(A) Preliminary development plan. In the review of proposed planned developments, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall determine whether or not the preliminary development plan complies with the following criteria. In the event the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that the proposed preliminary development plan does not comply with a preponderance of these criteria, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall disapprove the application:
(1) The proposed development is consistent with the purpose, intent and applicable standards of the Zoning Code;
(2) The proposed development is in conformity with Community Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Bikeway Plan, and other adopted plans or portions thereof as they may apply and will not unreasonably burden the existing street network;
(3) The proposed development advances the general welfare of the city and immediate vicinity and will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding areas;
(4) The proposed uses are appropriately located in the city so that the use and value of property within and adjacent to the area will be safeguarded;
(5) Proposed residential development will have sufficient open space areas that meet the objectives of the Community Plan;
(6) The proposed development respects the unique characteristic of the natural features and protects the natural resources of the site;
(7) Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage, retention and/or necessary facilities have been or are being provided;
(8) Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress designed to minimize traffic congestion on the surrounding public streets and to maximize public safety and to accommodate adequate pedestrian and bike circulation systems so that the proposed development provides for a safe, convenient and non-conflicting circulation system for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians;
(9) The relationship of buildings and structures to each other and to such other facilities provides for the coordination and integration of this development within the PD and the larger community and maintains the image of Dublin as a quality community;
(10) The density, building gross floor area, building heights, setbacks, distances between buildings and structures, yard space, design and layout of open space systems and parking areas, traffic accessibility and other elements having a bearing on the overall acceptability of the development plans contribute to the orderly development of land within the city;
(11) Adequate provision is made for storm drainage within and through the site so as to maintain, as far as practicable, usual and normal swales, water courses and drainage areas;
(12) The design, site arrangement, and anticipated benefits of the proposed development justify any deviation from the standard development regulations included in the Zoning Code or Subdivision Regulation, and that any such deviations are consistent with the intent of the Planned Development District regulations;
(13) The proposed building design meets or exceeds the quality of the building designs in the surrounding area and all applicable appearance standards of the city;
(14) The proposed phasing of development is appropriate for the existing and proposed infrastructure and is sufficiently coordinated among the various phases to ultimately yield the intended overall development;
(15) The proposed development can be adequately serviced by existing or planned public improvements and not impair the existing public service system for the area;
(16) The applicant's contributions to the public infrastructure are consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan and are sufficient to service the new development.
(B) Final development plan. In the review of proposed planned developments, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall determine whether or not the proposed development, as depicted on the final development plan, complies with the following:
(1) The plan conforms in all pertinent respects to the approved preliminary development plan provided however, that the Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize plans as specified in § 153.053(E)(4);
(2) Adequate provision is made for safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular circulation within the site and to adjacent property;
(3) The development has adequate public services and open spaces;
(4) The development preserves and is sensitive to the natural characteristics of the site in a manner that complies with the applicable regulations set forth in this code;
(5) The development provides adequate lighting for safe and convenient use of the streets, walkways, driveways, and parking areas without unnecessarily spilling or emitting light onto adjacent properties or the general vicinity;
(6) The proposed signs, as indicated on the submitted sign plan, will be coordinated within the PUD and with adjacent development; are of an appropriate size, scale, and design in relationship with the principal building, site, and surroundings; and are located so as to maintain safe and orderly pedestrian and vehicular circulation;
(7) The landscape plan will adequately enhance the principal building and site; maintain existing trees to the extent possible; buffer adjacent incompatible uses; break up large expanses of pavement with natural material; and provide appropriate plant materials for the buildings, site, and climate;
(8) Adequate provision is made for storm drainage within and through the site which complies with the applicable regulations in this code and any other design criteria established by the city or any other governmental entity which may have jurisdiction over such matters;
(9) If the project is to be carried out in progressive stages, each stage shall be so planned that the foregoing conditions are complied with at the completion of each stage;
(10) The Commission believes the project to be in compliance with all other local, state and federal laws and regulations.
(Ord. 75-03, passed 5-3-04)
(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(B) Plan definitions.
(1) CONCEPT PLAN. A plan that generally indicates the overall design of a proposed PUD project with sufficient information to enable the applicant and the city to discuss the concept for the proposed development and to determine if the proposal is generally consistent with the Community Plan.
(2) FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. A detailed plan showing the location of all site improvements, including easements, utilities, buildings, parking areas, circulation routes, points of ingress and egress, transportation and other public improvements (both on- and off-site), landscaping, architectural drawings, loading and unloading zones, service areas, ground signage, directional signage, location of refuse containers, lighting and accessory structures, and may include a subdivision plat. Critical dimensions are shown unless otherwise indicated.
(3) PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD). Any unified development project for which a specific plan for development and related set of development regulations has been adopted concurrent with the zoning designation for a planned development. A planned development includes any project approved in a Planned Low-Density Residential District, Planned Commerce District, Planned Industrial Park District or Planned Unit Development District prior to the adoption of this subchapter.
(4) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD). A form of a planned development that includes one or more uses permitted by right or as conditional uses and which is established according to the requirements of § 153.052, or was approved as a PUD prior to the adoption of these regulations.
(5) PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN. A plan, submitted at the time of rezoning, outlining permitted and conditional land use development sites, major circulation patterns, critical natural areas to be preserved, open space areas and linkages, buffer areas, entryways, and major utilities and their relationship with surrounding uses. For the purposes of §§ 153.050 through 153.056, a preliminary development plan shall include a composite plan and any other development plan adopted prior to effective date of these regulations that are still in force.
(Ord. 75-03, passed 5-3-04)
(A) The primary purpose of the Bridge Street District (BSD) zoning districts is to implement the Bridge Street District Area Plan for development and redevelopment of the Bridge Street District consistent with the directions articulated in the Community Plan (Bridge Street District Area Plan). This is with the full recognition that the Plan may be revised and acknowledging that the illustrations in the Plan are conceptual and not regulatory. The community plan identifies the Bridge Street District as the centerpiece of the city with a focus on historic and cultural acknowledgment, preservation and creation of outstanding open spaces, and the presence of mixed use districts. These features allow for a wider range of choices for housing and employment, create interesting places and walkable districts, and enable buildings of lasting, memorable and high quality architectural character that maintain Dublin's commitment to exemplary planning and design.
(B) The Bridge Street District zoning districts are intended to bring to life the five Bridge Street District Vision Principles by enhancing economic vitality; integrating the new center into community life; embracing Dublin's natural setting and celebrating a commitment to environmental sustainability; expanding the range of choices available to Dublin and the region; and creating places that embody Dublin's commitment to community.
(C) Specific purposes.
(1) More specifically, the purpose of the Bridge Street District zoning districts is to promote development that creates an emerging center for urban lifestyles within a walkable, mixed-use urban environment that will enhance central Dublin's image as an exceptional location for high quality business investment.
(2) These districts are further intended to create places that embody Dublin's commitment to community through the preservation of those areas having architectural landmarks and traditional design, creating complete neighborhoods, and providing designs that honor human scale in their details. In addition, the Bridge Street District will continue to serve as a center of community for current and future Dublin residents.
(3) The BSD zoning districts also provide a simplified, but thorough, development review process that provides a high degree of predictability and consistency. The process also sustains Dublin's reputation for high quality development while allowing BSD property owners to compete efficiently and effectively in the marketplace.
(4) Because the Bridge Street District Area Plan is a transformative redevelopment concept designed for long-term implementation, a secondary purpose of the Bridge Street District zoning districts is to allow property owners the flexibility to take advantage of new and innovative business opportunities that are consistent with the Plan.
(D) Principles of walkable urbanism. To advance the purposes of the Bridge Street District zoning districts as described in divisions (A) through (C) of this section, the following principles of walkable urbanism will serve as a guiding framework to be used in the review of zoning and development proposals subject to the requirements of §§ 153.058 through 153.066. Individual principles may not apply in all circumstances, but should be used where appropriate to ensure the requirements and standards of these zoning districts are applied in a manner that contributes to the creation of walkable, mixed use urban environments as envisioned by the Bridge Street District Plan. In addition to the development requirements throughout §§ 153.058 through 153.066 intended to support walkability in the Bridge Street District, § 153.065(I) contains specific requirements for creating safe and comfortable pedestrian-oriented development desired by the city and consistent with the principles of walkable urbanism.
(1) General principles. The designs of buildings, streets, and open spaces within the Bridge Street District should contribute to the creation of an urban neighborhood pattern of development, characterized by:
(a) Quality architecture and urban design emphasizing beauty and human comfort and creating a sense of place;
(b) Pedestrian-friendly design that places a high priority on walking, bicycling and use of public transit;
(c) Creation of interesting and convenient destinations within walking distance for visitors as well as ordinary activities of daily living; and
(d) Respect for the natural environment.
(2) Streets, parking and transit. Streets should be capable of accommodating multiple modes of transportation and should facilitate the creation of a public realm designed primarily for people, characterized by:
(a) Streets and blocks arranged to allow for comfortable walking distances, to disperse traffic and to reduce the length of automobile trips;
(b) A connection to and enhancement of the existing street network;
(c) A recognition of the role of buildings and landscaping that contributes to the physical definition of streets as civic places;
(d) On-street public parking wherever possible;
(e) Shared parking and other strategies to reduce the size of surface parking lots and enable efficient and creative site design; and
(Ord. 07-12, passed 3-26-12; Am. Ord. 91-13, passed 11-18-13; Am. Ord. 114-14, passed 12-8-14; Am. Ord. 78-17, passed 11-20-17)
(A) Scope. The following Bridge Street District (BSD) districts are hereby created. The districts described by this section are intended to be used for all land within the Bridge Street District. Unless otherwise specifically noted, after the effective date of this amendment all development and redevelopment within the BSD zoning districts shall be consistent with § 153.057, General Purpose and subject to the regulations of §§ 153.058 through 153.066. Other provisions of Chapters 152 and 153 of the Dublin Code of Ordinances apply in the BSD zoning districts. Where there are conflicts, the provisions of §§ 153.058 through 153.066 shall prevail. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit an application for rezoning to any non-BSD zoning district provided in this chapter.
(B) Intent. The Bridge Street District zoning districts are generally based on the District Framework of the Bridge Street District Area Plan. The purpose of the Framework is to allow development regulations to be adapted to the unique conditions present in each area. Although each district is unique, the five vision principles are intended to create a cohesive area, based on the concepts of walkability and urban vitality to support the quality of life for residents of all generations. The titles of each district are intended to describe the predominant land use character and/or special geographic locations rather than a single type of use. The following further describes the intent of each BSD zoning district.
(1) BSD Residential. The intent of this district is to accommodate single-family, two-family, townhouse, live-work and multiple-family uses in mid-rise development. The BSD Residential district integrates existing and new residential developments to create true neighborhoods and add to the population base needed to help support nearby retail and office development. Uses are generally limited to residential and small-scale residential support uses, as listed in Table 153.059-A.
(2) BSD Office Residential. The intent of this district is to accommodate a mix of office and multiple-family residential development at higher densities and in larger buildings. This district offers great flexibility to take advantage of visibility and access for office uses, with opportunities to create residential neighborhoods to support the adjacent BSD zoning districts. Uses include a mix of residential, personal service, and commercial uses, as listed in
Table 153.059-A
(3) BSD Office. The intent of this district is to allow a mix of offices and retail support uses, as listed in Table 153.059-A. The BSD Office district provides significant additional development capacity and redevelopment opportunities that foster office uses with a walkable design along signature streets, and provides increased accessibility and an improved roadway network to ease traffic pressure along major roadways.
(4) BSD Commercial. This district applies generally to existing retail centers and other low-rise commercial uses, including single use freestanding retail buildings, as listed in Table 153.059-A. Properties initially zoned into this district may be eligible for rezoning to the BSD Vertical Mixed Use district or to other surrounding BSD zoning districts when future redevelopment to higher densities is desired.
(5) BSD Sawmill Center Neighborhood.
(a) This district applies to the majority of the commercial areas at the east end of the District. The standards of the BSD Sawmill Center Neighborhood create an active, walkable destination through integration of a strong mix of uses. Development within this district relies on the provision of physical and visual connections through improved access and enhanced visibility from Sawmill Road, and links to adjacent neighborhoods and open spaces.
(b) This district accommodates a wide variety of building types and permitted uses, as listed in
Table 153.059-A
. Redevelopment of the BSD Sawmill Center area creates a walkable, mixed use core as the east anchor of the District. The district is subject to the specific neighborhood standards defined in § 153.063(C), establishing open space patterns, location requirements for building types, and permitting pedestrian-oriented, mixed use shopping areas.
(6) BSD Historic Transition Neighborhood. This district complements the HD Historic Core district by accommodating a variety of building types within a finer grained street and block network and uses consistent with that district. It accommodates uses similar to those in the HD Historic Core district, as listed in Table 153.059-A. Development allows an extension of the walkable mixed use character of the HD Historic Core district on the larger parcels within this district. The district is subject to the specific neighborhood standards defined in § 153.063(D). These requirements establish open space patterns and location requirements for building types, provide additional residential opportunities, and extend the small scale commercial activities of the HD Historic Core district.
(7) BSD Indian Run Neighborhood.
(a) This district applies to the larger parcels north and west of the Indian Run and south of I-270, including adjacent properties fronting the north side of Bridge Street. The BSD Indian Run Neighborhood district is intended to develop as a new walkable, mixed use district that takes advantage of excellent highway visibility, an improved road network, and proximity to Historic Dublin and the natural areas flanking the Indian Run. Development within the district relies on a comprehensive road network providing connections within the Indian Run district and to the rest of the District, as well as sensitivity of development at its edges given its proximity to Historic Dublin and the Indian Run.
(b) This district accommodates a wide variety of building types and permitted uses, as listed in
Table 153.059-A
. Redevelopment of the area creates a walkable, mixed use core as the west anchor of the District. The district is subject to specific neighborhood standards defined in § 153.063(E). These regulations are intended to establish natural and man-made open space patterns; build pedestrian,bicycle, and vehicular networks; provide location requirements for building types; and foster a pedestrian-oriented, neighborhood scale mixed use shopping area.
(8) BSD Scioto River Neighborhood.
(a) The standards of the BSD Scioto River Neighborhood are intended to create an active, walkable destination through integration of a vibrant mix of uses. Development in this district is oriented toward the Scioto River and the public spaces along the riverfront, and includes important vehicular and bicycle links to adjacent neighborhoods and open spaces.
(b) This district accommodates a wide variety of building types and permitted uses, as listed in
Table 153.059-A
. Development of the BSD Scioto River Neighborhood area establishes a walkable, mixed-use core as the center of the Bridge Street District. The district is subject to the specific neighborhood standards defined in § 153.063(F), establishing open space patterns, location requirements for building types, and permitting pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use shopping areas.
(9) BSD Vertical Mixed Use. The intent of this district is to allow a wide variety of mid-rise, mixed use development, including vertical mixed use with ground floor retail, and large format retail with liner buildings, as listed in Table 153.059-A. It is intended to be available for areas initially zoned into the BSD Indian Run Neighborhood, BSD Scioto River Neighborhood and BSD Sawmill Center Neighborhood districts, once these areas are developed and the applicable neighborhood standards are no longer needed to establish the organization and hierarchy of places. The district may be applied to areas initially zoned to the BSD Commercial District or elsewhere in the Bridge Street District as may be deemed appropriate when future redevelopment to higher densities is desired. Accordingly, the district is not intended to be mapped at the time the BSD zoning districts are initially adopted.
(10) BSD Public. This district applies to a variety of public spaces and facilities, including but not limited to schools, parks, open spaces, and places that accommodate more intensive recreation, such as outdoor entertainment venues, as listed in Table 153.059-A. It also applies to lands in and adjacent to rivers and creeks on which development is limited due to inclusion in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated floodplain as regulated by this chapter, or lands that have special cultural or environmental sensitivity.
(Ord. 07-12, passed 3-26-12; Am. Ord. 91-13, passed 11-18-13; Am. Ord. 76-14, passed 8-25-14; Am. Ord. 114-14, passed 12-8-14; Am. Ord. 78-17, passed 11-20-17; Am. Ord. 03-21, passed 2-22-21)