or more of the following conditions exist:
               A.   Utilities, such as water, gas, or electricity to the property, have been disconnected;
               B.   The property, buildings, or grounds have fallen into disrepair;
               C.   Signs or other indications of the presence of the use have been removed;
               D.   Equipment or fixtures necessary for the operation of the use have been removed; or
               E.   Other actions that, in the opinion of the Director, constitute an intention of the property owner or lessee to abandon the use.
         (d)   Expansion of existing uses. An existing use in operation as of the effective date of this subchapter may be enlarged, increased, or extended to occupy a greater area of buildings and lands only after a finding by the Planning and Zoning Commission that the enlargement, increase, or extension meets all of the following standards:
            1.   The expansion does not have a substantial detrimental effect on, or materially impair the use and enjoyment of, adjacent uses or lots, and does not limit the ability for adjacent lots to develop in accordance with this chapter;
            2.   The buildings and area in which the existing use is being expanded complies with all parking, sign, or other regulations applicable to the area affected by the proposed enlargement, increase, or extension of use area; and
            3.   The buildings and area encompassing the expansion of the existing use complies with any reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission that are necessary to ensure that the proposed enlargement, increase, or extension of use area will not create impacts detrimental to adjacent properties or the surrounding community.
         (e)   An existing use in operation as of the effective date of this subchapter may be extended throughout any existing buildings or parts of a building that were clearly arranged or designed for that use at the time of adoption of this amendment, but the use shall not be extended to occupy any land outside the existing building except as permitted by this section.
         (f)   Expansion of existing buildings.
            1.   An existing building, including accessory structures and parking areas, may be enlarged, increased, or extended to occupy a greater area of the lot on which it is located subject to the applicable approval procedure set forth in § 153.048.
            2.   An expansion of an existing building, structure, or parking area that does not conform to the MUR dimensional standards may be permitted only after a finding by the required reviewing body that the expansion meets all of the following standards:
               A.   The expansion does not have a substantial detrimental effect on, or materially impair the use and enjoyment of, adjacent uses or lots, and does not limit the ability for adjacent lots to develop in accordance with this chapter;
               B.   The area in which the existing building, structure, or parking lot is being expanded complies with all other regulations applicable to the area affected by the proposed expansion, unless specifically exempted by the required reviewing body; and
               C.   The expansion complies with any reasonable conditions imposed by the required reviewing body that are necessary to ensure that the proposed expansion will not create impacts detrimental to adjacent properties or the surrounding community.
      (5)   Similar use determination.
         (a)   When a proposed land use is not explicitly listed in Table 1, the Director shall determine whether it is reasonably included in the definition of a listed use, or that the proposed use meets the following criteria to the extent that it should be treated as a permitted or conditional use in the district.
            1.   The use is not specifically listed in any of the MUR Districts.
            2.   The use is generally consistent with the intent of the MUR Districts and this chapter.
            3.   The use will not materially impair the present or potential use of other properties within the same district or bordering districts.
            4.   The use has no greater potential impact on surrounding properties than those listed in the district in terms of aesthetics, traffic generation, noise, potential nuisances, and other impacts related to health, safety, and welfare.
            5.   The use will not adversely affect the relevant elements of the Community Plan, the MUR Design Guidelines, and any other relevant plans or documents.
         (b)   The Director’s written determination shall be provided to the applicant and may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (6)   Principal uses. Any property is permitted any combination of principal uses in accordance with the requirements of this section and other applicable provisions of this Code.
      (7)   Accessory uses.
         (a)   Accessory uses are permitted only in connection with a permitted or approved conditional use on the same property and must be clearly subordinate and incidental to that use.
         (b)   Temporary uses are governed by time limits as provided by this Code.
         (c)   Any principal use listed in a zoning district in Table 1 shall be permitted as an accessory use in the same zoning district.
      (8)   Mixed Use Regional (MUR) District permitted use table.
Table 1: Mixed Use Regional (MUR) District Permitted Uses
S=Size Limited
T=Time Limited
Metro/Blazer (MUR-1)
Tuttle/Rings (MUR-2)
Emerald (MUR-3)
Llewellyn Farms (MUR-4)
Use Specific Standards
Table 1: Mixed Use Regional (MUR) District Permitted Uses
S=Size Limited
T=Time Limited
Metro/Blazer (MUR-1)
Tuttle/Rings (MUR-2)
Emerald (MUR-3)
Llewellyn Farms (MUR-4)
Use Specific Standards
Civic/Public/Institutional Permitted Uses
Day Care, Adult and Child
Government Services, Safety
Park or Open Space
Commercial Permitted Uses
Office, General
Office, Medical
Professional/Tech nical Training Facilities
Research & Development
Tutoring Services
Wireless Communications
Refer to Chapter 99 of Dublin Code of Ordinances
Accessory and Temporary Permitted Uses
ATM, Walk-Up
Bicycle Facilities
Construction Trailer/Office
Day Care, Adult and Child
Exercise and Fitness
Parking, Surface Lot
Renewable Energy Equipment
Transportation, Transit Stop
Vehicle Charging Station
Wireless Communications
Refer to Chapter 99 of Dublin Code of Ordinances
   (C)   Use specific standards.
      (1)   Banks.
         (a)   Banks are limited to a maximum of two drive-thru lanes, including ATM’s.
         (b)   Drive-thru lanes shall be located on the rear or side of the building.
         (c)   Each drive-thru lane shall provide a minimum of four stacking spaces, including the point of service.
         (d)   Off-street parking spaces shall be located in a manner to provide safe pedestrian connections to the primary building entrance.
      (2)   Day care, adult and child.
         (a)   The use shall at all times comply with the requirements of R.C. Chapter 5104.
         (b)   Outdoor recreation areas shall not be located in front of the primary entrance of the building and shall be enclosed with a permitted fence. The outdoor recreation area shall be screened using fencing and/or landscaping to provide a minimum of 50% opaque screening.
      (3)   Professional/technical training facilities.
         (a)   Professional/technical training facilities are permitted in the MUR Districts that are up to 10,000 square feet in floor area. Such uses that exceed 10,000 square feet in floor area and up to 20,000 square feet in floor area may be permitted in the MUR Districts with the approval of a conditional use permit.
         (b)   Professional/technical training facilities shall not have outdoor activities or outdoor storage unless specifically permitted herein.
      (4)   Accessory and temporary uses.
         (a)   Bicycle facilities. Bicycle facilities are subject to the regulations set forth in § 153.047(G)(7).
         (b)   Construction trailer/office. Construction trailers and/or offices shall comply with the setbacks applicable to principal structures on the property. Such uses shall additionally comply with the provisions of § 153.097.
         (c)   Day care, adult and child.
            1.   The use shall at all times comply with the requirements of R.C. Chapter 5104.
            2.   Outdoor recreation areas shall not be located in front of the primary entrance of the building and shall be enclosed with a permitted fence. The outdoor recreation area shall be screened using fencing and/or landscaping to provide a minimum 50% opaque screen.
         (d)   Exercise and fitness. Exercise and fitness uses shall be located completely within a building and shall not be visible from an adjacent residential zoning district or use.
         (e)   Renewable energy equipment, geothermal.
            1.   In the MUR Zoning Districts, only equipment for the collection of solar and geothermal energy is permitted.
            2.   Ground-mounted equipment for geothermal equipment shall adhere to the following requirements:
               A.   The collection of geothermal energy is permitted only to the rear of and within five feet of the principal structure.
               B.   Ground-mounted equipment shall be sited to minimize view from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties and shall be camouflaged to the extent that the equipment can function normally.
            3.   Building-mounted equipment for geothermal eqipment shall be completely integrated into the architectural character of the principal structure and shall not be located on an elevation facing a residential use.
         (f)   Renewable energy equipment, solar.
            1.   For regulations pertaining to renewable energy equipment - solar refer to § 153.074, Accessory Uses and Structures.
         (g)   Transportation/transit stop. Transit or transportation stops must be located along the frontage of an arterial or collector road. Transportation/transit stops shall be developed to the standard set by the City of Dublin and shall include at the very minimum, shelter, seating, lighting, and emergency services.
         (h)   Vehicle charging station. Any sign or advertising located on the vehicle charging station or related structures shall be permitted to be one-square-foot.
(Ord. 86-21, passed 12-6-21; Am. Ord. 70-22, passed 6-12-23)
   (A)   Intent. The intent of the Mixed Use Regional (MUR) Districts is to enable the development pattern and form envisioned by the Dublin Corporate Area Plan and the MUR Design Guidelines, emphasizing the creation of a walkable, mixed use environment.
   (B)   Applicability. The standards set forth in this chapter establish the regulations for the arrangement and development of land and structures within the MUR Districts.
   (C)   General development standards. Table 2 outlines the general development regulations for land and structures within the Mixed Use Regional (MUR) Districts. Map 1 outlines the subareas within MUR-4.
Table 2: Mixed Use Regional (MUR) Districts - General Development Standards
Development Standard
Metro/Blazer (MUR-1)
Tuttle/Rings (MUR-2)
Emerald (MUR-3)
Llewellyn Farms
Table 2: Mixed Use Regional (MUR) Districts - General Development Standards
Development Standard
Metro/Blazer (MUR-1)
Tuttle/Rings (MUR-2)
Emerald (MUR-3)
Llewellyn Farms
Minimum Lot Size
20,000 sq. ft.
Minimum Lot Width
Maximum Lot Coverage
Maximum Building Height
Subarea A: 2 stories, not to exceed 32 feet
Subarea B: 3 stories, not to exceed 40 feet
Subarea C:
1-story, not to exceed 22 feet with 75' minimum setback up to maximum of 2-story, not to exceed 32 feet with 95' minimum setback
Height can be increased at 1':2' height to setback ratio between 75' to 95'
Subarea D: 1 story, not to exceed 20 feet; pitched roof required
Maximum Building Footprint
Minimum Front Yard Building Setback
Maximum Front Yard Building Setback
Minimum Side Yard Building Setback
Subarea A: 10 feet
Subarea B: 10 feet
Subarea C:
Abutting non-residential use - 10'
Abutting residential use - 75' minimum for 1-story not exceed a 22-foot tall building, and 95' minimum for 2-story at 32-foot tall building, increasing setback at 1':2' height to setback ratio between 75' and 95'
Subarea D:
Abutting non-residential use - 10 feet
Abutting residential use - 25 feet
Minimum Rear Yard Building Setback
Subarea A: 25 feet
Subarea B: 25 feet
Subarea C:
Abutting non-residential use - 10'
Abutting residential use - 75' minimum for 1-story at 22-foot tall building, and 95' minimum for 2-story at 32-foot tall building, increasing setback at 1':2' height to setback ratio between 75' and 95'
Subarea D:
Abutting non-residential use - 10 feet
Abutting residential use - 25 feet
Minimum Front Yard Pavement Setbacks
Side and Rear Yard Pavement Setbacks
Subarea A: 10 feet
Subarea B: 10 feet
Subarea C:
Abutting non-residential use - 10 feet
Abutting residential use - 25 feet
Subarea D:
Abutting non-residential use - 10 feet
Abutting residential use - 25 feet
Parking Location
Parking lots are recommended to be located between the building and the property line to provide additional separation from existing residential.
Map 1: MUR-4 Subarea Map
   (D)   Additional development standards.
      (1)   Outdoor storage. Exterior storage shall not be permitted in the MUR Zoning Districts, unless it is determined that the proposed outdoor storage is harmonious to the surrounding area and is adequately screened and approved by the required reviewing body.
      (2)   Service areas and structures.
         (a)   Overhead doors shall be located to the side or rear of structures to minimize visibility from public streets. Open service areas and loading docks shall be screened by walls a minimum of six feet in height, but not greater than 12 feet. Walls, fences, or landscape screening shall have 100% opacity to effectively conceal service and loading operations from an adjoining public right-of-way and from any residential zoning district or residential use. This does not apply to overhead doors used for aesthetic purposes such as overhead doors that lead to patios or gathering areas.
         (b)   Service structures shall be screened consistent with the regulations set forth in § 153.077.
      (3)   Mechanical screening.
         (a)   Roof-mounted equipment. All roof-mounted mechanical equipment and penetrations (including but not limited to HVAC equipment, exhaust fans, vents, fans, cooling towers, and related guard rails or safety equipment) shall be fully screened from view at ground level on all sides of the structure, to the extent practicable, from adjacent buildings of similar height. The location of roof top mechanicals shall be placed so as to minimize the visual impacts from adjacent residential uses, as required by the required reviewing body.
         (b)   Ground-mounted equipment. All ground-mounted mechanical equipment shall be incorporated within the footprint of a principal or accessory structure or shall be fully screened from view on all sides.
         (c)   Exemptions. The requirement to screen roof-mounted or ground-mounted equipment shall not apply if the only feasible location for screening would impede the functioning of solar, wind, or geothermal energy equipment or systems.
   (E)   Architectural requirements.
      (1)   Applicability. Architectural requirements as specified in this section shall apply to new construction. New construction is also subject to the MUR Design Guidelines as applicable. Design of additions to structures existing as of the date of this amendment may coordinate with the architecture of the existing structure, but to the extent possible shall meet the requirements of this section.
      (2)   Windows. Building walls shall incorporate windows or glass openings to effectively avoid blank and undifferentiated elevations, while balancing the needs of internal spaces and operations. Windows and glass openings on second stories or above that abut and face towards a residential zoning district or use are subject to the review and approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Applicants shall strategically locate second story and higher windows that face a residential use to avoid direct lines of sight to such uses. Landscaping may be used to buffer direct lines of sight.
      (3)   Roofs.
         (a)   Pitched and flat roof types are permitted, unless specified.
         (b)   Pitched roof shall not be sloped less than a 6:12 (rise:run) or more than 12:12, unless otherwise approved by the required reviewing body.
         (c)   Downspouts and scuppers shall be carefully integrated into the facade design.
      (4)   Exterior materials. At least 80% of the exterior walls shall be constructed out of one or more of the primary materials listed below:
         (a)   Primary materials.
            1.   Brick. Brick shall be uniform in color within any one specific color range but using more than one color range to create patterns is acceptable. Bricks that have been flashed to change color in the individual unit, distressed bricks, and wood mold bricks are not acceptable.
            2.   Glass. Transparent, tinted, reflective, coated, opaque, translucent, and textured glass, is permitted.
            3.   Stone. Stone such as limestone, granite, and marble are acceptable. Synthetic stone of a high quality that is indistinguishable from natural stone is also acceptable.
            4.   Pre-cast concrete. Pre-cast concrete panels developed with shadow lines, reveals, textural changes, color variations, and/or exposed aggregate are acceptable.
            5.   Architectural metal. Smooth face, textured face, and corrugated type insulated, or un-insulated metal panels are acceptable. Careful attention to how the panels are adjoined, detailed at corners, and attached is required. Long span, high profile fluted, or ribbed metal panels are prohibited.
            6.   Synthetics. Synthetic siding materials such as fiber cement siding and EIFS may be acceptable if carefully integrated into the building’s design and detailed with a high level of shadow lines and reveals. EIFS is not permitted on the ground story.
            7.   Other primary building materials may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission if demonstrated to be of similar quality to the permitted primary materials.
         (b)   Secondary materials.
            1.   Any primary material listed above may be considered as a secondary material.
            2.   Gypsum fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), wood siding, fiber cement siding and Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systems (EIFS) may be used for trim, detailing, and architectural features.
            3.   Other secondary building materials may be approved if demonstrated to be of similar quality to the permitted secondary materials.
      (5)   Accessory structures. Attached or detached accessory structures shall be constructed similar in design, style, quality, and appearance with identical materials as the principal structure.
   (F)   Landscaping and tree preservation.
      (1)   General.
         (a)   The provisions of §§ 153.130 through 153.149 shall apply to the MUR Zoning Districts, unless specifically exempted, modified, or waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
         (b)   Site landscaping shall comply with the general character and design components as prescribed in the Dublin Corporate Area Plan and the MUR Design Guidelines.
      (2)   Perimeter landscape buffer. The following landscape regulations apply to properties contained within the MUR Zoning Districts:
         (a)   Perimeter landscape buffer is required when a non-residential land use is adjacent to a residential zoning district or use (regardless of whether there is an intervening street, alley, driveway, or easement). The intent of the buffer is to provide multiple levels of screening. The buffer shall be a minimum of 25 feet wide and be planted with one tree per 20 lineal feet or fraction thereof as a combination of evergreen and deciduous planted in a staggered line. The tree requirement should include a combination of small, medium and large trees to ensure a variety of heights within the buffer. The buffer shall also include a continuous six-foot high opaque screen constructed out of plantings, a hedge, wall, fence, earth mound, or combination thereof.
         (b)   Existing healthy and non-invasive trees and underlying plant material located within the required buffer area shall be preserved and counted toward the perimeter landscape buffer. Protective measure should be taken to ensure the drip line and root system of the existing trees are preserved.
         (c)   These requirements apply when a site that is subject to these requirements is developed or redeveloped. No existing development shall be required to install perimeter landscape buffering because of a change in the nature, character, or zoning classification of an adjacent parcel.
         (d)   The required perimeter landscape buffer area may be located within a utility or other easement with the prior approval of the City Engineer provided all of the landscape requirements are met.
         (e)   Required buffer materials must be placed on the parcel where development or redevelopment is occurring, unless both the parcel providing the buffering and the parcel being buffered are in common ownership, in which case the buffer may be provided on either or portions of both properties.
         (f)   Vehicles or other objects shall not overhang or otherwise intrude upon the required perimeter landscape buffer. Refer to division (G)(7) of this section for curb and wheel stop requirements.
         (g)   Existing landscape material in good or fair condition may be used to satisfy these requirements with the prior approval of the Director.
      (3)   Surface parking and circulation area landscaping. All surface parking lots located within the MUR Zoning Districts that contain ten or more parking spaces and other vehicular use areas shall provide landscaping as required by this section.
         (a)   Street frontage screening. Surface parking lots and other vehicular use areas located within 40 feet of a public street shall be landscaped along the parking lot boundary facing the street to create a visual edge along the public right-of-way.
         (b)   Perimeter buffering. Where a surface parking lot is located within 50 feet of a side, or rear lot line, and the adjacent property contains a residential zoning district or use, the property owner shall install perimeter buffering meeting the requirements of division (F)(2) of this section.
         (c)   Interior landscaping. Parking lot islands shall be strategically distributed throughout paved parking areas and shall be consistent with section 3.4 of the MUR Design Guidelines. Interior landscaping is not required in the interior of service courts and loading docks.
      (4)   Foundation planting. Building foundation landscaping is required along all sides of a building facing a public street or private drive, a residential zoning district or use, open space, or facing a surface parking area located on the same lot.
      (5)   Use of mounding. The general design of sites shall avoid the use of uniform mounding to meet screening and buffering requirements. Integration of mounding as one of the forms of screening should focus on landforms of varying width and height that will achieve a more natural and less “engineered” appearance.
      (6)   Street trees. Street trees are required along all public streets per the regulations set forth in § 153.134.
      (7)   Tree preservation. All sites within the MUR Districts are expected to retain and protect natural features to the greatest extent practicable as part of the development process. Sites shall also comply with the procedures for §§ 153.140 to 153.149.
   (G)   Parking requirements.
      (1)   Parking shall comply with §§ 153.200 through 153.212, unless specifically provided herein. In the case of conflicts, regulations for the MUR Districts will prevail.
      (2)   Parking shall not be located within a setback, as outlined in Table 2, except that parking areas may extend across contiguous lots in developments with coordinated site design, shared access points and/or shared parking arrangements.
      (3)   Applicability. Any existing structure which does not have the minimum number of parking spaces or loading areas as required by this section, and which thereafter provides additional parking and/or loading spaces in conjunction with an improvement, shall be required to meet the minimum number of parking spaces as provided by Table 3 unless an adjustment is granted per § 153.048 (parking adjustments).
      (4)   Parking requirements.
         (a)   Minimum amount required.
            1.   Each use shall provide the minimum amount of parking required for that use listed on Table 3, except as may be modified by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
            2.   When calculating minimum parking requirements, fractional numbers shall be increased to the next whole number.
            3.   Unless otherwise noted, all square footage requirements are based on indoor gross floor area.
            4.   Except as noted in Table 3, no additional parking is required for accessory or temporary uses when the square footage of the uses is included in the parking calculation for the gross floor area of the principal use.
            5.   Parking and loading spaces for uses not addressed in Table 3 shall be determined by the Planning Director based on the anticipated parking impacts of the proposed use, its similarity to characteristics of other listed uses, and supporting documentation that may be provided by the applicant.
Table 3: Parking Space Requirements
Minimum Required
Table 3: Parking Space Requirements
Minimum Required
2.5 per 1,000 sq. ft
Day Care, Adult and Child
1 space per 10 clients at licensed capacity
Government Services, Safety
2 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Office, General
4 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Office, Medical
5 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Park or Open Space
Per approved parking plan
Professional/Technical Training Facility
2 per classroom plus 1 for every 20 students for which the facility is designed
Research & Development
2 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Tutoring Services
2 per classroom plus 1 for every 20 students for which the facility is designed
      (5)   Parking plan.
         (a)   A parking plan demonstrating compliance with the provisions of § 153.048(G) is required for the following conditions and may be submitted as a minor project:
            1.   Applications for a Final Development Plan;
            2.   Applications that include a request for off-site parking;
            3.   In cases where a modified parking agreement necessitates a new or modified parking plan;
            4.   Applications involving a use listed in Table 3 for which the parking requirement is specifically noted as being determined by an approved parking plan;
            5.   Applications that include a request for an adjustment to required vehicle parking;
            6.   Applications that include a request for an adjustment to the number or location of required loading spaces;
            7.   Applications for a minor project for a change of use that requires 25% or more parking spaces than the previous use;
            8.   Applications requesting shared or phased parking arrangements; or
            9.   Other circumstances determined by the Director to require a parking plan, which shall be reviewed with the minor project application.
         (b)   A parking plan shall include, at a minimum, the following, as applicable:
            1.   Required parking and loading computations in accordance with Table 3 and Table 4 and the numbers of parking spaces and loading spaces to be provided.
            2.   Information regarding any requested parking adjustments.
            3.   Signed and executed easements, agreements, or other documentation required to ensure that spaces counted toward the parking requirements are properly secured.
            4.   Plan(s) for planned parking areas covered by the parking plan indicating locations of planned parking, names of property owners for properties not under direct control of the applicant, and any other related site details relevant to the parking plan application.
            5.   Any other information required by the Director to ensure an adequate review of the parking plan information.
         (c)   Demonstration of parking need. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall be permitted to approve a parking plan for fewer than the minimum required parking spaces based on a demonstration of parking need by the applicant. The required reviewing body shall consider:
            1.   The land use and development character of the area to be served by the parking facility;
            2.   The availability of other publicly available parking in the area;
            3.   The timing of parking use relative to other uses in the area;
            4.   The parking requirement for similar uses as may be determined by the Director;
            5.   Whether the provided parking meets the location requirements;
            6.   Whether compliance with Table 3 is made to the maximum extent practicable;
            7.   Whether other adjustments as described in this section should apply in conjunction with or in lieu of the requested need-based adjustment; and
            8.   Whether supporting documentation, if provided, adequately demonstrates that sufficient parking is available to meet projected typical demand.
            9.   Off-street parking requirements may be met in a shared parking lot located within 600 feet of building/structure served.
      (6)   Alternative parking space dimensions.
         (a)   A property owner may request an adjustment to parking space dimensions for no more than 5% of required parking spaces, based on documentation of a formal policy or program to encourage the use of compact vehicles by employees or visitors, as approved by the PZC.
         (b)   Where alternative dimensions are approved, which would have the effect of reducing the number of required spaces meeting the standard dimension requirements, the remaining standard spaces shall be subject to the deferred parking requirements.
      (7)   Curbs and wheel stops.
         (a)   Raised or rolled concrete curbs or wheel stops at least five inches high shall be installed to prevent vehicle conflicts with abutting landscape areas, sidewalks, streets, buildings, or lot lines. There shall be a minimum of four feet of clear walkway area and at least two and one-half feet between a curb or wheel stop and any property line, planting area, street, or building.
         (b)   Planted areas shall be installed at a lower grade than the parking lot pavement, include curbing at the edge of a landscaped area and have openings or gaps allowing drainage from the pavement to enter and percolate through the landscaped areas when used for stormwater management purposes, or if required by the City Engineer.
         (c)   Wheel stops may be used in conjunction with accessible parking spaces where an adjacent walkway is installed at the same grade as the parking space. Wheel stops may be used in addition to raised curbs where necessary to prevent vehicle overhang onto adjacent walkways or near buildings, or in conjunction with curb breaks used for stormwater drainage. Curbs shall be required in all other circumstances.
      (8)   Bicycle parking.
         (a)   One bicycle parking space shall be required for every 20 parking spaces required, or fraction thereof. A minimum of four spaces shall be provided whenever bicycle parking is required. Parking lots containing less than 20 spaces are not required to provide bicycle parking.
         (b)   Every effort should be made to provide clear pedestrian connectivity from the public street to the main entrance of buildings. Clear path of travel through parking areas should be designed in a manner to effectively minimize conflict with vehicles.
         (c)   Bicycle parking shall be located within 100 feet of the entrance to a principal structure. Parking may be located within the principal structure and should be located where conflicts with pedestrian or vehicular travel can be avoided.
         (d)   Bicycle parking racks, docks, or posts shall be designed and installed to provide two points of contact to an individual bicycle frame when used as intended. Enclosed locker-type facilities may be provided in lieu of open racks. Racks and lockers must be designed to allow a bicycle to be locked to a structure attached to the pavement, building, or other permanent structure.
         (e)   Bicycle racks shall be installed according to the dimensional requirements set forth by the bike rack manufacturer and the latest edition of the APBP Bicycle Parking Guidelines, or similarly acceptable industry publication.
         (f)   A minimum five-foot access aisle or maneuvering zone shall be provided for each bicycle parking facility.
      (9)   Vehicle charging stations. Parking lots shall provide at least one vehicle charging station for every 50 parking spaces, unless waived by the PZC. Plug-in points shall be associated with an individual parking space and shall be installed according to appropriate design standards, as approved by the Director. Plug-in points are exempt from the service structure screening requirements of division (D)(3) of this section.
      (10)   Loading areas.
         (a)   Number. The minimum number of loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the loading space requirements table below. Requirements may be modified upon approval of a parking plan and upon making the determination that another measure would be more appropriate because of the number or type of deliveries experienced by a particular business or use.
Table 4: Minimum Loading Spaces Required
Per Principal Structure
25,001 - 50,000 sq. ft. GFA
1 space
50,001 - 100,000 sq. ft. GFA
2 spaces
100,001 sq. ft. and above GFA
3 spaces
         (b)   Location. Loading/unloading areas and docks shall be prohibited in the front yard. Loading or unloading spaces or docks are prohibited within 50 feet of any residential zoning district or use unless completely enclosed or screened from view in accordance with the Zoning Code.
         (c)   Design requirements.
            1.   An alley or front service drive may be used where a single loading space is required. In all cases, service vehicles must be able to maneuver on-site without interfering with travel on a public street, with off-street parking or the normal movement of vehicles and pedestrians on-site.
            2.   Loading spaces separate from docks shall be at least 12 feet wide, 30 feet long and 14 feet high for adequate clearance.
            3.   Loading docks shall be permitted on front elevations facing a public street. Loading docks shall not be permitted to face abutting residential uses.
         (d)   All service vehicles and/or fleet parking must be maintained within appropriately screened areas and shall not be placed forward of the structure.
   (H)   Circulation and access.
      (1)   Rights-of-way dedication. Private development shall include the dedication of rights-of-way for the future expansion and widening of public roads to serve properties in accordance with the city’s Thoroughfare Plan.
      (2)   Site access. All access from public rights-of-way shall be provided at locations approved by the city for the purposes of access management and safety. Cross access easements shall be provided for all shared driveways, and all sites shall comply with the city’s Administrative Policy for Intersection Visibility Triangles at proposed access points. Cross access easements shall extend all the way to the property line.
      (3)   Construction durability. All private drives, parking areas, pedestrian paths, and sidewalks shall meet at least the minimum requirements established by the city.
      (4)   Paths and connections.
         (a)   Public access easements shall be provided in all cases where shared-use paths are provided through a site and not along a public street.
         (b)   Installation of sidewalks and shared-use paths on site shall be made in compliance with the Dublin Corporate Area Plan and other city plans and policies.
         (c)   Pedestrian access shall be provided from all building entrances to public sidewalks along the street right-of-way. Continual maintenance of all access on a site shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
         (d)   A minimum four-foot sidewalk shall be required along the edge of all parking lots on sides adjacent to buildings to adequately facilitate pedestrian access into the building.
   (I)   Signs. Signs shall comply with §§ 153.150 through 153.164 unless specifically provided for in the following section or by the approval of a Master Sign Plan per § 153.048 (Master Sign Plan). In the case of conflicts, regulations for the MUR Zoning Districts will prevail.
      (1)   Table of height, area, & setbacks. Table 5 shall provide for the implementation of sign requirements for the MUR Zoning Districts:
Table 5: Sign Regulations
Wall Signs
Monument Signs
Window Signs
Projecting Signs
(Wall or Post Mounted)
Maximum Area
(sq. ft.)
Maximum Height (ft.)
Maximum Area
(sq. ft.)
Maximum Height (ft.)
Minimum Setback (ft.)
Maximum Area
(sq. ft.)
Maximum Area
(sq. ft.)
Maximum Height (ft.)
Minimum Setback (ft.)
MUR-4 (day cares, tutoring services, government services, safety)
MUR-4 (office, general and medical, professional/technical training, research and development
MUR-4 (other uses not listed)
MUR-4 (joint identification)
      (2)   Table of numbers. The following summarizes the number of signs permitted within the MUR Zoning Districts. The intent of the Districts is that each site is permitted one monument and wall or projecting sign as its primary identification. For designated uses an additional window sign can be used to identify main entrances. An additional sign may be permitted in instances where support services available to the public area integrated within the first floor of a primary structure such as a large office complex. In no case shall more than one sign identifying a particular business be oriented toward the same property line.
Table 6: Sign Type and Number
Sign Type
Number Permitted
Wall Sign
   1 sign per building or use.
   For multiple street frontages, 1 sign per frontage, not to exceed a total of 2 (provided a minimum of 100 feet of frontage on each street).
   For multi-user buildings where tenants have individual entrances, 1 wall sign per tenant space is permitted to a size as defined by the Sign Code.
   In larger office/research complexes with multiple building wings connected by a shared atrium, 1 wall sign may be permitted for each wing.
Monument Sign
   1 sign per lot or multiple lots if devoted to one specific use or user.
   For multiple street frontages, 1 sign per frontage, not to exceed a total of 2 (provided a minimum 100 feet of frontage on each street).
Window Signs
   1 sign per business or use when the use has an individual entrance (in addition to any monument, wall, or projecting sign).
Projecting Signs
   Generally limited to 1 per building or use.
      (3)   Joint identification signs. No more than four tenant panels may be provided on one monument sign. Tenant panels must include a frame to visually separate the individual panels.
      (4)   Wall signs. Based upon the specific architecture of buildings, wall signs may be administratively approved by the PZC at a greater building height, not to exceed the primary roof line.
      (5)   Secondary image. Secondary images for signs within the MUR Zoning Districts may be designed up to 30% of the maximum permitted area of the sign face.
      (6)   Sign types. To better accommodate contemporary architecture, sites permitted multiple signs may utilize a combination of sign types.
      (7)   Sign lighting. Signs may be illuminated per the requirements in § 153.159(E) except that no internally illuminated signs shall be located on a building wall that faces a residential zoning district or use.
   (J)   Site lighting. The lighting standards within this section are intended to allow adequate nighttime lighting to protect public safety while also protecting adjacent residential uses, where applicable, from excessive nighttime light and glare, protecting motorists from glare among public rights-of-way, reducing consumption of electricity for lighting purposes, and prohibiting excessive light trespass beyond property lines.
      (1)   Exemptions.
         (a)   Pedestrian walkway ground lighting; and
         (b)   Street lighting.
      (2)   Fixture power and efficiency. All light fixtures shall meet the standards in Table 7.
Table 7: Fixture Power and Efficiency
Maximum permitted initial lamp lumens per sq. ft.
9.7 lumens/sq. ft.
Maximum lamp allowance
44,000 lumens
Minimum lumens per watt or energy consumed (as documented by manufacturers specifications or results of an independent testing laboratory)
80 lumens/watt
      (3)   Shielding.
         (a)   All exterior light sources and lamps that emit more than 900 lumens shall be concealed or shielded with an Illuminations Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) full cut-off style fixture with an angle not exceeding 90 degrees to minimize the potential glare and unnecessary diffusion on surrounding property. No portion of the lamp, reflector, lens, or refracting system may extend beyond the housing or shield, with the exception of pedestrian lighting.
         (b)   All light sources shall be designed, located, and installed so that the light source is not directly visible from any surrounding property in a residential district.
      (4)   Lighting uniformity. Lighting across a horizontal surface shall have an average range from one to three footcandles.
      (5)   Light trespass. Light generated on site shall not add more than one footcandle to illumination levels at any point at grade level ten feet beyond the property line.
      (6)   Lighting plans. Lighting plans submitted as part of applicable minor projects or final development plans shall include existing lighting from streets and surrounding buildings developed under these standards, and proposed lighting generated from light poles and building lighting.
      (7)   Light poles.
         (a)   The base of light poles in parking areas and non-parking areas shall be either flush with grade or mounted on a concrete foundation projecting no more than six inches above grade.
         (b)   Light poles should be a maximum of 20 feet in height.
      (8)   Wall lighting.
         (a)   Decorative wall lighting may be used to provide up-lighting, downlighting, or other types of lighting accents for buildings within the MUR Districts.
         (b)   Decorative lighting shall not exceed 900 lumens unless installed and shielded in accordance with this section.
         (c)   Ground or pole-mounted floodlights are not permitted for facade lighting.
   (K)   Utility undergrounding and screening.
      (1)   In the MUR Zoning Districts, all utility lines including but not limited to water supply, sanitary sewer service, electricity, telephone and gas, and their connections or feeder lines shall be placed underground.
      (2)   All utility connections shall be kept to the rear or the side of the building, out of view or screened. Applicants shall coordinate with utility providers to site transformers and other similar utility structures to the rear or sides of buildings, or otherwise out of view or screened.
      (3)   Existing above-ground utility lines shall be required to be buried with the provision of new streets, or as otherwise required by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 86-21, passed 12-6-21)